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Releases: Alfresco/alfresco-ios-sdk

Alfresco iOS SDK v1.6

18 May 06:36
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This release adds bug fixes and improvements:

  • Added Single-Sign On Support

Alfresco iOS SDK v1.5.1

28 Mar 11:45
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This release adds bug fixes and improvements:

  • Improved WebView look in iPhone X
  • Improved document creation
  • Xcode 10 support
  • Documentation generation

Alfresco iOS SDK v1.5.0

23 Jan 16:20
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Alfresco SDK for iOS v1.5.0

This release adds support for Alfresco Content Services SAML Single Sign-On (SSO)

  • including a new view controller to display the identity providers login page

Alfresco iOS SDK v1.4.1

25 May 15:44
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Tagged build #515 as release 1.4.1

Alfresco iOS SDK v1.4.0

29 Jul 13:12
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Alfresco SDK for iOS v1.4.0

Numerous improvements and fixes have been committed to this release, including:

  • MOBSDK-834 A new AlfrescoKit UI library which offers account selection and site/file/folder browsing components. The best example usage of this component is the AlfrescoDocumentPicker target in the alfresco-ios-app project.
  • MOBSDK-733 Alfresco Cloud users are now searchable using a subset of the CMIS 1.1 functionality.
  • MOBSDK-752 A Model Definition Service allows retrieval of types and aspects.
  • MOBSDK-820 Filtering of activities.
  • MOBSDK-821 Filtering of sites.
  • MOBSDK-826 A batch processor utility.
  • MOBSDK-828 Switch networking layer to use NSURLSession.
  • MOBSDK-829 Allow runtime retrieval of log entries.

The full list of fixes and improvements is available in Alfresco's JIRA Issue Tracking database


Built upon ObjectiveCMIS Release 0.5

Important Notes to Developers

The Sample Apps have been removed from this version. Developers who still require them can checkout an earlier version of the SDK or download the code directly from GitHub.

Also included is an experimental MacOS target, so you may develop native MacOS apps for Alfresco and leverage this SDK. It should be noted that our CI process does not currently include testing for the MacOS binaries, so these should be treated as Early Access at this stage.

Alfresco iOS SDK v1.3.2

24 Oct 08:19
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Alfresco SDK for iOS v1.3.2

This is a maintenance release that fixes several connectivity issues related to both On-Premise and Cloud repositories. The full list is available in Alfresco's JIRA Issue Tracking database

All other notes from Alfresco iOS SDK v1.3.0 and Alfresco iOS SDK v1.3.1 apply.

Alfresco iOS SDK v1.3.1

08 Aug 11:52
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Alfresco SDK for iOS v1.3.1

This is a maintenance release that adds support for creating sessions on versions of the Alfresco repository where the /service/cmis binding does not exist. Previous versions of the SDK require this binding to be present and will fail to connect to 5.0.b (Community) and 5.0 (Enterprise) editions.

All known issues and improvements for this version are tracked using Alfresco's JIRA Server

All other notes from Alfresco iOS SDK v1.3.0 apply.

Alfresco iOS SDK v1.3.0

09 Jul 13:48
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Alfresco SDK for iOS v1.3

This release adds support for:

  • Workflow, both JBPM and Activiti. Note that the Alfresco Public API only support the Activiti workflow engine and so the SDK will default to that for 4.2EE and newer and Cloud servers.
  • Person API.
  • Added arm64 slice to support 64-bit applications
  • Support for connections secured using client certificates.
  • Includes Apple's Reachability functionality to prevent network requests when there is no network connectivity.
  • Improved caching for Sites and favorite documents and folders
  • "Umbrella" include file AlfrescoSDK.h
  • Numerous bug fixes and improvements (see JIRA for details)


Built upon ObjectiveCMIS Release 0.3

Framework and Static Library Distribution

The SDK now ships with Framework and Static Library options (both with debug and release versions). Developers may find adding AlfrescoSDK.framework to their projects much easier than the static library:

  • Download and unzip to reveal the AlfrescoSDK.framework package.
  • With your project open in Xcode and the Project Navigator open, drag the AlfrescoSDK.framework file from Finder onto your project (for example into a "Frameworks" group)
  • That's it! You can import the SDK in any .m or .h file using
#import <AlfrescoSDK/AlfrescoSDK.h>
  • Alternatively, add a precompiled header file (.pch) to your project and add the #import statement there; the Alfresco SDK will be available throughout your project without requiring multiple import statements. This is the approach we use successfully in building our own Alfresco Mobile v2.0 app.

Known Issues

  • All known issues and improvements are tracked using Alfresco's JIRA server.
  • We take all bug reports seriously and accept issues raised in JIRA or here on GitHub.

A Note About The Version Number

We skipped iOS SDK 1.2 in order to regain version parity with our Alfresco Android SDK.

Alfresco iOS SDK v1.1.0

23 Aug 16:41
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Built upon ObjectiveCMIS Release 0.2

Debug and Release Binaries

The SDK is now shipped with both debug and release binaries to help control final application size. The differences between the two libraries are:

  • The default log level for the debug build is AlfrescoLogLevelDebug whereas for the release build it is AlfrescoLogLevelInfo. For both libraries, the level can be changed at run time using [AlfrescoLog sharedInstance].logLevel = .... The equivalent log level is passed down to the ObjectiveCMIS library.
  • The release build has debug symbols stripped, which reduces file size by about 50%. This applies to both the Alfresco SDK and the included ObjectiveCMIS library.

To dynamically link to the appropriate library at compile time depending on your own app's configuration:

  • Using Xcode's Navigator view, remove the reference to the libAlfrescoSDKv1.1.0.a library
  • Now view the project settings for your app's target, selecting "Build Settings" and search for "Other Linker Flags".
  • Expand the field to reveal the Debug and Release values and double-click the Debug value to view the popup editor.
  • From a Finder window, drag-and-drop the libAlfrescoSDKv1.1.0-debug.a library into the popup. Xcode should resolve to path to something similar to $(SRCROOT)/AlfrescoSDK/libAlfrescoSDKv1.1.0-debug.a
  • Perform the same step for the Release value with the non-debug library.

A Note About Backward Compatibility

Please be aware that the method signature for the progressBlock has changed and is not backward compatible with previous SDK releases.
Old definition (v1.0.2 and earlier):

progressBlock:^(NSInteger bytesTransferred, NSInteger bytesTotal)

New definition (v1.1 and newer):

progressBlock:^(unsigned long long bytesTransferred, unsigned long long bytesTotal)

Known Issues

  • MOBSDK-518: Updating document contents via iOS SDK for file created via SDK does not update the version number.

    This issue is dependent on the availability of a CheckOut/CheckIn service within ObjectiveCMIS
  • MOBSDK-519: Updating document contents via iOS SDK for file NOT created via SDK does not update the version number.

    This issue is dependent on PUBLICAPI-203: Wrong version returned after HTTP PUT request

Alfresco iOS SDK v1.0.2

10 Aug 02:08
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MOBSDK-298: The Mobile API uses the asynchronous CMIS Library API
MOBSDK-300: The CMIS library has a pluggable extension mechanism
MOBSDK-301: An Alfresco CMIS extension exists allowing aspect properties to be set through generic library
MOBSDK-303: The CMIS Library has a mechanism to allow network requests to be cancelled
MOBSDK-317: The type property on AlfrescoNode returns incorrectly for custom types
MOBSDK-429: Rename iOS SDK zip to include version number
MOBSDK-431: An extension mechanism to override default test-servers.plist on Bamboo exists
MOBSDK-440: AlfrescoCloudSession does not use oauth data when property is updated
MOBSDK-442: Samples App needs to have a Refresh Token button
MOBSDK-443: Bugs / Queries from ByteSquared
MOBSDK-444: Pop OAuthLoginViewController when login is denied or erroneous
MOBSDK-445: Refresh token issues - see also MOBSDK-443
MOBSDK-450: AlfrescoOAuthData is not serialisable
MOBSDK-454: Add unit test to demonstrate use of custom types
MOBSDK-456: The version number for the SDK needs to be determined programatically
MOBSDK-461: Users of the iOS SDK should not have to set the cmis:objectTypeId property when updating properties
MOBSDK-463: AlfrescoCMIS extension tests are missing from the SDK
MOBSDK-474: Cannot access cloud when entering correct credentials
MOBSDK-477: Unable to refresh token when token expires
MOBSDK-478: Favorite sites are picked up after navigating back to browse favorite sites panel