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This is a sample application portal with fluentValidation and localization support. It is built with ASP.NET Core 5.0 (API) and Aurelia (SPA).

Build (Development)

To run, you need nodejs (> v10) and .net5.0 sdk (or runtime) installed on your machine. In the .Web project root folder, run the command dotnet run

This should restore all packages and install the necessary nuget packages. Browse the application via https://localhost:5001/


  • Depending on the current setup on your machine, you might run into some 'Microsoft PackageDependencyResolution.targets' errors. Typically, you require MSBuild 16.8 and NuGet version 5.8 (or above) to run .net5.0 applications. The quickest resolution route is simply to install Visual Studio 19 (Version 16.8) and all will be fine. Goodluck finding a different hack.

  • If you have never worked with Webpack on your machine, you might also encounter some annoying errors like "'webpack-dev-server' is not recognized as an internal or external command" Again, the quickest resolution route is to simply install webpack-dev-server in your machine. Run npm install -g webpack-dev-server on your command prompt.

IIS Express via Visual Studio

If you are opening the project on visual studio and your launch profile is IIS Express, you would need to make a few modifications to the baseUrl specified in Aurelia's environment.json file. You would find the relevant dotnet api applicationUrl & ssl port in the iisSettings -> iisExpress section of your launchSettings.json file. It is currently set to http://localhost:49128 and port 44355

Open the environment.json file in the folder ~/ClientApp/config/environment.json and replace the baseUrl with https://localhost:44355/ then run the application(with IIS Express option on visual studio).

Deploy (Production)

To publish and run this application in production, run the following command in your .Web project root folder dotnet publish -c Release

Your deployed application(.exe) is available in the location: ~/bin/release/net5.0/publish folder. Run it and navigate to https://localhost:5001/


Sample job application web portal.






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