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User Story

As a frequent traveller who needs to be constantly updated about weather conditions of various destinations
I WANT : a weather dashboard to receive the weather forecast for next 5 days for multiple cities
SO THAT : I can plan my trip accordingly.

Acceptance Criteria

(1) I am given a text box to search for any city forecast*

It's considered done

WHEN: A div is created and an input box type text is added to the div.
WHEN: A button element is added inside that div to click and search for the city.
WHEN: All the divs are given class name and IDs & those ids are used to style the page.

(2) When I search for a city then I am presented with current and future conditions for that city and that city is added to the search history*

It's considered done

WHEN: All the required elements are grabbed by using their ids and stored in variables.
WHEN: An API key is generated for a weather forecast website.
WHEN: A function "currentWeather(city)" is wrriten to get the current weather condition.
WHEN: That key is used with the website URL to fetch the data.
WHEN: "fetch()" method is wriiten to get the data from the website by using the URL. WHEN: "moment()" method is used display the current date.
WHEN: loccal storage is created to store the cities name used for serching wether condition.
WHEN: a function "foreCast()" is written to display the forecast for next 5 days.
WHEN: for-loop is used to display the weather for each day.

(3) When I view current weather conditions for that city, then I am presented with the city name, the date, an icon representation of weather conditions, the temperature, the humidity, the wind speed, and the UV index*

It's considered done

WHEN: "fetch()" request is used to generate the response from the website by using keys in the website url.
WHEN: by generated response is used to access the temperature, humidity, wind-speed uv-index inside fetch() method.
WHEN: url is used to fetch the weather icon from the website.

(4) WHEN I click on a city in the search history, then I am again presented with current and future conditions for that city*

It's considered done

WHEN: a function "addToList(cty)" is written to store the searched city name in a list.
WHEN: a function "usePastSearch(event)" is written to invoke the "currentWeather(city)" when any city is clicked from the list.

Deployed application should look like the below given image.


Deployed application screenshot


GitHub URL to the repository

URL to the deployed application


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