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Fredia Huya-Kouadio edited this page Oct 12, 2015 · 6 revisions

Tower v3.2.0 introduces a better flow for offline map support.


In order to use this feature, a valid mapbox account is required!

Sign in to your mapbox account, and click on the projects section.

Mapbox Projects

In the projects screen, make sure to note down your mapbox access token and mapbox id. You'll need them later. If you don't have a project already created, click on the new project button to generate one.

Mapbox Projects screen

Click on your map project, and select the style tab in order to update your map preferences.

Map project styles

Offline Map Setup

  • Open the Tower app and navigate to Settings -> User Interface: tower_settings_user_interface

  • Navigate to the Map Provider Preferences: tower_map_provider_pref

  • In the preferences screen, select mapbox as the tile provider. tower_map_tile_selection

  • Then enter your mapbox account id and access token. tower_map_mapbox_id_pref


  • Once this setup is complete, check Enable offline map layer to activate offline map support. tower_map_enable_offline_mode

  • Additionally, check Add 'Download Map' to menu to add the Download Map option to the overflow menu. tower_map_download_menu_button

  • Click on the Download Map menu button to access the map download screen. Follow the instructions on-screen to complete the download process. tower_map_download_screen