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在此整理了一些个人感兴趣的文献阅读,主要是与heterophilic & Temporal Graph学习领域相关的,希望大家多多指正。


  • Graph Neural Networks for Graphs with Heterophily: A Survey (Arxiv) [paper]

  • Graph self-supervised learning: A survey (TKDE 2022) [paper]

  • A Survey on Network Embedding (AAAI 2017) [paper]

Homo&Heter Paper


  • Revisiting the Role of Heterophily in Graph Representation Learning: An Edge Classification Perspective (TKDD) [paper]


  • HomoGCL: Rethinking Homophily in Graph Contrastive Learning (KDD) [paper][code]

  • Spatial Heterophily Aware Graph Neural Networks (KDD) [paper]

  • Attribute and Structure Preserving Graph Contrastive Learning (AAAI) [paper]code]

  • Generalized heterophily graph data augmentation for node classification (Neural Networks) [paper]


  • Powerful Graph Convolutional Networks with Adaptive Propagation Mechanism for Homophily and Heterophily (AAAI) [paper]code]

  • Finding Global Homophily in Graph Neural Networks When Meeting Heterophily (ICML) [paper]code]

  • Is Homophily a Necessity for Graph Neural Networks? (ICLR) [paper]

  • Automated Self-Supervised Learning for Graphs (ICLR) [paper)]code]

  • Revisiting Heterophily For Graph Neural Networks (NeurIPS) [paper)]code]


  • Adaptive Universal Generalized PageRank Graph Neural Network (ICLR) [paper)]code]

  • Node Similarity Preserving Graph Convolutional Networks (WSDM) [paper)]code]


  • Towards Deeper Graph Neural Networks (KDD) [paper)]code]

  • Geom-GCN: Geometric Graph Convolutional Networks (ICLR) [paper)]re_code]

  • Beyond Homophily in Graph Neural Networks: Current Limitations and Effective Designs (NeurIPS) [paper)]code]

Temporal Graph


  • Continuous-Time Sequential Recommendation with Temporal Graph Collaborative Transformer (CIKM) [paper][code]

  • Do Transformers Really Perform Bad for Graph Representation (NeurIPS) [paper][code]

  • Structural Deep Clustering Network (WWW) [paper][code]

  • Deep Fusion Clustering Network (AAAI) [paper][code]

  • Inductive Representation Learning in Temporal Networks via Causal Anonymous Walks (ICLR) [paper][code]

  • Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting in Graph Neural Networks with Experience Replay (AAAI) [paper]

  • Combining Label Propagation and Simple Models Out-performs Graph Neural Networks (ICLR) [paper][code]

  • Accurate Learning of Graph Representations with Graph Multiset Pooling (ICLR) [paper][code]

  • Informer: Beyond Efficient Transformer for Long Sequence Time-Series Forecasting (AAAI Best Paper) [paper][code]

  • Self-supervised Graph Learning for Recommendation (SIGIR) [paper][code]

  • Learnable Embedding Sizes for Recommender Systems (ICLR) [paper][code]

  • Adversarial Directed Graph Embedding (AAAI) [paper][code]

  • Graph Game Embedding (AAAI) [paper]

  • Towards Robust Graph Contrastive Learning (WWW Workshop) [paper]

  • Towards open-world feature extrapolation: An inductive graph learning approach (NeurIPS) [paper]

  • Dual Graph Convolutional Networks for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ACL) [paper][code]

  • How to Find Your Friendly Neighborhood: Graph Attention Design with Self-supervision (ICLR) [paper][code]


  • Contrastive Multi-View Representation Learning on Graphs (ICML) [paper][code]

  • Temporal Graph Networks for Deep Learning on Dynamic Graphs (ICML Workshop) [paper][code]

  • Inductive representation learning on temporal graphs (ICLR) [paper][code]

  • EvolveGCN: Evolving Graph Convolutional Networks for Dynamic Graph (AAAI) [paper][code]

  • DySAT: Deep Neural Representation Learning on Dynamic Graphs via Self-Attention Networks (WSDM) [paper][code]

  • Inductive and Unsupervised Representation Learning on Graph Structured Objects (ICLR) [paper]

  • GCC: Graph Contrastive Coding for Graph Neural Network Pre-Training (KDD) [paper][code]

  • JNET: Learning User Representations via Joint Network Embedding and Topic Embedding (WSDM) [paper][code]

  • Deep Graph Contrastive Representation Learning (ICML Workshop) [paper][code]

  • On the equivalence between positional node embeddings and structural graph representations (ICLR) [paper]

  • Explain Graph Neural Networks to Understand Weight Graph Features (IFIP) [paper]


  • DyREP: Learing Representations over Dynamic Graphs (ICLR) [paper]

  • Self-attention with Functional Time Representation Learning (NeurIPS) [paper][code]

  • Predicting Dynamic Embedding Trajectory in Temporal Interaction Networks (KDD) [paper][code][slide][note]

  • Node Embedding over Temporal Graphs (IJCAI) [paper][code]

  • Spatio-Temporal Attentive RNN for Node Classification in Temporal Attributed Graph (IJCAI) [paper][code]

  • GraphVite: A High-Performance CPU-GPU Hybrid System for Node Embedding (WWW) [paper][code]


  • Continuous-Time Dynamic Network Embeddings (WWW) [paper][code][note]

  • Embedding Temporal Network via Neighborhood Formation (KDD) [paper]

  • Learning dynamic embeddings from temporal interactions (arXiv) [paper]

  • Arbitrary-Order Proximity Preserved Network Embedding (KDD) [paper][code]

  • A Unified Framework for Community Detection and Network Representation Learning (TKDE) [paper]


  • CANE: Context-Aware Network Embedding for Relation Modeling (ACL) [paper][code][slide]

  • Inductive representation learning on large graph (NeurIPS) [paper][code]

  • PRISM: Profession Identification in Social Media (ACM) [paper]

  • TransNet: Translation-Based NRL for Social Relation Extraction (IJCAI) [paper][code]

  • Learning Community Embedding with Community Detection and Node Embedding on Graphs (CIKM) [paper][code]


  • Asymmetric Transitivity Preserving Graph Embedding (KDD) [paper][code]

  • Structural Deep Network Embedding (KDD) [paper][code]

  • node2vec: Scalable Feature Learning for Networks (KDD) [paper][code]

  • Max-Margin DeepWalk: Discriminative Learning of Network Representation (IJCAI) [paper][code]


  • LINE: Large-scale Information Network Embedding (WWW) [paper][code]


  • DeepWalk: online learning of social representations (KDD) [paper][code]








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