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This is a simple Markdown to object model to XHTML system.

import com.tristanhunt.knockoff.DefaultDiscounter._

toXHTML(knockoff("""# My Markdown Content """))

You can use the blocks returned from the knockoff method to do useful things, like fetch the header:

val blocks = knockoff("""# My markdown""")
blocks.find( _.isInstanceOf[Header] ).map( toText ).getOrElse( "No header" )

Using the latest version

In sbt:

val scalatools = "scalatools" at ""

val knockoff  = "com.tristanhunt" %% "knockoff" % "0.8.0-16"

In maven:


More information

See the home page for more information: This page is somewhat out-of-date, because I'm going to be altering my approach to the site's generation for a little bit.

License is BSD. Patches are welcome, if the patch is clean, I'll probably accept it.