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File metadata and controls

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Azure common library webdevops projects


Env vars

Variable name Default Description
AZURE_SERVICEDISCOVERY_CACHE_TTL 60m (time.Duration) ServiceDiscovery cache (eg. subscription, resourceGroup list,...)
AZURE_SERVICEDISCOVERY_SUBSCRIPTION_ID Subscription IDs separated by commas or spaces (whitespaces are trimmed)
AZURE_SERVICEDISCOVERY_SUBSCRIPTION_TAG_SELECTOR Tag selector tagName=tagValue,tagName2=tagValue2 to filter subscriptions for ServiceDiscovery (uses kubernetes label selector library)


Hint: please also check microsoft azure-sdk documentation for advanced usage.

Service principal with a secret

Variable name Value
AZURE_CLIENT_ID Application ID of an Azure service principal
AZURE_TENANT_ID ID of the application's Azure AD tenant
AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET Password of the Azure service principal

Service principal with certificate

Variable name Value
AZURE_CLIENT_ID ID of an Azure AD application
AZURE_TENANT_ID ID of the application's Azure AD tenant
AZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PATH Path to a certificate file including private key (without password protection)

AzureCLI authentication

To force authentication via AzureCLI set AZURE_AUTH=az and the token is fetched from Azure CLI. For this method the az binary must be executable in $PATH (inside the container/environment).

WorkloadIdentity/Federation authentication

To force authentication via WorkloadIdentity/Federation set AZURE_AUTH=federation. Following environment variables needs to be set (automatically set via workloadidentity in AKS clusters):

Variable name Value
AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST The Azure Active Directory (AAD) endpoint.
AZURE_CLIENT_ID The client ID of the AAD application or user-assigned managed identity.
AZURE_TENANT_ID The tenant ID of the registered AAD application or user-assigned managed identity.
AZURE_FEDERATED_TOKEN_FILE The path of the projected service account token file.

Azure Cloud/Environment support

AzurePublicCloud Default Azure cloud, using
AzureChinaCloud Azure cloud in China, using
AzureGovernmentCloud US Government Azure cloud
AzurePrivateCloud Private on-premise installation of Azure Cloud, needs additional configuration for endpoints

Azure Private cloud

Azure private cloud needs additional custom cloud configuration which can be passed environment variables:

Env var Description
AZURE_CLOUD_CONFIG JSON config as string (single line)
AZURE_CLOUD_CONFIG_FILE Path to JSON config as string

Example configuration:

    "activeDirectoryAuthorityHost": "",
    "services": {
        "resourceManager": {
            "audience": "",
            "endpoint": ""
        "microsoftGraph": {
            "audience": "",
            "endpoint": ""

Tag manager

Tag can be dynamically added to metrics and processed though filters

format is: tagname?option1 or tagname?option1&option2

Tag option Description
name Name of target label
toLower Lowercasing Azure tag value
toUpper Uppercasing Azure tag value
inherit If tag is not set, try to fetch from parent structure (Resource -> ResourceGroup -> Subscription)
source Defines where the tag value should be fetched from, allowed values: resource, resourceGroup, subscription

AzureTracing metrics

Azuretracing metrics collects latency and latency from azure-sdk-for-go and creates metrics and is controllable using environment variables (eg. setting buckets, disabling metrics or disable autoreset).

Metric Description
azurerm_api_ratelimit Azure ratelimit metrics (only on /metrics, resets after query due to limited validity)
azurerm_api_request_* Azure request count and latency as histogram


Environment variable Example Description
METRIC_AZURERM_API_REQUEST_BUCKETS 1, 5, 15, 30, 90 Sets buckets for azurerm_api_request histogram metric
METRIC_AZURERM_API_REQUEST_ENABLE false Enables/disables azurerm_api_request_* metric
METRIC_AZURERM_API_REQUEST_LABELS apiEndpoint, method, statusCode Controls labels of azurerm_api_request_* metric
METRIC_AZURERM_API_RATELIMIT_ENABLE false Enables/disables azurerm_api_ratelimit metric
METRIC_AZURERM_API_RATELIMIT_AUTORESET false Enables/disables azurerm_api_ratelimit autoreset after fetch
azurerm_api_request label Status Description
apiEndpoint enabled by default hostname of endpoint (max 3 parts)
routingRegion disabled by default detected region for API call, either routing region from Azure Management API or Azure resource location
subscriptionID enabled by default detected subscriptionID
tenantID enabled by default detected tenantID (extracted from jwt auth token)
resourceProvider enabled by default detected Azure Management API provider
method enabled by default HTTP method
statusCode enabled by default HTTP status code