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PC/SC wrapper classes for .NET


The pcsc-sharp library is wrapper that provides access to the Personal Computer/Smart Card Resource Manager using the system's native PC/SC API. It implements partial ISO7816 support and is written to run on both Windows and Unix (Mono using PCSC Lite).

pcsc-sharp is not a fully featured library for accessing vendor specific protocols. You must implement those protocols / applications yourself. For example: You can use pcsc-sharp to access NXP's Mirfare RFID chips, but pcsc-sharp does not provide any APDUs to request KEYs, authorize, etc.

You can find PC/SC specific documentation here:

Supported Operating systems

  • Windows (winscard.dll)

    • Windows 10 64-bit Professional (.Net Core 2.2 confirmed)
    • Windows 10 32-bit Professional
    • Windows 7 64-bit
    • Windows 7 32-bit
  • Linux (PC/SC lite)

    • Ubuntu Linux 64-bit (.Net Core 2.2 confirmed)
    • Ubuntu Linux 32-bit
  • MacOS X (.Net Core 2.2 confirmed)

  • Raspberry Pi / Linux ARM

    • linux-arm (.Net Core 2.2 confirmed)

Quick start

Establish the resource manager context

Each operation requires a valid context. See SCardEstablishContext for more information.

var contextFactory = ContextFactory.Instance;
using (var context = contextFactory.Establish(SCardScope.System)) {
   // your code

Basic rules / best practices:

  • One context per smartcard / reader.
  • One context per SCardMonitor .
  • The context must be disposed of after usage to free system resources.
  • The context must not be disposed of if your application still accesses the smartcard / reader.

List all connected smartcard readers

See SCardListReaders.

var contextFactory = ContextFactory.Instance;
using (var context = contextFactory.Establish(SCardScope.System)) {
    Console.WriteLine("Currently connected readers: ");
    var readerNames = context.GetReaders();
    foreach (var readerName in readerNames) {
        Console.WriteLine("\t" + readerName);

Send ISO7816 APDUs

var contextFactory = ContextFactory.Instance;
using (var ctx = contextFactory.Establish(SCardScope.System)) {
    using (var isoReader = new IsoReader(ctx, "ACME Smartcard reader", SCardShareMode.Shared, SCardProtocol.Any, false)) {
        var apdu = new CommandApdu(IsoCase.Case2Short, isoReader.ActiveProtocol) {
            CLA = 0x00, // Class
            Instruction = InstructionCode.GetChallenge,
            P1 = 0x00, // Parameter 1
            P2 = 0x00, // Parameter 2
            Le = 0x08 // Expected length of the returned data

        var response = isoReader.Transmit(apdu);
        Console.WriteLine("SW1 SW2 = {0:X2} {1:X2}", response.SW1, response.SW2);
        // ..

Read reader attributes

using (var ctx = ContextFactory.Instance.Establish(SCardScope.System)) {
    using (var reader = ctx.ConnectReader("OMNIKEY CardMan 5x21 0", SCardShareMode.Shared, SCardProtocol.Any)) {
        var cardAtr = reader.GetAttrib(SCardAttribute.AtrString);
        Console.WriteLine("ATR: {0}", BitConverter.ToString(cardAtr));

Monitor reader events

var monitorFactory = MonitorFactory.Instance;
var monitor = monitorFactory.Create(SCardScope.System);

// connect events here..
monitor.StatusChanged += (sender, args) => 
    Console.WriteLine($"New state: {args.NewState}");

monitor.Start("OMNIKEY CardMan 5x21-CL 0");

Console.ReadKey(); // Press any key to exit


More example code

Checkout the Examples directory.

Build from source

Build status

Required software


  • .Net Core 2.2 SDK
  • .Net Core 3.0 Preview (WPF examples)

Build tools

  • Fake (, Please run:
     dotnet tool install fake-cli -g
    to install fake as global tool. On Linux you may have to add the following lines into your .profile or .bashrc file:
    if [ -d "$HOME/.dotnet/tools" ] ; then

pcsc-sharp uses the great FAKE DSL for build tasks. To build the solution, simply start the build.cmd on Windows or the shell script on Unix.

Build instructions for Raspberry Pi

Compile with

dotnet publish -r linux-arm


PC/SC wrapper classes for .NET, written in C#







No releases published


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  • C# 99.7%
  • Other 0.3%