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Instabrain is a python tool for decoding fMRI patterns in real-time. This processing includes (1) motion correction using existing packages such as AFNI or FSL, (2) time series processing of voxel activities using NumPy and SciPy, and (3) decoding using PyMVPA classifiers.


For now, just install dependencies. Some day, this will be a package.

python 2.7

pip install -r requirements.txt

python 3

pip3 install -r requirements.txt



The instabrain/display code is a sample PsychoPy program to display decoded neurofeedback (e.g. Shibata et al. (2011)). The main script is configured using game_config.yml. A basic flask server ( is provided to accept feedback data over the network, but any HTTP server can be used to accept data and pass it to your own custom display script.


Instabrain uses PyMVPA classifiers by default. The sample localizer/ script trains a PyMVPA classifier that is saved into a python-readable pickled file called clf.p. Any PyMVPA classifier object, created using your own custom script, can be pickled for use in real-time feedback.


The main feedback calculation script is realtime/ This script must be run with reference data (-s subject_id) and a configuration file (-c study_name). There are also optional flags for debugging with pre-recorded data (-d) and logging performance (-l).

Reference data

There are two required reference files: a reference functional (EPI) image (realtime/ref/subject_id/rfi.nii) and a PyMVPA classifier (realtime/ref/subject_id/clf.p). The reference functional image must be in the same resolution as the incoming realtime data. rfi.nii should be a single volume, or averaged volume from the localizer session, and all images used to train clf.p should be motion corrected to rfi.nii.

A third, optional reference file is class.txt. This can be used by the front-end display/ to determine which of the classifier outputs to use as the feedback value. For example, in decoded neurofeedback experiment, feedback should be provided from only one of the classifier outputs. In Shibata et al. (2011), each participant received feedback from one of three (randomly chosen) target stimuli. The file class.txt should contain an integer value of which of the n classes to use as feedback (e.g., if there are 3 classes, it must contain a number from 1 to 3). If this file is not provided, the realtime/ script will supply -1 as the target class, and it is up to you (in your custom display script) to determine how you want to calculate your displayed feedback value from the n provided classifier outputs.

Configuration file

The configuration file should be named after the study being performed. A sample configuration is provided in realtime/config/default.yml. For each study, a new config/my_study_name.yml file should be created.

A rundown of the configuration parameters is as follows:

file processing

watch-dir: path/to/directory of the directory where incoming images will appear

recon-script: path/to/ of the path to the remote reconstruction script

archive-data: True or False value or whether or not to save realtime data. Should only be set to True during benchmarking and debugging


post-url: http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:PORT/post_directory to send realtime data via POST requests

imaging params

baseline-trs: integer of the number of TRs to use for baseline calculation

feedback-trs: integer containing number of TRs per run, not including baseline TRs

data processing

moving-avg-trs: integer containing number of TRs to use for moving average

mc-mode: string containing either AFNI or FSL used to determined which motion correction will be used (AFNI's 3dvolreg or FSL's mcflirt)

MRI sequence

multiband: True or False value indicating whether the sequence is multiband or not


The -d flag makes the watcher look for real-time data in the instabrain/data folder instead of from the MRI scanner. Only use this flag if you are testing instabrain away from the scanner.

The -l flag indicates whether performance logs should be recorded. Only use this flag if you are benchmarking performance.

Running the realtime/ script

The script should be run from within the realtime folder. The /proc folder is used for storing temporary files during motion correction.

Running is simple as long as the required python packages have been installed and a motion correction script (either AFNI's 3dvolreg or FSL's mcflirt) is in the system's PATH variable. For example, if a subject bert has been scanned in a localizer session, the files realtime/ref/bert/rfi.nii and realtime/ref/bert/clf.p must be created from this session. If we wish to run bert in a study called cool_neurofeedback_study, we must also create a realtime/config/cool_neurofeedback_study.yml containing the custom configuration for our experiment. Then, the experiment can be run using python -s bert -c cool_neurofeedback_study. Add the debugging or logging booleans (e.g. python -s subjid -c myconfig -d -l) to enable those functionalities.

Some day, a Docker implementation will be provided. This will ease the AFNI/FSL requirements by automatically including them in the Docker image. You will have to create your own ref and config folders wherever you like on your host machine, including the data of your participants and studies. Then, you will provide these folders, as well as your subject ID and study name to a custom script, which will run instabrain as normal.


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