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Taal Open LiDAR Data Pages

Open Access of Lidar Data for Taal Eruption Affected Areas

With the Philippines being at constant risk from natural disasters, the UP Training Center for Applied Geodesy and Photogrammetry (UP TCAGP) is aware that adequate data is needed for disaster risk reduction planning and operations. And as an institution mandated to provide training and research services on geomatics, the UP TCAGP is equipped with the capacity to generate geospatial data for mapping and planning purposes.

As a response to the desire to provide better data for the implementation of this mandate, LiDAR data of the Taal Volcano and its surrounding areas, generated during the DREAM and Phil-LiDAR programs(data from 2014 - 2017) are hereby being released by the UP TCAGP for open access.

This allows anyone who wishes to utilize the data, e.g. planning and reconstruction, for their specific scientific research purposes (the use of the data for disaster risk reduction and resource management is highly encouraged) provided that proper citation will be given to the UP TCAGP and PHIL-LIDAR Program as the source of the data. Please note that while stringent QA/QC protocols were in place during the program operation, we cannot guarantee that the data is free of discrepancies, bugs or defects.

Sample hillshade visualization of the Tall Volcano Island (2017)

These datasets can be opened by most modern GIS software, and have a nominal spatial resolution of 1x1 m. From these high resolution information detailed 3D geovisualization e.g. hillshade can be created. The dataset can be also used for geomorphologic modelling of areas pre-disaster, data acquisition were between 2014 to 2017. Another sample use cases include the accurate determination of heights for building delineated from satellite imagery, given the DEMs 20 cm vertical accuracy.

These data are now available via or .

For further inquiries, you may contact the data archiving and distribution team of UP TCAGP at .

--updated 28012020--


  • What are LiDAR? Orthophotos? DSM? DTM?

LiDAR stands for Light Detection and Ranging. These datasets are derived from data acquired through the use of airborne LiDAR systems mounted on an airplane. The output of the LiDAR sensor is a 3D point cloud containing points that were scanned. Here is a link to the DREAM program sample product description for more information:

  • Is there a catch?

Yes, there is. You’ll have to cite the UP TCAGP and PHIL-LiDAR Program when you use the data, that’s it.

  • What’s the data license?

CC BY-SA 4.0 ( You’ll have to cite the program (see above) when you use the data. Its share a-like so products you derive or generate from the LiDAR datasets should be open too! (Meaning it should be free, no you can’t sell the data, but it does not mean you can’t charge for your data processing services if you want to. Hello GIS/CLUP consultants!)

  • What are the datasets openly accessible?

LiDAR data from the DREAM/Phil-LiDAR Program (Laz, DSM, DTM and Orthophotographs) within 20km from the Taal crater.

  • Will LiDAR data for other areas be openly accessible as well?

There are no plans yet, but you never know. If you need data for other areas and you’re working on a government, research, or academic project we freely (no payment) provide the data using: Do keep in mind that the program has ended in 2017, and former researchers are maintaining this as volunteer work, so try to be patient with your requests.

  • Can we download the data by bulk?

If you’re lazy and would like to download the whole dataset as a whole please log on to LiPAD as well. Perhaps when our volunteers have more time to develop the site. But for now, pag may tiyaga may nilaga!

  • How was the data created/processed?

Long story! If you have the time to read here are our data acquisition and processing reports found here Short answer, these we acquired, processed, and validated by Phil Lidar 1 program, specifically researchers from the University of the Philippines and Mapua University.

  • We want new data!

A quick Google search will show a number of Philippine commercial enterprises you can engage for LiDAR data acquisition, there are a handful of options around and we were not paid to plug anyone else but ourselves. If your area is greater than 100sq km, our lidar systems can be commissioned through the DREAM Commercial Services under the UP TCAGP. You may contact us through .

  • When were these taken?

Between 2014 to 2017.

  • Where is the metadata?

We know, we’re working on it. We’ll upload it as soon as we can should be downloadable in the same interface at a later time. But if you can’t wait, the pertinent details are in the technical reports mentioned above.

  • There seems to be some discrepancies in the data.

Like with any product, these were generated with a specific purpose in mind, the original being for flood mapping. Hence our product development pipeline prioritized QA/QC for that purpose. This means some checks might have been missed, in case you see any please let us know. We’ll look into it.

  • What can be done with these datasets?

The sky's the limit. Digital elevation models can be used for terrain modelling.Classified point clouds (Laz) can be reprocessed to generate your own DEMs. Together they can be used for various applications, not just for DRR. Phil-LiDAR 2 used these data to generate resource assessments and maps. You can get these datasets from:

** Agriculture: ParMap - ** Forestry: Frexls - ** Coastal: Coastmap -

--updated 31012020--


Webpage and visualization built using the following opensource projects: Leaflet - Potree - Entwine -


We would like to thank UP, UP OVCRD, DOST, DOST PCIEERD, and Mapua University for their concurrence in opening these datasets. A very big thank you to all the previous Phil-LiDAR researchers who generated these datasets (see all their names on reports posted above).

The web map interface, data cleaning, checking, and preparation was done by volunteer work by our current and former researchers from UP TCAGP namely: Benjamin Dag, Benjamin Jiao, Benjamin Magallon, Cham Mamador, Ian Panganiban, Julius Sempio, Rk Aranas, and Rodel Ismael.

For other queries please contact us at


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