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File metadata and controls

202 lines (121 loc) · 8.44 KB


The ServiceContent data object defines properties for the ServiceInstance managed object. The ServiceInstance itself does not have directly-accessible properties because reading the properties of a managed object requires the use of a property collector, and the property collector itself is a property of the ServiceInstance . For this reason, use the method RetrieveServiceContent to retrieve the ServiceContent object.

rootFolder (vim.Folder):

Reference to the top of the inventory managed by this service.

propertyCollector (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector):

Reference to a per-session object for retrieving properties and updates.

viewManager (vim.view.ViewManager, optional):

A singleton managed object for tracking custom sets of objects.

about (vim.AboutInfo):

Information about the service, such as the software version.

setting (vim.option.OptionManager, optional):

Generic configuration for a management server. This is for example by vCenter to store the vCenter Settings. This is not used for a stand-alone host, instead the is used.See HostConfigManager

userDirectory (vim.UserDirectory, optional):

A user directory managed object.

sessionManager (vim.SessionManager, optional):

Managed object for logging in and managing sessions.

authorizationManager (vim.AuthorizationManager, optional):

Manages permissions for managed entities in the service.

serviceManager (vim.ServiceManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that manages local services.

perfManager (vim.PerformanceManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that manages the collection and reporting of performance statistics.

scheduledTaskManager (vim.scheduler.ScheduledTaskManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that manages scheduled tasks.

alarmManager (vim.alarm.AlarmManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that manages alarms.

eventManager (vim.event.EventManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that manages events.

taskManager (vim.TaskManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that manages tasks.

extensionManager (vim.ExtensionManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that manages extensions.

customizationSpecManager (vim.CustomizationSpecManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that manages saved guest customization specifications.

customFieldsManager (vim.CustomFieldsManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that managed custom fields.

accountManager (, optional):

A singleton managed object that manages host local user and group accounts.

diagnosticManager (vim.DiagnosticManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that provides access to low-level log files.

licenseManager (vim.LicenseManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that manages licensing

searchIndex (vim.SearchIndex, optional):

A singleton managed object that allows search of the inventory

fileManager (vim.FileManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that allows management of files present on datastores.

datastoreNamespaceManager (vim.DatastoreNamespaceManager, optional):

Datastore Namespace manager. A singleton managed object that is used to manage manipulations related to datastores' namespaces.

virtualDiskManager (vim.VirtualDiskManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that allows management of virtual disks on datastores.

virtualizationManager (vim.VirtualizationManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that manages the discovery, analysis, recommendation and virtualization of physical machines

snmpSystem (, optional):

A singleton managed object that allows SNMP configuration. Not set if not supported on a particular platform.

vmProvisioningChecker (vim.vm.check.ProvisioningChecker, optional):

A singleton managed object that can answer questions about the feasibility of certain provisioning operations.

vmCompatibilityChecker (vim.vm.check.CompatibilityChecker, optional):

A singleton managed object that can answer questions about compatibility of a virtual machine with a host.

ovfManager (vim.OvfManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that can generate OVF descriptors (export) and create vApps (single-VM or vApp container-based) from OVF descriptors (import).

ipPoolManager (vim.IpPoolManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that supports management of IpPool objects. IP pools are used when allocating IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to vApps.

dvSwitchManager (vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualSwitchManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that provides relevant information of DistributedVirtualSwitch.

hostProfileManager (, optional):

A singleton managed object that manages the host profiles.

clusterProfileManager (vim.profile.cluster.ProfileManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that manages the cluster profiles.

complianceManager (vim.profile.ComplianceManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that manages compliance aspects of entities.

localizationManager (vim.LocalizationManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that provides methods for retrieving message catalogs for client-side localization support.

storageResourceManager (vim.StorageResourceManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that provides methods for storage resource management.

guestOperationsManager (vim.vm.guest.GuestOperationsManager, optional):

A singleton managed object that provides methods for guest operations.