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Pitch Deck for:


  1. Slide 1: Title Slide
  2. Slide 2: Problem Statement
  3. Slide 3: Solution Overview
  4. Slide 4: Product Details
  5. Slide 5: Diversified Offerings
  6. Slide 6: Market Opportunity
  7. Slide 7: Competitive Landscape
  8. Slide 8: Business Model
  9. Slide 9: Go-to-Market Strategy
  10. Slide 10: Financial Projections
  11. Slide 11: Team Overview
  12. Slide 12: Milestones and Roadmap
  13. Slide 13: Investment Ask
  14. Slide 14: Closing and Contact Information

Slide 1: Title Slide


  • OOTB Mid-Market Cybersecurity Product and Education Platform

  • Where Cybersecurity Meets Innovation (Red Horizon)

  • From Cyber security to Software Solutions we've got you covered. (

  • Franchises:

#H4cked_it, ./#H4c3d1t.exe, #H4ck3d_1t

Wix based:

Independent 🚧🏗️:


Slide 2: Problem Statement

Cybersecurity Threat Landscape:

  • Evolving Threats: The cybersecurity landscape is continuously evolving, with new, sophisticated threats emerging daily. Mid-market companies, in particular, are increasingly vulnerable due to a lack of dedicated resources. Key threats include:
    • DDoS Attacks: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks overwhelm systems, causing significant downtime and financial loss. These attacks are becoming more frequent and complex, targeting infrastructure that mid-market businesses often rely on.
    • Ransomware: Ransomware attacks have surged, with hackers encrypting critical data and demanding payment to restore access. Mid-market companies are prime targets as they often lack the advanced security measures of larger enterprises.
    • Aerospace Vulnerabilities: With the rise of private aerospace ventures and increasing reliance on satellite and aerospace technologies, vulnerabilities in these systems are a growing concern. Aerospace companies face risks from state-sponsored attacks, insider threats, and supply chain weaknesses.

Market Gap:

  • Lack of Comprehensive Solutions: While large enterprises have access to top-tier cybersecurity solutions, mid-market (and charities who we do for free if we can.) companies are often left behind. Existing solutions are either too expensive, too complex, or require extensive customization, making them inaccessible to smaller businesses or non-technical companies.
  • Affordability: Many cybersecurity platforms are priced beyond the reach of mid-market companies, leaving them under-protected and exposed to significant risks. A lot of these do more for the world than the Big 5 and deserve the best they can be given.
  • Ease of Deployment: Mid-market companies need solutions that can be deployed quickly and efficiently without requiring extensive in-house expertise or resources. The current market lacks these out-of-the-box (OOTB) solutions that balance robust security with simplicity.
  • Fragmented Offerings: Companies often have to piece together multiple products to cover different aspects of cybersecurity, leading to gaps in protection and inefficiencies in management. There is a need for a unified platform that addresses all major cybersecurity concerns in one place that is affordable.

Slide 3: Solution Overview

The Mad Hatter's Playground:

  • All-in-One Cybersecurity Platform: The Mad Hatter's Playground is designed as a comprehensive cybersecurity solution specifically for mid-market companies. By integrating a wide range of security services under one umbrella, it addresses the most pressing threats while being both affordable and easy to deploy.
  • Tailored for Mid-Market: Our platform recognizes the unique needs of mid-market companies, providing them with the tools they need to protect their assets without the complexity or cost typically associated with enterprise-level solutions.

Product Components:

  1. Red Horizon Labs:

    • Specialized Aerospace Security: Red Horizon Labs is dedicated to addressing the unique challenges of the aerospace sector. It offers cutting-edge tools and strategies to protect against vulnerabilities in aerospace systems, including satellites, communication systems, and navigation technologies.
    • Focus on Innovation: By staying ahead of emerging threats, Red Horizon Labs provides a proactive defense strategy, helping companies avoid costly breaches and maintain operational integrity.
  2. DDoS Security Lab:

    • Robust Defense Mechanisms: The DDoS Security Lab is equipped with advanced tools to detect, mitigate, and prevent DDoS attacks before they can cripple your operations. Our solutions are designed to handle the scale and complexity of modern DDoS attacks, ensuring uninterrupted service for your business.
    • Scalable Solutions: Whether facing a small-scale attack or a massive onslaught, our lab provides scalable solutions that grow with your needs.
  3. Ransomware Defense Labs:

    • Comprehensive Protection: Our Ransomware Defense Labs offer end-to-end protection against ransomware threats, from initial detection to recovery. We provide tools for identifying vulnerabilities, training employees, and responding swiftly to attacks to minimize damage.
    • Backup and Recovery Solutions: In the event of an attack, our labs ensure that your data is protected and recoverable, reducing downtime and financial loss.
  4. DeadmanXXXII GitHub:

    • Custom DevOps Solutions: DeadmanXXXII is a repository of tailored DevOps tools designed to streamline your operations and enhance security. These solutions are built to integrate seamlessly with your existing infrastructure, improving efficiency and resilience.
    • Defense Mechanisms and Blockchain Technologies: Our GitHub also hosts a variety of defense mechanisms and blockchain technologies, ready to be deployed as cryptocurrencies or integrated into your cybersecurity strategy. This includes blockchain-based defense systems that provide immutable logs and enhance transparency.

Slide 4: Product Details

  • Red Horizon Labs: Within this revolutionary platform, there are new and exciting challenges.

  • Rocket, Satellite and Air-control labs: In these exercises you need to use a combination of Ethical hacking, Signal piggybacking and RCE for the remote re-calibration of guidance systems, comms systems, radar, sonar, in flight mechanics and more with these one of a kind experiences.

  • DDoS Security Lab: Learn Ddos through various methods including resource exhaustion, memory corruption, system stress and overclocking, stress errors so on. Learning your enemy means you can learn to use your rate limits to stop proxies, user agents and other bypassing techniques.

  • Ransomware Defense Labs: Our solution stops Ransomware in its tracks, learn how ransomware works and how to mitigate it using Chaveiros. There are three stages and on two you actually get to use samples. However, for legal reasons you must provide ID and be logged in the repository as a collaborative partner forever on viewing (non-negotiable for legal reasons.)

  • DeadmanXXXII GitHub: Our tools such as ZombieSlayer (which scans all ports and kills remote connections and the processes involved.), Labyrinth (My automated incident response tool that can be integrated with windows task manager), Quick fire secure servers (nginx, azure, AWS, GCP and my custom Home2Cloud servers for scaling from home to company), Basic-SOCDrills (A script that allows multiple defense procedures to be completed simultaneously), QuickSwitch (Gives xou some breathing space during a zero day event by rewriting xour technology addressing including MAC)and CyberWarrior a fully automated enterprise security system including threat hunting, pentesting, network sniffing, user behavior detection, system and database updates the full package.

Slide 5: Diversified Offerings

  • Hunter, HunterGPT and Red Horizon Labs: This is a bug bounty program, a custom GPT module and the machine setups for each of the labs. This includes frontend and backend designs, tools and samples. For the latter you must be added as a collaborator on the repository for legal logging reasons non-negotiable. These tools include our revolutionary Chaveiros, Labyrinth and QuickSwitch.

Hunter, HunterGPT and Red Horizon labs

Ransomware Defense lab and Chaveiros system



  • #H4ck3d_It Clothing Brand: This is a cyber themed fashion franchise I have designed. I have contact with production teams and they await orders.

Turtle neck jumper

  • Crypto Token ./#H4c3d1t.exe: Under the direction of loopcreativeandy a YouTuber I got into token creation on Solana using the CLI Solana tools. With this you are able to airdrop real Solana too build tokens on with added metadata and an NFT piece of Artwork included.

Solana Explorer Address

  • CyberShorts2024 (Instagram & YouTube): These channels showcase iur skills and knowledge. Our homemade CyberShorts series with its 3 editions Red, Blue and Purple team series is a complete diverse knowledge series for the entire cybersecurity plateau. Thus will continue to be the case as the series ends and Dissection Section starts which, will delve further into the topics, technology and techniques used during these incidents.



  • Discord Server: Working in collaboration with the safer internet project in Australia and the Google Developers Program and more we have a server full of events and information consistently.

- Anonymous Heroes:

This is a cybersecurity professional based Sci-Fi comic. It will include industry celebraties with permissions so far like Gabrielle B (ComShark), Jared Derival (Mr Magna Cyber), Ron Sharon (The suit), Heath Adams (Captain HA), Joas and Iris Santos (The Santos Twins), Wesley Gerrard (TrebleSmak), Myself (The Mask), and others with permission to come like John Hammond (Rusty), Network Chuck (Bohemian), Ryan Montgomery (Zero). Playing Heroes or Villains depending on choice. This takes place in a dimension running simultaneously to our own the dataverse. Where A group of Criminals, Professionals and Government all unlikely heroes come together and traverse all the odds to protect the world from impending doom time and again.

External Third party Digital Art and content creation company:

ArtzNGamez This is owned by Miss Cody Willett, she is a young, inspired and passionate artist with a deep desire for integration with technology to produce masterpieces. The hand drawn and AI driven artwork on my website for my NFTs and CyberShorts series was all derived from her work which was then tailored by us. A full working and professional rapport with this company has been established and is continuing. She has asked for her details to remain private until requested.

Slide 6: Market Opportunity

Mid-Market Focus:

  • Definition: The mid-market segment typically includes companies with annual revenues between $10 million and $1 billion. These businesses are larger than small businesses or startups but smaller than large enterprises.
  • Underserved Market: Despite their significant economic contribution, mid-market companies are often overlooked by cybersecurity vendors. Enterprise-level solutions are too expensive and complex, while SMB-focused products lack the depth needed to protect against sophisticated threats. This leaves mid-market companies vulnerable to cyberattacks.
  • Challenges Faced: Mid-market companies often lack dedicated cybersecurity teams and resources. They struggle with overcomplicated tools that require advanced expertise to operate, forcing them to rely on expensive consultants and third-party services. This not only increases their costs but also delays their response to emerging threats.

Market Size and Growth:

  • Cybersecurity Market: The global cybersecurity market is projected to reach $266.2 billion by 2027, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.0%. The mid-market segment is expected to experience significant growth as companies increasingly recognize the need for robust security solutions.
  • Ransomware and DDoS Trends:
    • Ransomware: Ransomware attacks have surged in recent years, with global damages projected to reach $20 billion in 2024, up from just $11.5 billion in 2019. Mid-market companies are increasingly targeted due to their lack of sophisticated defenses and inability to recover quickly from attacks.
    • DDoS Attacks: DDoS attacks have become more frequent and severe, with the average cost of a DDoS attack for a mid-sized company estimated at $120,000. Mid-market companies are prime targets because they often lack the infrastructure to mitigate these attacks, leading to significant downtime and financial loss.
  • Complexity and Cost Barriers: Many mid-market companies find existing cybersecurity solutions too complex and expensive. They are forced to pay high consultant fees to manage these tools, adding to their financial burden. The Mad Hatter's Playground addresses this issue by incorporating expert support and easy-to-use tools within its tiered payment service, eliminating hidden fees and providing transparent, predictable costs.

Target Audience:

  • Aerospace Companies (Red Horizon Labs): The aerospace industry is increasingly reliant on digital systems, making it a key target for cyberattacks. Red Horizon Labs provides specialized cybersecurity solutions tailored to protect aerospace companies from vulnerabilities in their systems, making it an essential resource for this sector.
  • Mid-Market Companies Seeking Digital Security: Businesses across industries—finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and more—are looking for comprehensive, easy-to-deploy cybersecurity solutions. The Mad Hatter's Playground offers them the protection they need without the complexity and cost of enterprise-level systems.
  • Charities and Nonprofits: These organizations often operate on tight budgets and cannot afford top-tier cybersecurity solutions. By offering flexible pricing and a focus on affordability, The Mad Hatter's Playground helps charities protect their data and operations without breaking the bank.
  • Cryptocurrency Companies: As cryptocurrencies become more mainstream, they are increasingly targeted by cybercriminals. The Mad Hatter's Playground provides blockchain-based security solutions that safeguard digital assets and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Educational Institutions and Startups: These entities often struggle with cybersecurity due to budget constraints and a lack of expertise. The platform offers scalable solutions that grow with them, providing protection at every stage of their development.

Slide 7: Competitive Landscape

  • Competitor Overview: In terms of competitive companies for cyber and information security there are thousands, Port swigger, NCSC, Canonical, the list goes on. What makes us stand out from the CrowdStrike is the fact we are a hardcore experimental company and in doing so are developing the next generation of systems that are needed now. You can have all the firewalls, boot sequences, rate limits you like but if its not configured to stop your expensive pay as you use systems from kicking in and costing you thousands is it really any use? Full on proper security means, tailored services, from generic solutions due too specific configurations and this can be done with little experience and cost with our services. This is what your fancy new so called OOTB Mid-Market system says isn't it so why doesn't it work. That's why it needs tuned and tailored which is an extra consultation fee on top.
  • Unique Selling Propositions (USPs): Our solutions are easier tuned than other OOTB Mid-Market tools as they are built to be ran in the labs we have developed so you get hands on training with your tools.

Slide 8: Business Model

  • Revenue Streams: including:
    • Subscription-Based Service's and One of Payments: For access to labs and GitHub solutions. The blockchains are ready to be tokenized into cryptocurrency with investment immediately.
    • Franchise Sales: For the #H4cked_It clothing brand and Anonymous Heroes comics.
    • Ad Revenue and Sponsorships: From CyberShorts2024 content channels.
    • Crypto Token Transactions: Through the Solana-based token. ./#H4c3d1t.exe
  • Pricing Strategy: All products will have single and bundle option. There will be membership offers. Certain products will have tiered pricing due to further consulting and work needed. Some products available will include staff pricing due to the necessity of their actions being the product bought. i.e. Pentesting, Red team operations, content creation etc.

Slide 9: Go-to-Market Strategy

Marketing Channels:

  1. Social Media Marketing:

    • Instagram and YouTube (CyberShorts2024): Utilize CyberShorts2024 to share engaging cybersecurity content, including tutorials, news, and promotional material for The Mad Hatter's Playground. This will help drive traffic to your website and convert viewers into customers.
    • Twitter and LinkedIn: Post regular updates, industry insights, and success stories. Engage with the cybersecurity community and potential clients on LinkedIn, emphasizing your expertise and the benefits of your platform.
    • Facebook and Reddit Communities: Join relevant groups and forums to share knowledge, answer questions, and subtly promote The Mad Hatter's Playground as a trusted solution.
  2. Content Marketing:

    • Blog and Whitepapers: Publish blog posts on topics like mid-market cybersecurity challenges and ransomware defense. Use whitepapers and case studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of your labs, like Red Horizon and DDoS Security Lab, in real-world scenarios.
    • SEO Strategy: Optimize your website with targeted keywords like "mid-market cybersecurity," "ransomware protection," and "aerospace security." This will help attract organic traffic from companies searching for solutions.
  3. Partnerships:

    • Cybersecurity Consultants and MSPs: Form partnerships with consultants and managed service providers who can recommend your platform to their clients as a cost-effective, comprehensive solution.
    • Industry Conferences and Webinars: Participate in and sponsor cybersecurity conferences and webinars. Use these opportunities to demonstrate the capabilities of The Mad Hatter's Playground and network with potential clients.

Sales Strategy:

  1. Direct Sales:

    • Sales Team: Develop a dedicated sales team that targets mid-market companies, particularly in aerospace, finance, healthcare, and other sectors that require robust cybersecurity. Offer personalized demos and consultations.
    • Outbound Sales: Implement outbound marketing through email campaigns, cold calls, and LinkedIn outreach. Emphasize your platform's simplicity, affordability, and effectiveness in protecting mid-market companies.
  2. Online Sales:

    • E-Commerce Platform: Allow customers to purchase subscriptions and services directly through your website. Offer tiered pricing plans that cater to various business sizes and needs, making it easy for them to select the right package.
    • Freemium Model: Offer a free version with limited features to attract small businesses and nonprofits. Provide an easy upgrade path to paid tiers once they see the value of your services.
  3. Franchising Efforts:

    • ./#H4cked1t Clothing Brand: Expand your clothing line by offering franchise opportunities. Create franchise packages that include branding materials, inventory, and training. Use your Solana-based crypto token as a loyalty or reward system within the franchise.
    • Anonymous Heroes: As the first series closes the expanding our network of professionals we can rely on, the next generation if professionals will want to acquire the Comics with thise they look upto and wish to claim am edition for themselves, it may be we can charge to be featured in this in the future.
    • Global Reach: Target international markets by partnering with local retailers and distributors. Position ./#H4cked1t as a trendy, tech-savvy brand that appeals to the growing intersection of fashion and cybersecurity culture.

Community Building:

  1. Discord Channel:

    • Engagement: Use your Discord channel to foster a community of cybersecurity enthusiasts. Host Q&A sessions, AMAs (Ask Me Anything), and live events to engage users and build loyalty.
    • Exclusive Content: Provide Discord members with exclusive content, early access to new features, and special discounts. Encourage discussions about cybersecurity trends and challenges to keep the community active.
  2. User-Generated Content:

    • Challenges and Competitions: Host cybersecurity challenges on your Discord and social media platforms. Encourage users to share their solutions and success stories, which can help promote your brand and showcase the effectiveness of your platform.
    • Influencers and Advocates: Identify key community members and influencers. Offer them incentives, such as free access to services or merchandise, to promote The Mad Hatter's Playground to their networks.

Slide 10: Financial Projections

Revenue Forecasts:

  1. Year 1:

    • Projected Revenue: $500,000.
    • Revenue Sources: Initial revenue will come from subscriptions to The Mad Hatter's Playground, online sales of cybersecurity services, and ./#H4cked1t merchandise. Focus on acquiring mid-market clients and establishing franchise partnerships for ./#H4cked1t.
  2. Year 2:

    • Projected Revenue: $2 million.
    • Growth Drivers: Increased client base due to expanded marketing efforts, higher subscription renewals, and growth in franchise sales. Partnerships with cybersecurity consultants and MSPs will also contribute to revenue growth.
  3. Year 3:

    • Projected Revenue: $5 million.
    • Growth Drivers: Global expansion of ./#H4cked1t franchises, increased online sales, and scaling of your platform to serve a broader range of industries. New features and services will also drive up-selling opportunities.
  4. Year 4-5:

    • Projected Revenue: $10 million+.
    • Growth Drivers: Continued expansion into international markets, deepening relationships with existing clients, and broadening your product offerings. This period will also see increased profits from higher subscription renewals and new customer acquisition.

Key Metrics:

  1. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC):

    • Year 1: Estimated at $500 per customer due to initial marketing and sales expenses.
    • Year 3: Reduced to $300 per customer as brand awareness increases and marketing efforts become more efficient.
  2. Lifetime Value (LTV):

    • Year 3: Target LTV of $5,000, assuming customers stay with your platform for 3-5 years. This will be driven by subscription renewals, up-selling, and additional service purchases.
  3. Profit Margins:

    • Year 1: Initial profit margins may be around 20% due to investments in marketing and infrastructure.
    • Year 3-5: Expect to improve profit margins to 40% as you scale and achieve economies of scale, reducing operational costs and increasing revenue from renewals and up-sells.

Break-Even Point:

  • Target Date: End of Year 2, as you steadily acquire customers and scale your operations. Focus on profitability and reinvestment from Year 3 onward.

Slide 11: Team Overview

Founder/CEO: Blu Corbel (AKA DeadmanXXXII)

  • Experience and Vision: Blu Corbel is the visionary behind The Mad Hatter's Playground, combining deep cybersecurity expertise with innovative thinking. As a seasoned Purple Team architect, Blu leads the technical development of the platform, ensuring it stays ahead of emerging threats. His goal is to create a comprehensive and accessible cybersecurity solution that empowers mid-market companies to protect themselves effectively.

Key Team Members:

  1. James Hernandez - DV Cleared C-Suite Administrator, Technical Second Line, and Logistics Manager:

    • James is a vital component of The Mad Hatter's Playground operations, providing high-level administrative support and technical second-line assistance. With a DV clearance, he manages logistics and ensures that operations run seamlessly, especially during mission-critical moments.
  2. Cody Willett - Art and Illustrations Manager, CEO of ArtzNGamez:

    • As the creative force behind The Mad Hatter's Playground, Cody manages all artistic aspects of the platform. With her expertise in visual storytelling, she ensures that the brand is visually compelling and that the cybersecurity concepts are effectively communicated through engaging art and design.
  3. [Open Position] - Marketing Manager:

    • Role: The Marketing Manager will spearhead all marketing initiatives, including digital marketing, content strategy, and social media campaigns. This person will work closely with the team to develop and execute marketing plans that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and revenue growth.
    • Requirements: A strong background in digital marketing, with experience in the tech or cybersecurity sector. Proven success in lead generation and content marketing is a must.
  4. [Open Position] - Sales Manager:

    • Role: The Sales Manager will lead the sales strategy, overseeing direct sales, online sales, and the expansion of the franchising efforts. This person will manage the sales team and work on acquiring new clients, developing sales processes, and closing deals that drive the company’s revenue goals.
    • Requirements: Experience in B2B sales, preferably within the cybersecurity industry. Strong negotiation skills and a track record of exceeding sales targets are essential.

Third-Party Advisor:

  1. Wesley Gerrard - CEO of FourFourCyber Cardiff:
    • Wesley provides external advisory support for The Mad Hatter's Playground, particularly during critical projects. As the CEO of FourFourCyber Cardiff, his extensive industry knowledge and experience offer invaluable guidance, ensuring the platform's strategies and operations are aligned with best practices and emerging trends.

Slide 12: Milestones and Roadmap

Current Achievements:

  1. Product Development:

    • Chaveiros Ransomware Defense System: Developed an innovative, legally compliant ransomware defense tool, Chaveiros, on a cloud-based system hosted in Arabia. By leveraging legal frameworks that allow the use of ransomware for research purposes, Chaveiros enables CISOs to legally and safely simulate and defend against ransomware attacks. It utilizes memory scanning, network sniffing, and encryption key forging to offer robust protection against real-world threats.
    • Labyrinth Directory Monitoring and Incident Response Tool: Created Labyrinth, a unique tool that triggers fernet encryption when sensitive directories are accessed. This innovative approach to protecting information, combined with manual or automated decryption capabilities via Windows Task Manager, represents a significant advancement in cybersecurity defense. This tool is designed to mitigate the impact of incidents like the WannaCry ransomware attack.
    • CyberWarrior and QuickSwitch: Developed CyberWarrior, an automated pen-testing and security update system. Combined with QuickSwitch, an address-swapping tool, CyberWarrior provides comprehensive protection. These tools highlighted the challenges of data encryption and key management, leading to the creation of Chaveiros.
    • Bootstrapped Success: Started with nothing but skill, dedication, and a vision. Overcame numerous challenges and honed cybersecurity skills, leading to the development of market-ready products that have real-world applicability and value.
  2. Partnerships and Collaborations:

    • Partnerships with Legal Advisors in Arabia: Established legal partnerships that allowed for the development of Chaveiros in compliance with regional laws.
    • Initial Community Building: Launched the CyberShorts2024 channels on Instagram and YouTube, and began building a community on Discord to engage with potential users and advocates.

Future Goals (Next 12-24 Months):

  1. Transition to Cloudflare Hosting (Q3 2024):

    • Complete the transition from Wix to a Cloudflare self-hosted operation, improving performance, security, and scalability.
    • Leverage Cloudflare's advanced security features to enhance the overall protection and reliability of The Mad Hatter's Playground platform.
  2. Expand Product Offerings (Q4 2024 - Q2 2025):

    • Ransomware Defense Expansion: Continue refining Chaveiros and expand its functionality to include more advanced threat detection and response capabilities. Develop case studies to demonstrate its effectiveness in real-world scenarios.
    • Labyrinth Automation: Integrate automated decryption features into Labyrinth, making it more user-friendly and accessible for mid-market companies.
    • CyberWarrior and QuickSwitch Enhancements: Further develop these tools to address emerging threats, ensuring that they remain relevant and effective as cybersecurity challenges evolve.
  3. Business Scaling (2025):

    • Customer Acquisition: Focus on acquiring mid-market clients, particularly in aerospace, finance, and healthcare sectors. Launch targeted marketing campaigns to attract new customers.
    • Global Expansion: Begin expanding internationally by establishing partnerships and franchising ./#H4cked1t, starting with key markets in Europe and Asia.
    • Community Growth: Expand the Discord channel and social media presence, turning early adopters into brand advocates and leveraging user-generated content to build credibility.
  4. Seek Funding and Investment (Q1 2024):

    • Use the progress made in product development and initial customer traction to secure funding. Position The Mad Hatter's Playground as a unique and scalable solution in the cybersecurity market, ready for investment to fuel growth and expansion.
  5. Advanced Research and Development (2025):

    • Aerospace Security: Continue expanding Red Horizon Labs to address emerging threats in the aerospace sector. Collaborate with industry experts to stay at the forefront of aerospace cybersecurity.
    • Innovative Solutions: Stay committed to research and development, exploring new technologies and methodologies to keep The Mad Hatter's Playground at the cutting edge of cybersecurity.

Slide 13: Investment Ask

Funding Requirements:

  • Amount: Seeking £250,000 to £500,000 through Floow.

Use of Funds:

  1. Marketing and Sales Team:

    • Allocation: A significant portion of the funding will be dedicated to hiring a high-level commission-based marketing and sales team. The team will be onboarded on an exo-facto basis, meaning their continuation with the company is dependent on performance and company success.
    • Goal: Drive customer acquisition, increase brand awareness, and secure more sales to fuel company growth.
  2. Permanent Business Location:

    • Allocation: Secure a physical office space and postal address for business operations, improving legitimacy and operational efficiency.
    • Goal: Establish a credible and professional business presence, which is essential for securing partnerships and attracting clients.
  3. Notary Patents and Legal Protections:

    • Allocation: Invest in securing patents for proprietary technologies, especially in the areas of ransomware defense, quantum security, and incident response.
    • Goal: Protect intellectual property and ensure that The Mad Hatter's Playground has a defensible competitive advantage in the market.
  4. Technological Resources and Quantum Unit:

    • Allocation: Upgrade technological infrastructure, including the procurement of a non-virtualized quantum unit for the development of quantum defense mechanisms.
    • Goal: Stay at the forefront of cybersecurity innovation by developing next-gen quantum defense tools, which can then be virtualized for cloud deployments.
  5. Company Scaling and Expansion:

    • Allocation: Invest in scaling the company, including expanding the product offerings, launching new franchises, and enhancing physical product production.
    • Goal: Grow the business to serve a larger market, increase revenue streams, and establish a global presence.
  6. Freemium Feature Improvements:

    • Allocation: Enhance the freemium features of your products to attract more users and convert them into paying Premium customers.
    • Goal: Increase the user base and drive revenue by offering compelling free features that lead to upsell opportunities.
  7. No Need for an Accountant:

    • Allocation: As QuickBooks is already in use, no additional funds are required for accounting services, allowing more resources to be allocated towards growth initiatives.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Marketing and Sales Success: A well-executed marketing and sales strategy that drives significant customer acquisition and revenue growth.
  • Operational Stability: A permanent business location that enhances operational stability and credibility.
  • Patent Protections: Secured patents that protect proprietary technologies, strengthening the company’s competitive position.
  • Quantum Defense Development: Successful development of quantum defense mechanisms, positioning The Mad Hatter's Playground at the cutting edge of cybersecurity.
  • Company Growth: Achieving key milestones in scaling, expanding franchises, and enhancing product offerings, leading to a sustainable and profitable business.
  • Increased Revenue: Improved freemium features leading to higher conversion rates and increased premium subscriptions.

Slide 14: Closing and Contact Information

Thank You Message:

Thank you for taking the time to learn about The Mad Hatter's Playground. We believe in the strength of our vision and the innovation behind our products. We are committed to shaping the future of cybersecurity and making advanced protection accessible to mid-market companies around the world.

Call to Action:

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Whether you’re interested in investing, partnering, or simply learning more, we would love to connect. Together, we can drive the next wave of cybersecurity innovation and make a real impact on businesses and communities.

Contact Information:

Closing Statement:

The Mad Hatter's Playground is poised for a bright and successful future. With a strong foundation of innovative products, a clear growth strategy, and a passionate team, we are well-positioned to lead the charge in cybersecurity. Our unique approach to solving complex challenges makes us not just an investment, but an educated and strategic one. We are confident that with your support, we will achieve our vision and deliver significant returns on investment. Let’s build a safer digital world together. We do have other products that are in early stages and haven't been tested or anywhere near that stage. One is a highly secure cloud based operating system called CryptkeeperOS and CloudCrypt. I would need to roll out what we have spoken about first, make returns and establish ourselves, then go again with that as I would need a lot of technology for that and a project budget of about $10,000,000 which I'm not asking for just out the gates. Investors need to see returns on well organized smaller budgets and projects first. This pitch is for $250,000 - $500,000 as previously explained.

Many thanks:

CEO/Founder: Blu Corbel


No description, website, or topics provided.







No releases published


No packages published