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BetterGoat is a full-stack web application inspired by Evernote. It utilizes Ruby on Rails on the backend, a PostgreSQL database, and React.js with a Redux architectural framework on the frontend.


Features & Implementation

User Auth

Users are stored in the database with the columns: username, password_digest, and session_token.

Upon sign up of a new user, after meeting necessary validations for the user's password, the password is 'salted' and the resulting hash is stored in the database.

Upon login of a user, the password entered is salted based on the salt, preconfigured algorithm, and number of iterations of salt functions applied. The resulting hash is then compared to the password_digest stored in the database to validate the user's credentials.


Notes are stored in the database with the following columns: id, author_id, title, body, preview, notebook_id, and the timestamps created_at and updated_at.

Upon login, an AJAX API request is made to the database to receive all notes for the current user_id. The notes received from the database is stored in the store.

Notes are rendered through two components, the NotesIndexContainer and the NoteEditor. The NotesIndexContainer shows an index of individual notes based on the current show page and their previews.


By default, the most recently updated note is selected when the componentDidMount and held in the current note slice of state or a blank note is rendered depending on whether a note is shown for update or create. Upon selection of another note, an action is dispatched to replace the current note. This current note is available for editing and updating with various text manipulation tools through the use of Quill.js library within the NoteEditor component.

componentDidMount() {
  if(!this.props.formType) {
    this.setState({ title: "", preview: "", body: "" });
  } else {


Notebooks are stored in the database with the columns: title, author_id, and default. Each user is assigned a default notebook when signing up. Notes can change the Notebook they belong to through the use of a dropdown, which has selected the current notebook of the note. When creating a new note, the default Notebook for each user is selected.


When rendering the NotebookShow component, the NotesIndex component is rendered only including the notes belonging to a specific notebook through the route /home/notebook/:notebookId. Again, the most recently updated note belonging to the notebook is updated to the current note slice of state.

export const getNotesByNotebookId = ({notes}, notebookId) => {
  const notesByNotebook = [];
  for (let key in notes) {
    if(notes[key]['notebook_id'] === notebookId) {
  return notesByNotebook.sort(compare);


Tags are stored in the database with the columns: title, author_id. Tags are unique to each user. Using the taggings join table, there is a many-to-many relationship between notes and tags.

Each note that is fetched from the database using an API call has a collection of tag_ids. Using the tag_ids, the tags associated for each note is extracted from the tags slice of state to be display on the NoteEditor.


Future Directions for the Project


Work Chat


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