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Toggle branch_tags/ctsm5.3.n04_ctsm5.2.028's commit message
This tag to be used for new spin-up (ne30 and f09)

- li2024
- blended TRENDY2024-GSWP3 datm files


Toggle branch_tags/ctsm5.3.n03_ctsm5.2.028's commit message
Most importantly: Bug fix to correct mapping of soil texture


Toggle ctsm5.2.028's commit message
FATES history flushing update

This updates the way in which FATES history output is flushed during
model initialization
utilizing a new FATES-side subroutine, flush_all_hvars.  This update
also makes corrections
to a subset of FATES testmods as well as expands the FATES test list by
duplicating two
existing tests to run on different compilers for better coverage.  The
FATES submodule tag
has been updated to the latest scientific tag as well.


Toggle branch_tags/ctsm5.3.n02_ctsm5.2.027's commit message
Expect to run final "make all" and ne30 spin-up with this tag


Toggle ctsm5.2.027's commit message
Bring b4b-dev branch to main CTSM development.

- PLUMBER2 for ctsm5.2 datasets
- Last bit of PPE changes for namelist and parameter file settings
- Update run_sys_tests on Derecho for compiler jobs to run using 16 tasks
- Bring in a fix for dust emissions for coupling with CAM

Update cs.status parsing script to make expected BASELINE fails more obvious

Fix some issues with finding IC files for certain lnd_tuning_modes: all for cam7,
   clm5_0_cam6.0, and clm6_0_cam6.0


Toggle branch_tags/ctsm5.3.n01_ctsm5.2.026's commit message
CTSM5.3 branch to track new file generation and spin-up simulations


Toggle ctsm5.2.026's commit message
Turn on explicit AC, Leung_2023, and excess ice for clm6

Namelist defaults now turn on excess ice, explicit AC, Leung_2023 in
clm6; they also pick up new finidat files for clm6. We use a f09 1850
finidat for all clm6 cases because that's all that we have generated
for now.


Toggle ctsm5.2.025's commit message
Minor fixes to li2024 fire methods


Toggle ctsm5.2.024's commit message
Rework li2024 fire methods

For fire methods li2024gswpfrc and (new) li2024crujra:
- Improves peat burning dependence on climate
- Improves dependence of deforestation burning on climate.
- Allows lightning ignitions in tropical closed forest. (Human ignitions, other than deforestation, still not allowed.)
- Adds effect of landscape fragmentation on ignitions and fire duration.
- Recalibrates some parameters.


Toggle ctsm5.2.023's commit message
Merge b4b-dev