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Eventure is a WebApp created for selling tickets for various events (i.e. concerts, DJ parties, Sports event tickets and many more...) on online platform.


Documentation for this project can be found here


If you want to see this video in youtube, then here is the link

Key feature of Eventure WebApp:

  • It has a Microservice architecture
  • It runs in a docker container which is maintained by Kubernetes and Skaffold
  • Handles concurrency
  • All microservices are hosted differently in the docker container, and it communicates with one another using the async communication technique (event-bus)
  • If certain services go down, then too other services will be fully functional.
  • Simple implemented search feature by their title

Why to use Microservices Architecture?

Let's take an example to understand it easily.

  • Have you ever booked an Indian railway ticket? If yes, then you might have surely experienced that servers are sometimes hangy (gets hangs) and slow down very frequently.

  • So, why is it happening? The main reason is the Single Monolithic Server can't handle that much traffic at a time and need to add more servers at that movement which is somehow hard.

  • So, By keeping all these problems in mind. Eventure WebApp is created using microservices architecture which can be easily scaled using Kubernetes.

Tech Implemented:

  • FrontEnd:
    • next.js
    • react
    • bootstrap
    • language used: javascript
  • BackEnd:
    • Language used: typescript
    • mongoose
    • NATS streaming server as an event bus
    • Jest for testing
    • Redis server for performing jobs and stripe for performing payments

Installation Info (locally):


Docker, Kubernetes, and Skaffold should be installed and configured. (Also, required ingress-nginx installed for Windows and MacOS users and enabled in minikube for Ubuntu)

  • Clone the project and install it locally by using

    git clone
  • Go to every services folder (i.e auth, client, event-srv, expiration, orders, payment) and install required package using

    npm install
  • After installing the required packages, try running test in auth, event-srv, orders and payment service by going to each folder and running

    npm run test
  • Check and verify that each test passes and if you are facing any issue than try reinstalling and also verify that all package are available.

Note: Common folder is the submodule which orginally shared the common source code between each services which has been published on npm websites. Nothing that much important if you delete that submodule.

  • After testing and installing package make you you have ingress-nginx enable on your system. Now go to you host file

In Windows: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts In Linux\MacOS: \etc\hosts Edit it at the bottom add and save it

  • If you are using minikube then run minikube ip And use that ip instead of (i.e. minikube_ip

So, this edit tries to run locally instead of finding it online via browser

Now after completing all the above steps and configuration, let's run the application.

Running it locally:

  • Now, you need to create three Kubernetes secrets in order to run this. So just edit the three given commands values as per the requirement

  • For JWT:

    kubectl create secret generic jwt-secret --from-literal=JWT_KEY=<'JWT key you want to keep for auth'>
  • For stripe private key:

    kubectl create secret generic stripe-secret --from-literal=STRIPE_KEY=<'use private key given by stripe'>
  • For stripe public key:

    kubectl create secret generic stripe-p-secret --from-literal=STRIPE_P_KEY=<'use public key given by stripe'>
  • Now, just run

    skaffold dev

and it will start the application.

Resource link:

For get into docker.

For get into kubernetes.

If you want to use minikube.

For insatlling skaffold.

Get info about ingress-nginx setup.

Future Updates:

  • Adding the functionality of buying multiple tickets at a time.
  • Adding socketIO for creating realtime communication system.
  • Adding the functionality of adding a custom image and background for individual event by the organizer.
  • Adding credit system. (just like in steam app, for buying and selling tickets as at present after selling the ticket the seller is getting nothing)
  • Adding the various categories for the event

Issues and Contribution:

  • If you found bug or facing problem in something.
  • If you got any new idea

then just raise an issue here.

If you want to contribute then, see and