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Ansible playbook to configure a home server


Still In Progress


  • Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS
  • First installation should be finished before this playbook to run

Recommended configurations

  • Boot system and root in a dedicated SSD drive with the default ext4 partitioning and stores nothing but OS
  • All other drives are formatted into ZFS pools
    • a "fast" pool with 2 SSD in a mirror mode (~256Gb each)
      • to store applications data, caches and other I/O demanded files
    • a "slow" pool with 2 HDD in a mirror mode (~2Tb each)
      • to store media files or other big amoung of applications data (like photos or documents)
    • a "very big and slow" pool with 1 HDD in a stripe mode (~8Tb)
      • to store big files that doesn't need to be redundant or backed up (for example, something that easily retractable from the internet)


  • Users
    • apps to run all non-priviliged contaners
    • homessh to connect via ssh
    • sambashare to connect to SMB share via clients
  • Variables
    • with prefix g_
      • described in group_vars/all.yml
      • meant to be "global" across the whole homeserver
      • to store all global values except passwords/secrets
    • with prefix v_
      • described in vars/vault.yml
      • meant to store passwords and secrets
      • encrypted with password written in .vault_pass file
      • not supposed to be shared and should be stored only localy
    • with prefix p_
      • described in main.yaml (the entrypoint-playbook) in vars section
      • meant to be playbook-run scoped variables
    • another prefixes like bkrs_
      • described in a dedicated role's defaults directory
      • meant to be a role-scoped variables aka "role's input parameters"
  • Permissions
    • 0644 - More relevant for files
      • Owner can read & write.
      • Group and Other can only read
    • 0754 - More relevant for directories
      • Owner can everything
      • Group can read and "open" directory (see what inside), but can't write
      • Other can only see the directory, but can't "go inside" nor write.
  • Directory structure
    • / only for OS
    • /mnt/pools to mount ZFS pools
    • /mnt/pools/<fast|slow>/apps-data/<app's name> stores all stuff dedicated to the given app directly
    • /mnt/pools/fast/docker/data-root is dedicated to store all docker related stuff instead of /var/lib/docker
  • Files Structure

Docker daemon configuration

  "data-root": "/mnt/pools/fast/docker/data-root",
  "storage-driver": "overlay2", // no needs to use zfs-driver since zfs 2.0
  "log-driver": "json-file", // for 'promtail' and 'loki'
  "log-opts": {
    "max-size": "1m",
    "max-file": "1"
  "metrics-addr" : "", // for 'prometheus'
  "experimental" : true



  • Configure observability
    • Configure Docker containers observability with Loki/Prometheus/Grafana
    • Configure internal bridges between Prometheus and apps that pushes metrics
      • Fix docker metrics providing
      • Fix immich metrics providing
    • Configure host logs and metrics
      • Install Promtail to push /var/log/* logs to Loki
      • Push Storage/RAM/CPU of host machine to Prometheus
      • Collect ZFS related metrics
        • Error rate
        • Datasets
        • Snapshots
  • Configure Samba
  • Configure reverse-proxy
  • Configure HTTPS
  • Configure backups
    • Install backrest
    • Schedule local backups
    • Shedule remote backups
      • WebDAV MailRu Cloud
      • Google Drive
      • Yandex.Disk
      • Mega
      • Backblaze B2 (?)
    • Configure DB dumps
    • Configure auto snapshoting
    • Configure backuping from snapshots
  • Configure remote access without public exposure
    • Choose between Tailscale and Wireguard
  • Configure local DNS

Docker Applications

"Bare metal" Applications


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