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ShreddedPaper is in public beta. Most features work for most players most of the time, however things can occasionally break.

1.20.6 Purpur fork that brings vertical scaling to Minecraft.


  • Allows multiple threads to work together to run a single world
    • When ticking a chunk on one thread, all other chunks in a certain radius are locked so that only this thread has access to them, preventing any race conditions between threads.

See for more information on how ShreddedPaper works.

Developing a plugin for a multi-threaded server

In summary, a plugin must be careful of:

  • Different threads updating certain data at the same time.
  • One thread reading data while it is being updated by another thread.
  • Code is to be executed on the chunk's thread, not simply the main thread.

See here for a more detailed tutorial

If your plugin already has support for Folia it is highly likely that it will already work with ShreddedPaper without any changes.
If you have a Folia check similar to the following:

try {
    return true;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    return false;

You should remove it and instead check of the existence of Paper's region api:

try {
    return true;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
    return false;

Using the ShreddedPaper API as a dependency

Clojars Project

Add the following into your build.gradle:

repositories {
  maven {
    url ""

dependencies {
  compile "com.github.puregero:shreddedpaper-api:1.20.6-R0.1-SNAPSHOT"

Or in your pom.xml:




  • You need git installed, with a configured user name and email. On windows you need to run from git bash.
  • You need jdk 21+ installed to compile (and jre 21+ to run)

Build instructions:

  1. Patch paper with: ./gradlew applyPatches
  2. Build the shreddedpaper jars with: ./gradlew shadowjar createReobfPaperclipJar
  3. Get the shreddedpaper jar from build/libs

Publishing to maven local

Publish to your local maven repository with: ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Note for mac users: The latest macOS version includes an incompatible version of diff and you'll need to install a compatible one. Use brew install diffutils to install it, and then reopen the terminal window.

If diff --version returns the following, it is incompatible and will not work:

Apple diff (based on FreeBSD diff)


All code is licensed under GPLv3.


ShreddedPaper uses PaperMC's paperweight framework found here.