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Contracts and interfaces for Unicrow audit

The map below might be useful to get quick bearings

Contracts Map

Basic Setup and Types

Run this command to install the packages:

yarn install

Run this command to generate the types and compile the contracts with the new ABI:

yarn hardhat compile

Run this command to get the local rpc accounts:

yarn hardhat accounts

Setup RPC Locally

Run ganache server to run a local RPC:

yarn hardhat node

Deploy the Contracts

Setup environment variables:

cp .env.example .env
GNOSIS_SAFE_ADDRESS Governance address multisign
PRIVATE_KEY Deployer account
NODE_URL Infura, Alchemy or any node to deploy to mainnet

Deploy the crow contracts with your local rpc:

yarn deploy:crow

Interact using console

To interact with the contracts on the console you need to instance then and attach the address (or using the tests, that is easier than console).

Run this command to open the rpc and interact with the contracts locally:

yarn hardhat console --network development

After the contract opened you can use the contracts doing it:

let crow = ethers.getContractFactory("Crow") // or other contract names
crow = await crow.attach("address_of_the_contract_here");

And now just use the contract functions

await{ paramters }) // in this case can be better to run the utils script that's faster than fill all paramters


Run the tests locally:

yarn hardhat test --network localhost