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Deeg is a static, object-oriented, strongly-typed language that has powerful and efficient features, including type inferencing, list comprehensions, optionals, string interpolation and first class functions. Deeg compiles nicely into JavaScript. Deeg is the future, and if you don't think so, then you are living in the past, buddy.

List of Features

  • First class functions
  • Optional parameters/default parameters
  • Terminal 'end' instead of curly braces
  • Parenthesis are optional, except for functions
  • Optionals
  • .deeg file extension
  • String Interpolation
  • Type Inference
  • "make" usage
  • Specify type with :, optionaly specifying as optional with trailing ?
  • List Comprehensions
  • Pattern Matching


The rules here are ordered. Matches are attempted from top to bottom.

newline        ::= (\s* \r* \n*)+
letter         ::= [a-zA-Z]
digit          ::= [0-9]
keyword        ::= 'make' | 'to' 
                 | 'deeg' | 'end' | 'thru' | 'till' | 'by' 
                 | 'and' | 'or' | 'exists' | 'unless' 
                 | 'if'  | 'else' | 'then'
                 | 'not' | 'true' | 'false'
                 | 'for' | 'while' | 'does' | 'count' | 'counts'
                 | 'match' | 'with' 
id             ::= letter (letter | digit | '_')*
intlit         ::= digit+
floatlit       ::= digit+ '.' digit+ <!-- ([Ee] [+-]? digit+)? -->
relop          ::= '<' | '<=' | '==' | '!=' | '>=' | '>'
addop          ::= '+' | '-'
mulop          ::= '*' | '/' | '%'
prefixop       ::= '-' | 'not' | '!'
boollit        ::= 'true' | 'false'
escape         ::= [\\] [rnst'"\\] 
char           ::= [^\p{Cc}'"\\] | escape
stringlit      ::= ('"' char* '"') | (\x27 char* \x27)
comment        ::= '#' [^\n]* newline
                 | '###' .*? '###'
type           ::= 'bool' | 'int' | 'float' | 'string'


format can be directly input into Gunther Rademacher's Railroad Diagram Generator

Program        ::= Block
Block          ::= (Stmt newline)*

Stmt           ::= WhileStmt | ForStmt | MatchStmt | IfStmt
                 | ReturnStmt | ClassDef | Binding
                 | Exp | VarDeclaration

ClassDef       ::= 'class' id ('extends' id)? (newline Block | Stmt) 'end'
IfStmt         ::= 'if' Exp 'then' (newline Block | Stmt) ('else if' Exp 'then' (newline Block | Stmt))* ('else' (newline Block | Stmt ))? 'end'
WhileStmt      ::= 'while' Exp 'then' (newline Block 'end' | Stmt 'end')

MatchStmt      ::= 'match' Exp 'with' newline PatBlock 'end'

PatBlock       ::= (Patline newline)*
Patline        ::= '>>' Patterns ('if' Exp)? 'then' Stmt
Patterns       ::= Pattern ('|' Pattern)*
Pattern        ::= (Exp | WildCard) Type?

ForStmt        ::= 'for' (StdFor | CountFor | CountsFor) 'then' (newline Block 'end' | Stmt 'end')

StdFor         ::= id Type? 'in' Exp (',' id Type? 'in' Exp)*
CountsFor      ::= id 'counts' Exp
CountFor       ::= 'count' Exp
ReturnStmt     ::= 'deeg' Exp

Type           ::= ':' (type | 'Dict' | ('List' (':' Type)?) | ('Function(' (Type (',' Type)*)? ')' (':' Type)?))

Exp            ::= VarAssignment
                 | FunctionExp
                 | Exp0

VarDeclaration ::= 'make' id Type? '=' Exp
VarAssignment  ::= VarExp '=' Exp
VarExp         ::= id ( '.' Exp9 
                        | '[' Exp4 ']' 
                        | (Args ('.' Exp9 | '[' Exp4 ']')) )*
Args           ::= '(' ExpList? ')'
ExpList        ::= newline? Exp (',' newline? Exp)* newline?

FunctionExp    ::= Params Type? 'does' (newline Block | Stmt) 'end'
Params         ::= '(' ParamList? ')'
ParamList      ::= newline? Exp Type? (',' newline? Exp Type?)* newline?

Exp0           ::=  Exp1 ('if' Exp1 ('else' Exp1)?)?
Exp1           ::=  Exp2 ('or' Exp2)*
Exp2           ::=  Exp3 ('and' Exp3)*
Exp3           ::=  Exp4 (relop Exp4)?
Exp4           ::=  Exp5 (('thru'|'till') Exp5 ('by' Exp5)?)?
Exp5           ::=  Exp6 (addop Exp6)*
Exp6           ::=  Exp7 (mulop Exp7)*
Exp7           ::=  prefixop? Exp8
Exp8           ::=  Exp9 ('**' Exp9)?
Exp9           ::=  Exp10 ('.' Exp10 | '[' Exp4 ']' | Args)*
Exp10          ::=  boollit | intlit | floatlit | id | '(' Exp ')' | stringlit
                 | DictLit | ListLit

ListLit        ::= '[' ExpList? ']'
DictLit        ::= '{' BindingList? '}'

BindingList    ::= Binding (',' Binding)*
Binding        ::= newline? id Type? 'to' Exp newline?



# commented to the end of line
### multi-line comment


make example_variable = "this string"
make example_variable2 = 200

make a = 4
make b = 8
a, b = b, a

make c, d = 2, 16

Primitive Types & Reference Types

We have four primitive types: int float bool string and however many reference types: Dict Function List

make boo = "far"
make hap:string = "py"

make friends_list = ["Bob", "Donna", "Shaggy"]
make grades_list:List:int = [99, 95, 90, 96]

make mapping:Dict = {
    key to "value",
    key2 to 91,
    funKey to (x, y) does deeg x * y,
    funKey2 to (a, b) does
        deeg a + b

Type Inference and Static Typing

Hierarchy of types:

int -> float -> string

This hierarchy is what determines auto conversions. A type can be upconverted automatically if needed. If you want to convert down the tree, then you need to specify it with a type converter function like int() or float(). Some conversions may return optionals if conversion cannot be guaranteed

make year = 99                      # Inferred int
make fraction = 2.5                 # Inferred float
make is_finished = true             # Inferred bool
make name = "Deeg"                  # Inferred string

make grade:float = 95               # Forced to be 95.0
make number_of_people:string = 56   # Forced to be "56"

make grade:int = int(95.0)          # manual conversion down heirarchy
make gpa:int? = int('none')         # ex. converting from strings to nums return optionals

List Comprehensions & Slices

[1 thru 10]                         # 1 up to 10, inclusive
[1 till 10]                         # 1 up to 10, exclusive

[1 thru 9 by 3]                     # [1, 4, 7]

make meal:string = "artichokes"
meal[0,1,2]                         # We grab "art"
meal[0 till 3]                      # Since [0 till 3] == [0,1,2] this is also "art"
meal[0 till 8 by 3]                 # We grab "aio"

If Statements

if bool_expression then
    # perform action
    # other action

if bool_expression then
    # action
else if bool_expression then
    # other conditional action
    # if nothing else

if bool_expression then ###action### else ###else action### end

make interesting_result = "happy times" if bool_expression else "sad times"

For and While Loops

for cat in cat_array then
    print("mr. " + cat)

for duck in duck_array and dog in dog_array then
    print(duck + " and " + dog)

for count int_expression then

for count 5 then

for i counts int_expression then
    print(i + " hello(s)")

while is_running then


In place of a return keyword, we have deeg.

make add_pizazz = (bore:string) does
    deeg bore + "!"

make f:Function(int, int):int
f = (a, b) does
    deeg (a, b) = deeg a + b

make deeginator = (x, y:float):bool does
    make isAwesome = (x - y * 2 == 69)
    # isAwesome should always be true
    deeg isAwesome


Classes that are also extendable

class Living toString to () does deeg "I'm alive" end end

### Equivalent to above
class Living
    toString to () does
        deeg "I'm alive"

    age to 21

class Animal extends Living
    constructor to (@name) does end
    toString to () does deeg "\{@name} is alive" end


Optionals are not the default type for variables.

make toys = ["bear"]
make unicorn:int? = toys.indexOf("unicorn")

if unicorn exists
    print("dreams crushed")

make array = ["Hello", "Goodbye"]
make i = array.indexOf("Hi")

equivalent to:
make i:int? = array.indexOf("Hi")

print(array[i])    # returns error becasue i is i:int? and array[] requires full int

if i exists
    print("not found")

make str = array[i] if i exists else "not found"

Arrays/Lists and Dictionaries

make array = ["Hello", "Goodbye"]
make dict = { name to "Bob", age:int to 35, isPresident to false}                        # every key of a dictionary has a specific type

print(array[0])                         # prints "Hello"
print(array[2])                         # maybe array[2] returns an optional, else this errors

make combo = array + dict               # combo is an object with keys 0 and 1

print(size(dict))                       # prints 3
print(size(array))                      # prints 2
print(size(combo))                      # prints 5

make array_multi = array * 3            # array_multi is ["Hello", "Goodbye", "Hello", "Goodbye", "Hello", "Goodbye"]

make array_combine = array + ["Hi"]     # array_combine is ["Hello", "Goodbye", "Hi"]
make array_alt = ["Hi"] + array         # array_alt is ["Hi", "Hello", "Goodbye"]

make array_str = array + "Hi"           # array_str is ["Hello", "Goodbye", "Hi"]
make arr:List:float = array             # convert to array of floats

make int_array:List:int = [2, 3]        # arrays are homogeneous
make all_dict:Dict = {                  # dictionaries are heterogeneous
    fun:bool to true,
    days to 3

print(int_array + all_dict)         
    0:int to 2,
    1:int to 3,
    days:int to 3,
    fun:bool to true

Pattern Matching!

Matches on values, types, and lists. In the Deeg future, matches on dictionaries as well.

make func = (x) does
    match x with
        >> 5 then deeg true
        >> 72 then deeg true
        >> _ then deeg false

make func = (l) does
    match l with
        >> head|tail if head > 5 then deeg head
        >> _|tail then deeg false

make func = (param) does
    match param with
        >> _:int then deeg true
        >> _:float then deeg false
        >> _:string then deeg "Hello, World!"
        >> _ then deeg "Get with the primitives."


Example Programs

Deeg on the left, JavaScript on the right

Hello World

print("hello world")                                console.log("hello world");

Variable Declarations

make foo = 69                                       var foo = 69;
make bar:string = 69                                var bar = "69";

Function Declarations

make adder = (a:int, b=10):int does deeg a + b      var adder = function (a, b) {
                                                        return a + b;

make even_and_true = (x:int, f():bool) does         var even_and_true = function (x, f) {
    if (f(x)) then                                      if (f(x)) {
        deeg x + 2                                          return x + 2;
    else                                                } else {
        deeg x + 4                                          return x + 4;
    end                                                 }

Fibonacci Function example

make fibonacci = (x) does                           function fibonacci(x) {
    make a = 0, b = 1, c                                var a = 0, b = 1, c;
    if (x < 3) deeg 1                                   if (x < 3) return 1;
    while (--x > 0) does                                while (--x > 0) {
        c = a + b, a = b, b = c                             c = a + b, a = b, b = c;
    end                                                 }
    deeg c                                              return c;
end                                                 }

GCD Function example

make gcd = (a, b) does                              var gcd = function(a, b) {
    if (!b) exists deeg a end                           if ( ! b) {
    deeg gcd(b, a % b)                                      return a;
end                                                     }
                                                        return gcd(b, a % b);


we are the most awesome language to be created by mere undergrads






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