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Source code for Reinforced Multiple Instance Selection for Speaker Attribute Prediction accepted at NAACL 2024.

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Source code for Reinforced Multiple Instance Selection for Speaker Attribute Prediction accepted at NAACL 2024.


Figure 1


  • python 3.10+
  • Ubuntu GPU-enabled server with CUDA 12.1+
    • Check your GPUs with nvidia-smi
  • python environment with packages installed as in requirements.txt
  • Weights and Biases Account

Setup Environment

mkdir -p data/jigsaw
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the experiments, you need to login to your Weights and Biases account. You can do that by running the following command and following the instructions:

wandb login


Synthetic Data

  1. Download the file from Kaggle's Toxic Comment Classification Challenge
  2. Unzip the file resulting in train.csv
  3. Place the file in data/jigsaw/

Congressional Speech Data

  1. Download the file from Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses: Parsed Speeches and Phrase Counts
  2. Unzip the file resulting in hein-daily directory
  3. Place the directory in create_dataset/Political_Dataset/
  4. Download the congress-terms.csv file from Congress Age GitHub Repository
  5. Place the file in create_dataset/Political_Dataset/
  6. Run the following command to create the merged dataset (including age column):
    cd create_dataset/Political_Dataset
  7. You can see the political_data.csv file under data directory.

Facebook Data

Dataset is private and introduced in the following paper:

Kennedy, B., Atari, M., Mostafazadeh Davani, A., Hoover, J., Omrani, A., Graham, J., & Dehghani, M. (2021). Moral concerns are differentially observable in language. Cognition, 212, 104696. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104696

Please contact the authors for more information.

Running the Experiments

Script for data preparation

The shell script scripts/ will prepare the data for training, validation and testing. Here are the variables that you can set along with their descriptions:

Variable Description
dataset Possible values of dataset: political_data_with_age facebook jigsaw
whole_bag_size For jigsaw datasets: 50
For political_data_with_age and facebook datasets: 100
num_pos_samples This argument is only used in jigsaw datasets, it is the number of toxic instances that will be added to the bag (5 is used for making jigsaw_5 and 10 is used for making jigsaw_10)
embedding_model This argument will determine the model that will be used to get the embeddings of the data. We used roberta-base in all settings
data_embedded_column_name This argument will determine the name of the column that has the text data.
For facebook and political_data_with_age datasets: text
For jigsaw datasets: comment_text
random_seeds Random seeds are an array of integers that will make different splits of the data
gpus It define the array of integers that are indexes of the GPUs that will be used to create embeddings of the data
dataset="jigsaw" # or "political_data_with_age" or "facebook"
whole_bag_size=50 # or 100
num_pos_samples=5 # only used in jigsaw datasets, 5 for making `jigsaw_5` and 10 for making `jigsaw_10`

data_embedded_column_name="comment_text" # or "text"

random_seeds=(0 1 2 3 4)
gpus=(0 1 2 3 4)

After setting the variables, you can run the script as follows:

cd scripts

After that for each random seed, a folder will be created in data/ directory (e.g. data/seed_10/).

Scripts for running the MIL experiments


The shell script scripts/ will run the MIL experiment for a single dataset and random_seed 0. Here are the variables that you can set along with their descriptions:

Variable Description
baseline_types Possible values: MeanMLP MaxMLP AttentionMLP repset
target_labels Facebook dataset: care purity loyalty authority fairness
Political dataset: age gender party
Jigsaw datasets: hate
gpus The same description as above
embedding_models The same description as above
bag_sizes The bag size ($b_i$) in the paper. We used `20`` in all experiments
autoencoder_layer_sizes The layer sizes of the autoencoder. We used "768,256,768" in all experiments
wandb_entity Your Weights and Biases entity
wandb_project Your Weights and Biases project name
dataset The same description as above
data_embedded_column_name The same description as above
task_type Always classification
baseline_types=("MeanMLP" "MaxMLP" "AttentionMLP" "repset")

# For facebook dataset: ("care" "purity" "loyalty" "authority" "fairness")
# For political_data_with_age dataset: ("age" "gender" "party")
# For jigsaw datasets: ("hate")
target_labels=("care" "purity" "loyalty" "authority" "fairness")

gpus=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

# wandb config

# Dataset is either: `political_data_with_age,` `facebook,` `jigsaw_5,` or `jigsaw_10`

# For `facebook` and `political_data_with_age` datasets: "text"
# For `jigsaw` datasets: "comment_text"

After setting the variables, you can run the script as follows:

cd scripts


If you want to run the MIL experiments and baseline experiments multiple times with different seeds, you can use the shell script scripts/ Here are the variables that you can set: (All of the variables have the same description as above)

datasets=("political_data_with_age" "facebook" "jigsaw_5" "jigsaw_10")

baselines=("MeanMLP" "MaxMLP" "AttentionMLP" "repset" "SimpleMLP") # You can pass "SimpleMLP" to run the baseline experiments

random_seeds=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
gpus=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

After setting the variables, you can run the script as follows:

cd scripts

Scripts for running the baseline experiments


The shell script scripts/ will run the baseline experiment. Here are the variables that you can set: (All of the variables have the same description as above)

# For facebook dataset: ("care" "purity" "loyalty" "authority" "fairness")
# For political_data_with_age dataset: ("age" "gender" "party")
# For jigsaw datasets: ("hate")

gpus=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

# wandb config

# Dataset is either: `political_data_with_age,` `facebook,` `jigsaw_5,` or `jigsaw_10`

# For `facebook` and `political_data_with_age` datasets: "text"
# For `jigsaw` datasets: "comment_text"

For running the Baseline experiments multiple times with different seeds, you should pass the "SimpleMLP" to the baselines variable in scripts/ script.

After setting the variables, you can run the script as follows:

cd scripts

Scripts for running the Reinforced MIL experiments


The shell script scripts/ will run the Reinforced MIL experiment for a single dataset and random_seed 0. The variables with the same name as above have the same description. Here are the new variables that you can set along with their descriptions:

Variable Description
rl_task_model Possible values: vanilla ensemble
sample_algorithm Possible values: static with_replacement without_replacement
no_autoencoder_for_rl If you want to run the experiments without autoencoder component, you can pass this flag to the script
baseline_types=("MeanMLP" "MaxMLP" "AttentionMLP" "repset")

# For facebook dataset: ("care" "purity" "loyalty" "authority" "fairness")
# For political_data_with_age dataset: ("age" "gender" "party")
# For jigsaw datasets: ("hate")

gpus=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

# wandb config

# Dataset is either: `political_data_with_age,` `facebook,` `jigsaw_5,` or `jigsaw_10`

# For `facebook` and `political_data_with_age` datasets: "text"
# For `jigsaw` datasets: "comment_text"

# Possible values: "vanilla" or "ensemble". Keep in mind before running the script with rl_task_model="ensemble" you should run the `only_ensemble` setting first.

# These are sampling strategies for selecting $|b_i|$ instances with possible values: "static" "with_replacement" "without_replacement"

After setting the variables, there are three different variations of the script that you can run:

  1. Regular RL-MIL with autoencoder component, different rl_task_model and different sample_algorithms. Uncomment the following section in the script and comment the other sections:

    # different RL models running
    screen -dmS "$SESSION_NAME" bash -c "
        CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$gpu python3 --rl --baseline $baseline_type \
                                        --autoencoder_layer_sizes $autoencoder_layer_sizes \
                                        --label $target_label \
                                        --data_embedded_column_name $data_embedded_column_name \
                                        --prefix $prefix \
                                        --dataset $dataset \
                                        --bag_size $bag_size \
                                        --batch_size 32 \
                                        --run_sweep \
                                        --embedding_model $embedding_model \
                                        --train_pool_size 1 --eval_pool_size 10 --test_pool_size 10 \
                                        --balance_dataset \
                                        --wandb_entity $wandb_entity \
                                        --wandb_project $wandb_project \
                                        --random_seed 0 \
                                        --task_type $task_type \
                                        --rl_model $rl_model \
                                        --search_algorithm $search_algorithm \
                                        --rl_task_model $rl_task_model \
                                        --sample_algorithm $sample_algorithm \
                                        --reg_alg $reg_alg ;
    # Comment all other sections below this
  2. RL-MIL without autoencoder component:

    # Comment the section above this
    # different RL models without autoencoder
    screen -dmS "$SESSION_NAME" bash -c "
        CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$gpu python3 --rl --baseline $baseline_type \
                                        --autoencoder_layer_sizes $autoencoder_layer_sizes \
                                        --label $target_label \
                                        --data_embedded_column_name $data_embedded_column_name \
                                        --prefix $prefix \
                                        --dataset $dataset \
                                        --bag_size $bag_size \
                                        --batch_size 32 \
                                        --run_sweep \
                                        --embedding_model $embedding_model \
                                        --train_pool_size 1 --eval_pool_size 10 --test_pool_size 10 \
                                        --balance_dataset \
                                        --wandb_entity $wandb_entity \
                                        --wandb_project $wandb_project \
                                        --random_seed 0 \
                                        --task_type $task_type \
                                        --rl_model $rl_model \
                                        --search_algorithm $search_algorithm \
                                        --rl_task_model $rl_task_model \
                                        --sample_algorithm $sample_algorithm \
                                        --reg_alg $reg_alg  \
                                        --no_autoencoder_for_rl ;
    # Comment the section below this
  3. Run RL-MIL ensemble only:

    # Comment all sections above this
    # only ensemble running
    screen -dmS "$SESSION_NAME" bash -c "
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$gpu python3 --rl --baseline $baseline_type \
                                                                    --autoencoder_layer_sizes $autoencoder_layer_sizes \
                                                                    --label $target_label \
                                                                    --data_embedded_column_name $data_embedded_column_name \
                                                                    --prefix $prefix \
                                                                    --dataset $dataset \
                                                                    --bag_size $bag_size \
                                                                    --batch_size 32 \
                                                                    --run_sweep \
                                                                    --embedding_model $embedding_model \
                                                                    --train_pool_size 1 --eval_pool_size 10 --test_pool_size 10 \
                                                                    --balance_dataset \
                                                                    --wandb_entity $wandb_entity \
                                                                    --wandb_project $wandb_project \
                                                                    --random_seed 0 \
                                                                    --task_type $task_type \
                                                                    --only_ensemble \
                                                                    --rl_model $rl_model \
                                                                    --sample_algorithm $sample_algorithm ;

After setting the variables, and commenting/uncommenting the sections, you can run the script as follows:

cd scripts


If you want to run the RL-MIL experiments multiple times with different seeds, you can use the shell script scripts/ Here are the variables that you can set: (All of the variables have the same description as above)

datasets=("political_data_with_age" "facebook" "jigsaw_5" "jigsaw_10")

baselines=("MeanMLP" "MaxMLP" "AttentionMLP" "repset")

random_seeds=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
gpus=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

After setting the variables, you can run the script as follows:

cd scripts


Please cite the following paper if you find the code helpful for your research.

    title = "Reinforced Multiple Instance Selection for Speaker Attribute Prediction",
    author = "Salkhordeh Ziabari, Alireza  and
      Omrani, Ali  and
      Hejabi, Parsa  and
      Golazizian, Preni  and
      Kennedy, Brendan  and
      Piray, Payam  and
      Dehghani, Morteza",
    editor = "Duh, Kevin  and
      Gomez, Helena  and
      Bethard, Steven",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = jun,
    year = "2024",
    address = "Mexico City, Mexico",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2024.naacl-long.181",
    pages = "3307--3321",


Source code for Reinforced Multiple Instance Selection for Speaker Attribute Prediction accepted at NAACL 2024.






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