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We lack some knowledge about packaging to make Ihatemoney installable on mainstream Linux distributions. If you want to give us a hand on the topic, please check-out the issue about debian packaging.

If you are using Yunohost (a server operating system aiming to make self-hosting accessible to anyone), you can use the Ihatemoney package.

Otherwise, follow these instructions to install it manually:


«Ihatemoney» depends on:

  • Python: either 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 will work.
  • A Backend: to choose among MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite or Memory.
  • Virtualenv (recommended): virtualenv package under Debian/Ubuntu.

We recommend to use virtualenv but it will work without if you prefer.

If wondering about the backend, SQLite is the simplest and will work fine for most small to medium setups.


If curious, source config templates can be found in the project git repository.

Prepare virtualenv (recommended)

Choose an installation path, here /home/john/ihatemoney.

Create a virtualenv:

virtualenv  -p /usr/bin/python3 /home/john/ihatemoney

Activate the virtualenv:

source /home/john/ihatemoney/bin/activate


You will have to re-issue that source command if you open a new terminal.


Install the latest release with pip:

pip install ihatemoney

Test it

Once installed, you can start a test server:

ihatemoney runserver

And point your browser at http://localhost:5000.

Configure database with MySQL/MariaDB (optional)


Only required if you use MySQL/MariaDB.

  1. Install PyMySQL dependencies. On Debian or Ubuntu, that would be:

    apt install python3-dev libssl-dev
  2. Install PyMySQL (within your virtualenv):

    pip install 'PyMySQL>=0.9,<0.10'
  3. Create an empty database and a database user

  4. Configure :ref:`SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI <configuration>` accordingly

Configure database with PostgreSQL (optional)


Only required if you use Postgresql.

  1. Install python driver for PostgreSQL (from within your virtualenv):

    pip install psycopg2
  2. Create the users and tables. On the command line, this looks like:

    sudo -u postgres psql
    postgres=# create database mydb;
    postgres=# create user myuser with encrypted password 'mypass';
    postgres=# grant all privileges on database mydb to myuser;
  3. Configure :ref:`SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI <configuration>` accordingly.

Deploy it

Now, if you want to deploy it on your own server, you have many options. Three of them are documented at the moment.

Of course, if you want to contribute another configuration, feel free to open a pull-request against this repository!

Whatever your installation option is…

  1. Initialize the ihatemoney directories:

    mkdir /etc/ihatemoney /var/lib/ihatemoney
  2. Generate settings:

    ihatemoney generate-config ihatemoney.cfg > /etc/ihatemoney/ihatemoney.cfg
    chmod 740 /etc/ihatemoney/ihatemoney.cfg

You probably want to adjust /etc/ihatemoney/ihatemoney.cfg contents, you may do it later, see :ref:`configuration`.

With Apache and mod_wsgi

  1. Fix permissions (considering www-data is the user running apache):

    chgrp www-data /etc/ihatemoney/ihatemoney.cfg
    chown www-data /var/lib/ihatemoney
  2. Install Apache and mod_wsgi : libapache2-mod-wsgi(-py3) for Debian based and mod_wsgi for RedHat based distributions

  3. Create an Apache virtual host, the command ihatemoney generate-config apache-vhost.conf will output a good starting point (read and adapt it).

  4. Activate the virtual host if needed and restart Apache

With Nginx, Gunicorn and Supervisord/systemd

Install Gunicorn:

pip install gunicorn
  1. Create a dedicated unix user (here called ihatemoney), required dirs, and fix permissions:

    useradd ihatemoney
    chown ihatemoney /var/lib/ihatemoney/
    chgrp ihatemoney /etc/ihatemoney/ihatemoney.cfg
  2. Create gunicorn config file

    ihatemoney generate-config > /etc/ihatemoney/
  3. Setup Supervisord or systemd

    • To use Supervisord, create supervisor config file

      ihatemoney generate-config supervisord.conf > /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ihatemoney.conf
    • To use systemd services, create ihatemoney.service in [2]:

      Description=I hate money postgresql.service postgresql.service
      ExecStart=/home/john/ihatemoney/bin/gunicorn -c /etc/ihatemoney/ ihatemoney.wsgi:application

      Obviously, adapt the ExecStart path for your installation folder.

      If you use SQLite as database: remove mentions of postgresql.service in ihatemoney.service. If you use MySQL or MariaDB as database: replace mentions of postgresql.service by mysql.service or mariadb.service in ihatemoney.service.

      Then reload systemd, enable and start ihatemoney:

      systemctl daemon-reload
      systemctl enable ihatemoney.service
      systemctl start ihatemoney.service
  4. Copy (and adapt) output of ihatemoney generate-config nginx.conf with your nginx vhosts [1]

  5. Reload nginx (and supervisord if you use it). It should be working ;)

[1]typically, /etc/nginx/conf.d/ or /etc/nginx/sites-available, depending on your distribution.
[2]/etc/systemd/system/ihatemoney.service path may change depending on your distribution.

With Docker

Build the image:

docker build -t ihatemoney --build-arg INSTALL_FROM_PYPI=True .

Start a daemonized Ihatemoney container:

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 ihatemoney

Ihatemoney is now available on http://localhost:8000.

All Ihatemoney settings can be passed with -e parameters e.g. with a secure SECRET_KEY, an external mail server and an external database:

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 \
-e SECRET_KEY="supersecure" \
-e SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI="mysql+pymysql://user:pass@" \
-e \
-e MAIL_PORT=465 \
-e \
-e MAIL_PASSWORD=your-password \
-e MAIL_USE_SSL=True \

A volume can also be specified to persist the default database file:

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -v /host/path/to/database:/database ihatemoney

Additional gunicorn parameters can be passed using the docker CMD parameter. For example, use the following command to add more gunicorn workers:

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 ihatemoney -w 3