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The other day in my Complex Analysis class someone asked: "what is the graphical meaning of a residue?" Then the lecturer went on about how complex functions of a complex variable are hard to interpret graphically, since they are mappings from a 2-dimensional space to another. That is how this repo was born.

I immediately started thinking about how to build an interactive graphing tool that would help give an intuitive meaning to functions from one complex variable to another. Then one could differentiate them, and then integrate them, and then... who knows, maybe even visualise the residue of a function at a singularity.

⚠️ The code in this repo is under development. There is a high chance that it will substantially change in the near future!

The framework

The code in this repo basically consists of two types of JavaScript objects: variables and graphics. Variables have values that can be read by other variables and graphics. These values are usually a function of other variables', but they can also be derived from the mouse position or be set manually. Variables also have names, which allow you to use them in equations. Classes that fall under the variable category are:

  • Variable - No surprises here. These are the bread and butter of this framework: they can be used for mouse input, as functions of other variables or they can be managed by other wrappers (which we'll meet very soon). They can be drawn on Plot objects as position vectors.
  • Interval - This is a rather special type of variable. It represents an interval in the real line, with a beginning and an end. It is mostly used for animations, since you can make variables take it as a parameter to their function. It can optionally manage a midpoint Variable, which can be very useful for estimating integrals using the midpoint rule.
  • DeltaVar - This is used to represent the difference between consecutive values of another variable. I am sure you can already imagine what the purpose of this one is.
  • CumVar - This variable is used to represent the sum of the different values of another variable. It acts as an accumulator, whence the name. Again, if you have ever estimated an integral numerically, you know what this is used for.
  • Contour - This one is very similar to Variable in functionality. The difference is that is can only depend on one parameter which must be of type Interval. It is also plotted differently: instead of a position vector it draws the path its value follows as its paramater spans its domain.

Enough about variables. Let's talk about graphics! They are used to interact with the DOM in order to show the user the state of its dear variables. Currently, there are two types of graphics:

  • Plot - Give it a <canvas> element and it will do wonders with it! It draws a grid representing the complex plane and, on top of it, it will draw any variables that you give to it, that includes objects of types Variable, DeltaVar, CumVar and Contour mentioned above. Plot objects are interactive: you can zoom in and out and pan them around using the wheel and the middle button (alternatively you can use the left button while pressing SHIFT for panning) or using two fingers on your touchscreen (!). Each Plot can be given a Variable for it to pass it the position of the mouse when the user presses the left mouse button over the plot. [This in turn allows for the estimation of integrals along arbitrary hand drawn contours. Now, if that's not the epitome of interactivity I don't know what is.]
  • Display - This simple class can be given a DOM element (such as a <span>) and the numerical value of a variable of your choice will be printed to it each time the variable is updated.

Apart from this, the framework also provides the class FreehandContour which could be regarded as a radioactive hybrid between Interval and Contour (and most probably a poor design choice). You can pass it a Variable which is linked to the mouse position of some Plot and it will draw (and store) the contour described by the mouse as it moves. This class doesn't have a value per se; instead, it manages a Variable and a DeltaVar (suspiciously named z and dz) which can be accessed for further mischief.

Each of these objects updates and is updated by others using the observer pattern. Every object has a list of listeners, to which it notifies when its own value is updated. Essentially, the variables and graphics used will form a dependency graph, which should be a directed acyclic graph (or else you will have variables updating each other in a cycle ad stack-overflow-um). This creates some synchronisation challenges, since there might be more than one path to a descendant variable, causing it to update twice for each signal of the original variable (and this could cause or integral estimation to manifold). This is handled in two ways:

  • During animations, all objects involved keep track of the current tick. An object will only update its state with respect to their parameters once all of them have reached the same tick.
  • Variable objects (which, conveniently, are the only ones that can depend on two or more other variables) have an optional field wait. If it is set to true, the variable will only update its state once it has received notifications from all its parameters.

The article

I hope that someday Soon I will write a not-so-short article about complex functions and how to visualise them which demonstrates the potential and usage of this framework. Until that day comes, you can get a sneak peak of what it can do by visiting this page.


Currently, the only dependency of this project is the Math.js library.