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Here is a comprehensive list of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) CLI commands using gcloud, organized by their functionality. This list covers a variety of GCP services and operations.

Google Cloud CLI Commands

General Commands

  • Authenticate to Google Cloud:

    gcloud auth login
  • List available projects:

    gcloud projects list
  • Set the active project:

    gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
  • Get current project:

    gcloud config get-value project
  • List available regions and zones:

    gcloud compute regions list
    gcloud compute zones list
  • Get gcloud CLI version:

    gcloud --version

Compute Engine

  • List all instances:

    gcloud compute instances list
  • Create a new instance:

    gcloud compute instances create INSTANCE_NAME --zone=ZONE --image-family=IMAGE_FAMILY --image-project=IMAGE_PROJECT
  • Start an instance:

    gcloud compute instances start INSTANCE_NAME --zone=ZONE
  • Stop an instance:

    gcloud compute instances stop INSTANCE_NAME --zone=ZONE
  • Delete an instance:

    gcloud compute instances delete INSTANCE_NAME --zone=ZONE --quiet
  • List available machine types:

    gcloud compute machine-types list --zones=ZONE

Cloud Storage

  • List all buckets:

    gcloud storage buckets list
  • Create a new bucket:

    gcloud storage buckets create BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION
  • Delete a bucket:

    gcloud storage buckets delete BUCKET_NAME
  • List objects in a bucket:

    gcloud storage objects list --bucket=BUCKET_NAME
  • Upload a file to a bucket:

    gcloud storage cp LOCAL_FILE gs://BUCKET_NAME/
  • Download a file from a bucket:

    gcloud storage cp gs://BUCKET_NAME/REMOTE_FILE LOCAL_FILE


  • List all VPC networks:

    gcloud compute networks list
  • Create a new VPC network:

    gcloud compute networks create NETWORK_NAME --subnet-mode=auto
  • Delete a VPC network:

    gcloud compute networks delete NETWORK_NAME
  • List all firewall rules:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules list
  • Create a new firewall rule:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create RULE_NAME --allow tcp:80,tcp:443 --source-ranges --target-tags TARGET_TAG
  • Delete a firewall rule:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules delete RULE_NAME

Cloud SQL

  • List all Cloud SQL instances:

    gcloud sql instances list
  • Create a new Cloud SQL instance:

    gcloud sql instances create INSTANCE_NAME --database-version=VERSION --tier=TIER --region=REGION
  • Delete a Cloud SQL instance:

    gcloud sql instances delete INSTANCE_NAME
  • List databases in a Cloud SQL instance:

    gcloud sql databases list --instance=INSTANCE_NAME
  • Create a new database in Cloud SQL:

    gcloud sql databases create DATABASE_NAME --instance=INSTANCE_NAME
  • Delete a database from Cloud SQL:

    gcloud sql databases delete DATABASE_NAME --instance=INSTANCE_NAME

App Engine

  • List all App Engine services:

    gcloud app services list
  • Deploy an App Engine application:

    gcloud app deploy
  • Delete an App Engine service:

    gcloud app services delete SERVICE_NAME
  • List all App Engine versions:

    gcloud app versions list
  • Stop an App Engine version:

    gcloud app versions stop VERSION_ID
  • Start an App Engine version:

    gcloud app versions start VERSION_ID

IAM (Identity and Access Management)

  • List all IAM roles:

    gcloud iam roles list
  • Create a new IAM role:

    gcloud iam roles create ROLE_NAME --title="TITLE" --permissions="PERMISSIONS" --stage="GA"
  • Delete an IAM role:

    gcloud iam roles delete ROLE_NAME
  • List all IAM policies for a resource:

    gcloud projects get-iam-policy PROJECT_ID
  • Set an IAM policy binding:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member='user:EMAIL' --role='roles/ROLE'
  • Remove an IAM policy binding:

    gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member='user:EMAIL' --role='roles/ROLE'

Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

  • List all GKE clusters:

    gcloud container clusters list
  • Create a new GKE cluster:

    gcloud container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME --zone=ZONE
  • Delete a GKE cluster:

    gcloud container clusters delete CLUSTER_NAME --zone=ZONE
  • Get credentials for a GKE cluster:

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME --zone=ZONE
  • List all Kubernetes pods in a cluster:

    kubectl get pods


  • List all datasets:

    bq ls
  • Create a new dataset:

    bq mk DATASET_NAME
  • Delete a dataset:

    bq rm -r -f DATASET_NAME
  • List tables in a dataset:

    bq ls DATASET_NAME
  • Create a new table:

  • Delete a table:

  • Run a query:

    bq query --use_legacy_sql=false 'QUERY'

Cloud Functions

  • List all Cloud Functions:

    gcloud functions list
  • Deploy a new Cloud Function:

    gcloud functions deploy FUNCTION_NAME --runtime RUNTIME --trigger-http --entry-point ENTRY_POINT
  • Delete a Cloud Function:

    gcloud functions delete FUNCTION_NAME
  • Invoke a Cloud Function:

    gcloud functions call FUNCTION_NAME --data '{"key":"value"}'

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • List all Pub/Sub topics:

    gcloud pubsub topics list
  • Create a new Pub/Sub topic:

    gcloud pubsub topics create TOPIC_NAME
  • Delete a Pub/Sub topic:

    gcloud pubsub topics delete TOPIC_NAME
  • List all Pub/Sub subscriptions:

    gcloud pubsub subscriptions list
  • Create a new Pub/Sub subscription:

    gcloud pubsub subscriptions create SUBSCRIPTION_NAME --topic=TOPIC_NAME
  • Delete a Pub/Sub subscription:

    gcloud pubsub subscriptions delete SUBSCRIPTION_NAME

Cloud Run

  • List all Cloud Run services:

    gcloud run services list
  • Deploy a new Cloud Run service:

    gcloud run deploy SERVICE_NAME --image --platform managed
  • Delete a Cloud Run service:

    gcloud run services delete SERVICE_NAME

Cloud Monitoring

  • List all monitoring dashboards:

    gcloud monitoring dashboards list
  • Create a new monitoring dashboard:

    gcloud monitoring dashboards create --title "DASHBOARD_TITLE" --config-file "DASHBOARD_CONFIG_FILE"
  • Delete a monitoring dashboard:

    gcloud monitoring dashboards delete DASHBOARD_ID
  • List all alert policies:

    gcloud monitoring alert-policies list
  • Create a new alert policy:

    gcloud monitoring alert-policies create --notification-channels=CHANNEL_ID --condition="CONDITION" --display-name="ALERT_POLICY_NAME"
  • Delete an alert policy:

    gcloud monitoring alert-policies delete ALERT_POLICY_ID

Cloud Logging

  • List all logs:

    gcloud logging logs list
  • Read logs from a specific log:

    gcloud logging read "logName=\"projects/PROJECT_ID/logs/LOG_NAME\"" --limit=LIMIT
  • Create a log-based metric:

    gcloud logging metrics create METRIC_NAME --description="DESCRIPTION" --filter="FILTER_EXPRESSION"
  • Delete a log-based metric:

    gcloud logging metrics delete METRIC_NAME

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP)

  • List all IAP-secured resources:

    gcloud iap resources list
  • Get IAP policy for a resource:

    gcloud iap web services describe SERVICE_NAME
  • Set IAP policy for a resource:

    gcloud iap web services add-iam-policy-binding SERVICE_NAME --member='user:EMAIL' --role='roles/iap.httpsResourceAccessor'
  • Remove IAP policy for a resource:

    gcloud iap web services remove-iam-policy-binding SERVICE_NAME --member='user:EMAIL' --role='roles/iap.httpsResourceAccessor'

Cloud Build

  • List all build triggers:

    gcloud builds triggers list
  • Create a new build trigger:

    gcloud builds triggers create CLOUD_BUILD_TRIGGER --name=TRIGGER_NAME --repo-name=REPO_NAME --branch-pattern="BRANCH_PATTERN"
  • Delete a build trigger:

    gcloud builds triggers delete TRIGGER_NAME
  • Submit a build:

    gcloud builds submit --tag .

Cloud Dataproc

  • List all Dataproc clusters:

    gcloud dataproc clusters list
  • Create a new Dataproc cluster:

    gcloud dataproc clusters create CLUSTER_NAME --region=REGION --zone=ZONE
  • Delete a Dataproc cluster:

    gcloud dataproc clusters delete CLUSTER_NAME --region=REGION
  • Submit a Spark job to Dataproc:

    gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME --region=REGION --class=CLASS_NAME --jars=JAR_FILE
  • List jobs in Dataproc:

    gcloud dataproc jobs list --region=REGION
  • Cancel a Dataproc job:

    gcloud dataproc jobs cancel JOB_ID --region=REGION

Cloud AI and ML

  • List all AI Platform models:

    gcloud ai models list
  • Create a new AI Platform model:

    gcloud ai models create MODEL_NAME
  • Delete an AI Platform model:

    gcloud ai models delete MODEL_NAME
  • Deploy a version of a model:

    gcloud ai versions create VERSION_NAME --model=MODEL_NAME --origin=MODEL_DIR
  • Delete a version of a model:

    gcloud ai versions delete VERSION_NAME --model=MODEL_NAME


  • List all Bigtable instances:

    gcloud bigtable instances list
  • Create a new Bigtable instance:

    gcloud bigtable instances create INSTANCE_NAME --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME --cluster-zone=ZONE --display-name="DISPLAY_NAME"
  • Delete a Bigtable instance:

    gcloud bigtable instances delete INSTANCE_NAME
  • List tables in a Bigtable instance:

    gcloud bigtable tables list --instance=INSTANCE_NAME
  • Create a new table in Bigtable:

    gcloud bigtable tables create TABLE_NAME --instance=INSTANCE_NAME
  • Delete a table in Bigtable:

    gcloud bigtable tables delete TABLE_NAME --instance=INSTANCE_NAME

Cloud Spanner

  • List all Spanner instances:

    gcloud spanner instances list
  • Create a new Spanner instance:

    gcloud spanner instances create INSTANCE_NAME --config=CONFIG_NAME --display-name="DISPLAY_NAME" --nodes=NUM_NODES
  • Delete a Spanner instance:

    gcloud spanner instances delete INSTANCE_NAME
  • List databases in a Spanner instance:

    gcloud spanner databases list --instance=INSTANCE_NAME
  • Create a new database in Spanner:

    gcloud spanner databases create DATABASE_NAME --instance=INSTANCE_NAME
  • Delete a database in Spanner:

    gcloud spanner databases delete DATABASE_NAME --instance=INSTANCE_NAME

Cloud Memorystore

  • List all Redis instances:

    gcloud redis instances list
  • Create a new Redis instance:

    gcloud redis instances create INSTANCE_NAME --size=SIZE --region=REGION
  • Delete a Redis instance:

    gcloud redis instances delete INSTANCE_NAME

Cloud Tasks

  • List all task queues:

    gcloud tasks queues list
  • Create a new task queue:

    gcloud tasks queues create QUEUE_NAME --max-dispatches-per-second=RATE
  • Delete a task queue:

    gcloud tasks queues delete QUEUE_NAME
  • List tasks in a queue:

    gcloud tasks tasks list --queue=QUEUE_NAME
  • Create a new task in a queue:

    gcloud tasks tasks create --queue=QUEUE_NAME --payload="PAYLOAD" --schedule-time="SCHEDULE_TIME"
  • Delete a task from a queue:

    gcloud tasks tasks delete TASK_ID --queue=QUEUE_NAME

Cloud Build Triggers

  • List all build triggers:

    gcloud builds triggers list
  • Create a new build trigger:

    gcloud builds triggers create github --name=TRIGGER_NAME --repo-owner=OWNER --repo-name=REPO --branch-pattern=BRANCH_PATTERN --build-config=BUILD_CONFIG
  • Delete a build trigger:

    gcloud builds triggers delete TRIGGER_NAME

Cloud Scheduler

  • List all scheduler jobs:

    gcloud scheduler jobs list
  • Create a new scheduler job:

    gcloud scheduler jobs create pubsub JOB_NAME --schedule="SCHEDULE" --time-zone="TIME_ZONE" --topic=TOPIC_NAME --message-body="MESSAGE_BODY"
  • Delete a scheduler job:

    gcloud scheduler jobs delete JOB_NAME

Cloud Run

  • List all Cloud Run services:

    gcloud run services list --platform managed
  • Deploy a new Cloud Run service:

    gcloud run deploy SERVICE_NAME --image --platform managed
  • Delete a Cloud Run service:

    gcloud run services delete SERVICE_NAME --platform managed
  • Get the URL for a Cloud Run service:

    gcloud run services describe SERVICE_NAME --platform managed --format 'value(status.url)'
  • List all revisions of a Cloud Run service:

    gcloud run revisions list --service SERVICE_NAME --platform managed

Cloud BigQuery

  • List all BigQuery datasets:

    bq ls
  • Create a new BigQuery dataset:

    bq mk DATASET_NAME
  • Delete a BigQuery dataset:

    bq rm -r -f DATASET_NAME
  • List all tables in a dataset:

    bq ls DATASET_NAME
  • Create a new table in BigQuery:

  • Delete a table in BigQuery:

  • Run a SQL query in BigQuery:

    bq query --use_legacy_sql=false 'QUERY'
  • Export a BigQuery table to Cloud Storage:

    bq extract --destination_format=FORMAT gs://BUCKET_NAME/FILE_NAME DATASET_NAME.TABLE_NAME
  • Load data into BigQuery from Cloud Storage:


Cloud Dataflow

  • List all Dataflow jobs:

    gcloud dataflow jobs list
  • Run a Dataflow job:

    gcloud dataflow jobs run JOB_NAME --gcs-location=GCS_TEMPLATE_PATH --parameters PARAMS
  • Cancel a Dataflow job:

    gcloud dataflow jobs cancel JOB_ID

Cloud Data Fusion

  • List all Data Fusion instances:

    gcloud datafusion instances list
  • Create a new Data Fusion instance:

    gcloud datafusion instances create INSTANCE_NAME --type=TYPE --location=LOCATION
  • Delete a Data Fusion instance:

    gcloud datafusion instances delete INSTANCE_NAME

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Export asset inventory:

    gcloud asset export --content-type=CONTENT_TYPE --output-path=OUTPUT_PATH
  • List all asset types:

    gcloud asset types list
  • Search assets:

    gcloud asset search-all-resources --query="QUERY"

Cloud Security Command Center

  • List all security sources:

    gcloud scc sources list
  • List all security findings:

    gcloud scc findings list --source=SOURCE_NAME
  • Create a new security source:

    gcloud scc sources create SOURCE_NAME --display-name="DISPLAY_NAME"
  • Delete a security source:

    gcloud scc sources delete SOURCE_NAME

Cloud Support

  • Create a new support case:

    gcloud support cases create --subject="SUBJECT" --description="DESCRIPTION"
  • List all support cases:

    gcloud support cases list
  • Get details about a support case:

    gcloud support cases describe CASE_ID
  • Update a support case:

    gcloud support cases update CASE_ID --status=STATUS --description="DESCRIPTION"

Cloud Deployment Manager

  • List all deployment configurations:

    gcloud deployment-manager deployments list
  • Create a new deployment:

    gcloud deployment-manager deployments create DEPLOYMENT_NAME --config CONFIG_FILE
  • Delete a deployment:

    gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete DEPLOYMENT_NAME
  • Update a deployment:

    gcloud deployment-manager deployments update DEPLOYMENT_NAME --config CONFIG_FILE
  • Get details about a deployment:

    gcloud deployment-manager deployments describe DEPLOYMENT_NAME

Cloud Resource Manager

  • List all organizations:

    gcloud organizations list
  • List all folders:

    gcloud resource-manager folders list
  • Create a new folder:

    gcloud resource-manager folders create --display-name="DISPLAY_NAME"
  • Delete a folder:

    gcloud resource-manager folders delete FOLDER_ID
  • List all projects:

    gcloud projects list
  • Create a new project:

    gcloud projects create PROJECT_ID --name="PROJECT_NAME"
  • Delete a project:

    gcloud projects delete PROJECT_ID
  • Get details about a project:

    gcloud projects describe PROJECT_ID
  • Add an IAM policy binding to a project:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member='user:EMAIL' --role='roles/ROLE'
  • Remove an IAM policy binding from a project:

    gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member='user:EMAIL' --role='roles/ROLE'

Cloud Network Security

  • List all SSL certificates:

    gcloud compute ssl-certificates list
  • Create a new SSL certificate:

    gcloud compute ssl-certificates create CERTIFICATE_NAME --certificate=CERT_FILE --private-key=KEY_FILE
  • Delete an SSL certificate:

    gcloud compute ssl-certificates delete CERTIFICATE_NAME
  • List all target HTTP proxies:

    gcloud compute target-http-proxies list
  • Create a new target HTTP proxy:

    gcloud compute target-http-proxies create PROXY_NAME --url-map=URL_MAP_NAME
  • Delete a target HTTP proxy:

    gcloud compute target-http-proxies delete PROXY_NAME

Cloud Endpoints

  • List all API services:

    gcloud endpoints services list
  • Deploy an API configuration:

    gcloud endpoints services deploy CONFIG_FILE
  • Delete an API service:

    gcloud endpoints services delete SERVICE_NAME
  • Get details about an API service:

    gcloud endpoints services describe SERVICE_NAME

Cloud Key Management Service (KMS)

  • List all key rings:

    gcloud kms keyrings list --location=LOCATION
  • Create a new key ring:

    gcloud kms keyrings create KEY_RING_NAME --location=LOCATION
  • Delete a key ring:

    gcloud kms keyrings delete KEY_RING_NAME --location=LOCATION
  • List all keys in a key ring:

    gcloud kms keys list --keyring=KEY_RING_NAME --location=LOCATION
  • Create a new key:

    gcloud kms keys create KEY_NAME --keyring=KEY_RING_NAME --location=LOCATION --purpose=PURPOSE
  • Delete a key:

    gcloud kms keys delete KEY_NAME --keyring=KEY_RING_NAME --location=LOCATION
  • List all key versions:

    gcloud kms keys versions list --key=KEY_NAME --keyring=KEY_RING_NAME --location=LOCATION
  • Create a new key version:

    gcloud kms keys versions create --key=KEY_NAME --keyring=KEY_RING_NAME --location=LOCATION
  • Destroy a key version:

    gcloud kms keys versions destroy VERSION_NAME --key=KEY_NAME --keyring=KEY_RING_NAME --location=LOCATION

This list covers a wide range of GCP services and operations, providing commands for managing various aspects of Google Cloud Platform using the gcloud CLI tool.


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