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SWIG bindings for DyNet in Scala/Java

The code in dynet_swig.i provides SWIG instructions to wrap salient parts of DyNet for use in other languages, in particular Scala (and Java). These bindings were developed (and are maintained) by researchers from the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence.

The SWIG bindings produce Java (in edu.cmu.dynet.internal) that slavishly recreates the C++ API, and that you should strive not to use.

Instead you should use the Scala API that lives in edu.cmu.dynet. It recreates all the functionality of the C++ version, but is designed to be idiomatic Scala.

There are many examples in edu/cmu/dynet/examples that illustrate how to build / train / use models.

Building the Scala Bindings

You need to have a recent version of SWIG installed (3.0.11 or later), which you can download from Note that if you are using Ubuntu, apt-get will almost certainly install a much older version that won't work here. You also need to make sure that your $JAVA_HOME environment variable is set correctly.

Then to build DyNet with the SWIG bindings, simply add -DINCLUDE_SWIG=ON to the cmake command. (See the DyNet documentation for general build instructions). For example, run this from the build directory:

build$ cmake .. -DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/eigen -DINCLUDE_SWIG=ON
build$ make

If successful, the end of the build will look like:

[ 95%] Built target dynet_swig
[ 96%] Building Java objects for dynet_swigJNI.jar
[ 97%] Generating CMakeFiles/dynet_swigJNI.dir/java_class_filelist
[ 98%] Creating Java archive dynet_swigJNI.jar
[ 98%] Built target dynet_swigJNI
updating: libdynet_swig.jnilib (deflated 83%)
[ 98%] Built target dylib_into_jar
[100%] Running sbt
[info] lots of sbt stuff here
[success] Total time: 14 s, completed Mar 1, 2017 11:38:54 AM
[100%] Built target scala_helper

This command runs SWIG to generate a dynamic library file and JNI bindings, then runs sbt assembly to produce an "uberjar" containing both the Dynet bindings and the Scala helpers. It outputs three artifacts in the build/swig directory: dynet_swigJNI.jar, dynet_swigJNI_dylib.jar and dynet_swigJNI_scala.jar. Note that dynet_swigJNI_dylib.jar contains a native library that is not portable across systems.

To include DyNet in a Scala project, add both dynet_swigJNI_dylib.jar and dynet_swigJNI_scala.jar to your classpath. If you're using sbt, you can put these in a lib/ directory under the project root directory. To include DyNet in a Java project, add both dynet_swigJNI_dylib.jar and dynet_swigJNI.jar to your classpath.

Disabling the Scala API

If you don't want the Scala API (and, in particular, if you don't have sbt) then when you run cmake include the additional flag


But really you want the Scala API.

Building for GPU

To build the GPU version, make sure you have CUDA installed, then simply add -DBACKEND=cuda as a cmake option. The generated .jar and dynamic library will use the GPU for computations. (Currently there's no way to build a version that can do both CPU and GPU, you would have to build two separate versions if you wanted that.)

The CPU and GPU versions of DyNet behave almost identically. The one difference is that the DynetParams class has additional fields in the GPU version for configuring the GPU. This difference shouldn't affect you unless you want to configure these parameters and also run the same code on the CPU.

Modifying the Bindings

As more functionality is added to (C++) DyNet, corresponding changes will need to be made to these bindings. Here is how to update the Scala bindings for (say) a new class NewClass:

In dynet_swig.i

  • Make sure that the .i file #includes the relevant C++ header file (if it doesn't already)
  • Declare the class and whatever methods you want wrappers for in the .i file. (The existing declarations should be a good guide.)

In CMakeLists.txt

  • SWIG will generate an intermediate file; add it to the add_jar directive

In Scala

  • create a Scala class with a private constructor that wraps the SWIG-generated internal.NewClass. Expose Scala-y secondary constructors and/or factory methods for Scala code to use. Hide all internal. details:
private[dynet] class NewClass(private[dynet] internal.NewClass) {
  • write tests

Running the Examples

Several examples using DyNet from Scala and Java are included under src/main/[scala|java]/edu/cmu/dynet/examples/. After running make, you can run the Scala examples using sbt from the swig directory:

swig$ sbt "runMain edu.cmu.dynet.examples.XorScala"

The Java example takes a couple more steps:

swig$ javac -d . -cp ../build/swig/dynet_swigJNI.jar src/main/java/edu/cmu/dynet/examples/
swig$ java -cp .:../build/swig/dynet_swigJNI.jar:../build/swig/dynet_swigJNI_dylib.jar edu.cmu.dynet.examples.XorExample

In both cases, you should see output like:

Running XOR example
[dynet] random seed: 1650744221
[dynet] allocating memory: 512MB
[dynet] memory allocation done.
Dynet initialized!

Computation graphviz structure:
digraph G {
  N0 [label="v0 = parameters({8,2}) @ 0x7ff1da8000e0"];
  N1 [label="v1 = parameters({8}) @ 0x7ff1da800260"];
  N2 [label="v2 = parameters({1,8}) @ 0x7ff1da800380"];
  N3 [label="v3 = parameters({1}) @ 0x7ff1da8004f0"];
  N4 [label="v4 = constant({2})"];
  N5 [label="v5 = scalar_constant(0x7ff1d8f12ce8)"];
  N6 [label="v6 = v0 * v4"];
  N0 -> N6;
  N4 -> N6;
  N7 [label="v7 = v6 + v1"];
  N6 -> N7;
  N1 -> N7;
  N8 [label="v8 = tanh(v7)"];
  N7 -> N8;
  N9 [label="v9 = v2 * v8"];
  N2 -> N9;
  N8 -> N9;
  N10 [label="v10 = v9 + v3"];
  N9 -> N10;
  N3 -> N10;
  N11 [label="v11 = || v10 - v5 ||^2"];
  N10 -> N11;
  N5 -> N11;

iter = 0, loss = 0.6974922
iter = 1, loss = 1.4101544E-4
iter = 2, loss = 2.1905963E-8
iter = 3, loss = 3.2875924E-12
iter = 4, loss = 2.220446E-15
iter = 5, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 6, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 7, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 8, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 9, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 10, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 11, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 12, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 13, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 14, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 15, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 16, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 17, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 18, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 19, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 20, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 21, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 22, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 23, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 24, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 25, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 26, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 27, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 28, loss = 8.881784E-16
iter = 29, loss = 8.881784E-16


The current Scala API works mostly like the C++ API, with the following differences.


Everything has been given Scala-cased names. So affine_transform becomes affineTransform and so on.


In Scala there is a singleton ComputationGraph. Accordingly, any function or method that in C++ would take the computation graph as a parameter, in Scala doesn't.

When you want to clear the computation graph and get a new one, call the static method


Any Expression instances that were associated with previous computation graphs will become stale, and you'll get an error if you try to use them.

All of the C++ ComputationGraph instance methods are in Scala static methods on the ComputationGraph companion object.

Expression functions

The C++ API defines a large number of bare functions for creating Expressions. In Scala these are all static methods on the Expression companion object.


DyNet does a lot behind the scenes with C++ std::vector<>s. In Scala there are IntVector, FloatVector, UnsignedVector, and ExpressionVector classes that thinly wrap these C++ vectors. They all implement IndexedSeq so that they're pretty easy to work with.

Each has a size: Int constructor and a values: Seq[_] constructor.

unsigned ints

SWIG converts C++ unsigned variables to Java Long variables. This results in some minor unpleasantness where (for example) any function that takes a std::vector<unsigned> on the C++ side takes an UnsignedVector on the Scala side, but any function that takes an unsigned on the C++ side takes a Long on the C++ side.

Vector scope

The FloatVector class is a wrapper around a native C++ vector<float>. Some of the input functions take a FloatVector parameter, and behind the scenes they are copying a pointer to the underlying C++ vector.

Whenever the Scala FloatVector gets garbage-collected, it will delete the underlying C++ vector. If you still have computations that point to it, you will get a segfault.

Therefore, in this situation it is very important to keep the FloatVectors in scope so that they don't get prematurely garbage-collected.

For example, imagine you have a function:

def getImage(index: Int): FloatVector

that reads an image off disk.

The following is bad:

for (idx <- indexes) {
  val x = Expression.input(Dim(100), getImage(idx))
  // some other computations

as the FloatVector that comes back from getImage is eligible (and likely) to be garbage collected before forward (which runs a chain of computations that involve a pointer to the deleted vector) ever runs.

Instead, you need to do something like

for (idx <- indexes) {
  val image = getImage(idx)
  val x = Expression.input(Dim(100), image)
  // some other computations

because now image can't be garbage collected until after its iteration is finished.

(It is possible, even likely, that there are other ways in which this phenomenon might manifest, so keep an eye out.)


For the most part you shouldn't have to worry about pointers; most things are references in Java, so where a C++ method might take a Model* parameter, the corresponding Java method just takes a Model.

The exception is primitives. SWIG produces (for example) a SWIGTYPE_p_int type wrapper for int* and bare functions for working with these. The Scala API provides wrapper classes IntPointer and FloatPointer that are nicer to work with and that implicitly convert to the SWIG types.


DyNet uses boost::serialization to correctly serialize/deserialize an object graph of Models, Builders, and so on. On the Java side we expose ModelLoader and ModelSaver classes that wrap this functionality and allow complex serialization from Scala code. We also extended these classes to serialize primitives and Java/Scala objects that implement Serializable:

    val mod1 = new Model()
    val rnn1 = new SimpleRNNBuilder(1, 10, 10, mod1)

    val path = "/path/to/save/model/files"
    val saver = new ModelSaver(path)
    saver.addObject(new Foo())

    val loader = new ModelLoader(path)
    val mod2 = loader.loadModel()
    val rnn2 = loader.loadSRnnBuilder()
    val foo = loader.loadObject(classOf[Foo])
    val i = loader.loadInt()

The ModelSaver doesn't do any tracking of what it saves (or in what order), so it's on you to track that and/or make sure you deserialize things in the same order they were serialized.