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0.7.2-13 : Added SCAMLWriter and fixed hard breaks to be more like th…
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tristanjuricek committed Jun 7, 2010
1 parent ba8506a commit 884e066
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Showing 14 changed files with 543 additions and 41 deletions.
22 changes: 20 additions & 2 deletions literate/01-Introduction.markdown
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,13 +25,31 @@ See the [Recipes](10-Usage/02-Recipes.html) page for more.

## Possible Updates

- Move the 'knockoff.latex' package to the 'extra' package.

- Investigate SSP pass-through, it might have to be extended on top of HTML

## Recent Updates ##

### `0.7.2-SNAPSHOT`

**TODO** Move the 'knockoff.latex' package to the 'extra' package.
* Added a SCAML writer

### `0.7.1-12` June 1, 2010

Two small bug fixes:

1. A reference link followed by a paren was being matched as a normal link.

**TODO** Investigate SSP pass-through, it might have to be extended on top of HTML
1. If you used an asterix-delimited em right after a list item asterix marker, the
line is now considered to be a list item if you use an odd number of asterixes
on the line. (Ugly, but generally going to be OK.)

### `0.7.1-11` May 17, 2010
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ grabbed the spanning elements of each block, to construct the final `Block` mode

Here is where I can apply hard breaks in the middle of paragraphs. If we've
recognized a `Text` span that contains two spaces and a newline, we split the span
sequence at this point into two lists, and then append two blocks.
sequence at this point into two lists, and then append two blocks. One of them will
be an `HTMLSpan(<br/>)`.

// The TextChunk
case class TextChunk( val content : String ) extends Chunk {
Expand All @@ -31,25 +32,30 @@ sequence at this point into two lists, and then append two blocks.
spans : Seq[Span], position : Position,
discounter : Discounter ) {

val (lead, rest) = splitAtHardBreak( spans, new ListBuffer )
list += Paragraph( lead, position )
if ( ! rest.isEmpty )
appendNewBlock( list, remaining, rest, position, discounter )
val split = splitAtHardBreak( spans, new ListBuffer )
list += Paragraph( split, position )

def splitAtHardBreak( spans : Seq[Span], cur : Buffer[Span] )
: (Seq[Span], Seq[Span]) = {
if ( spans.isEmpty ) return ( cur, spans )
: Seq[Span] = {
if ( spans.isEmpty ) return cur
spans.first match {
case text : Text =>
text.content.indexOf(" \n") match {
// Skip past whitespace in the case we have some HTML.
var start = 0
if ( ! cur.isEmpty && cur.last.isInstanceOf[HTMLSpan] )
while ( start < text.content.length &&
Character.isWhitespace( text.content(start) ) )
start = start + 1
text.content.indexOf(" \n", start) match {
case -1 => {}
case idx =>
val end = idx + " \n".length
val (c1, c2) = ( text.content.substring( 0, end ),
val (c1, c2) = ( text.content.substring( 0, idx ),
text.content.substring( end ) )
cur += Text(c1)
return ( cur, List(Text(c2)) ++ spans.drop(1) )
cur += HTMLSpan("<br/>\n")
return splitAtHardBreak( List(Text(c2)) ++ spans.drop(1), cur )
case _ => {}
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218 changes: 207 additions & 11 deletions literate/30-Implementation/50-Extra/04-SCAML.markdown
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Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ once the document is converted.

// The SCAMLDiscounter trait
trait SCAMLDiscounter extends Discounter with StringExtras
with SCAMLXHTMLWriter with SCAMLPlainTextWriter {
with SCAMLXHTMLWriter with SCAMLPlainTextWriter with SCAMLWriter {
override def knockoff( source : CharSequence ) : Seq[Block] =
super.knockoff( source ).map( convertSCAMLBlock )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,14 +98,204 @@ once the document is converted.

## Writing ##

Generally speaking, SCAML is just going to be passed through without much fuss or
assistance of any kind (since we're assuming that the sequences will be dealt with
by a templating engine). We want to avoid any XML escapes, etc. So each of the
writers just needs to be adjusted to handle the `InterpolatedSCAML` type.
SCAML is a pretty different structure, in that the indentation level is pretty
significant to documents.

Note that the only SCAML that should be possibly present in the markdown document
is the short interpolated kind, which looks like this:

In the last product version #{lastProduct} we introduced...

Because of the nature of matching operators used right now, we need to add latex and
plain text writers.

// The SCAML Writer
trait SCAMLWriter { self : TextWriter =>
// TODO -> theIndent and currentIndent actually shouldn't be accessible.
val theIndent = " "
val currentIndent = new StringBuilder
def indent = currentIndent.toString
def increaseIndent = currentIndent.append( theIndent )
def decreaseIndent = currentIndent.delete( currentIndent.length - theIndent.length,
currentIndent.length )
/** Generates a SCAML version of the markdown document. */
def toSCAML( blocks : Seq[Block] ) : String = {
implicit val writer = new StringWriter
blocksToSCAML( blocks )
def blocksToSCAML( blocks : Seq[Block] )( implicit writer : Writer ) : Unit =
blocks.foreach( blockToSCAML )
/** Each block level element starts a new line, with indent, and increases
the current indent level before continuing with what it contains.
When done, it reduces the indent level. */
def blockToSCAML( block : Block )( implicit writer : Writer ) : Unit = {
if ( block.isInstanceOf[LinkDefinition] ) return
writer.write( indent )
block match {
case Paragraph( _, _ ) => writer.write( "%p\n" )
case Header( level, _, _ ) =>
writer.write( "%h" )
writer.write( level.toString )
writer.write( "\n" )
case Blockquote( _, _ ) =>
writer.write( "%blockquote\n" )
case CodeBlock( _, _ ) =>
writer.write( "%pre\n" )
writer.write( indent )
writer.write( "%code\n" )
case HorizontalRule( _ ) =>
writer.write( "%hr\n" )
case OrderedItem( _, _ ) | UnorderedItem( _, _ ) =>
writer.write( "%li\n" )
case OrderedList( _ ) =>
writer.write( "%ol\n" )
case UnorderedList( _ ) =>
writer.write( "%ul\n" )
case _ => error( "Unknown block: " + block )
block match {
case Paragraph( spans, _ ) => spans.foreach( spanToSCAML )
case Header( _, spans, _ ) => spans.foreach( spanToSCAML )
case Blockquote( children, _ ) => children.foreach( blockToSCAML )
case CodeBlock( text, _ ) =>
// **TODO** Prefix all lines with the indent
val indented = text.content.split("\n")
.map{ l => indent + l }
writer.write( indented + "\n" )
case HorizontalRule( _ ) => {}
case OrderedItem( children, _ ) => children.foreach( blockToSCAML )
case UnorderedItem( children, _ ) => children.foreach( blockToSCAML )
case OrderedList( items ) => items.foreach( blockToSCAML )
case UnorderedList( items ) => items.foreach( blockToSCAML )
case _ => error( "Illegal block: " + block )
/** Delegate to the appropriate handler to decide on indentation. */
def spanToSCAML( span : Span )( implicit writer : Writer ) : Unit = {
span match {
case Text(_) | HTMLSpan(_) | CodeSpan(_) => normalSpanToSCAML( span )
case Strong(_) | Emphasis(_) | Link(_,_,_) | IndirectLink(_,_) |
ImageLink(_,_,_) | IndirectImageLink(_,_) => spanBlockToSCAML( span )
/** These spans operate like the block level elements above. */
def spanBlockToSCAML( span : Span )( implicit writer : Writer ) : Unit = {
writer.write( indent )
span match {
case Strong( _ ) => writer.write( "%strong\n")
case Emphasis( children ) => writer.write( "%em\n" )
case Link( _, url, title ) =>
writer.write( "%a{ :href => \"" )
writer.write( url )
writer.write( "\"" )
for ( t <- title ) {
writer.write( ", :title => \"" )
writer.write( t.replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("\n", " ").trim )
writer.write( "\"" )
writer.write( " }\n" )
case IndirectLink( _, definition ) =>
writer.write( "%a{ :href => \"" )
writer.write( definition.url )
writer.write( "\"" )
for ( t <- definition.title ) {
writer.write( ", :title => \"" )
writer.write( t.replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("\n", " ").trim )
writer.write( "\"" )
writer.write( " }\n" )
case ImageLink( children, url, title ) =>
writer.write( "%img{ :src => \"" )
writer.write( url )
writer.write( "\"" )
for ( t <- title ) {
writer.write( ", :title => \"" )
writer.write( t.replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("\n", " ").trim )
writer.write( "\"" )
if ( ! children.isEmpty ) {
val stringWriter = new StringWriter
children.foreach{ c => spanToText(c)(stringWriter) }
val escaped = stringWriter.toString.replace( "\"", "\\\"" ).replace("\n", " ").trim
writer.write(", :alt => \"" )
writer.write( escaped )
writer.write( "\"" )
writer.write( " }\n" )
case IndirectImageLink( children, definition ) =>
writer.write( "%img{ :src => \"" )
writer.write( definition.url )
writer.write( "\"" )
for ( t <- definition.title ) {
writer.write( ", :title => \"" )
writer.write( t.replace("\"", "\\\"") )
writer.write( "\"" )
if ( ! children.isEmpty ) {
val stringWriter = new StringWriter
children.foreach{ c => spanToText(c)(stringWriter) }
val escaped = stringWriter.toString.replace( "\"", "\\\"" ).replace("\n", " ").trim
writer.write(", :alt => \"" )
writer.write( escaped )
writer.write( "\"" )
writer.write( " }\n" )
case _ => error( "Illegal block span: " + span )
span match {
case Strong( children ) => children.foreach( spanToSCAML )
case Emphasis( children ) => children.foreach( spanToSCAML )
case Link( children, _, _ ) => children.foreach( spanToSCAML )
case IndirectLink( children, _ ) => children.foreach( spanToSCAML )
case ImageLink( _, _, _ ) => {}
case IndirectImageLink( _, _ ) => {}
case _ => error( "Illegal block span: " + span )

// The SCAML writers
trait SCAMLXHTMLWriter extends XHTMLWriter {
/** We generally take each span and put it on it's own line. */
def normalSpanToSCAML( span : Span )( implicit writer : Writer ) : Unit = {
writer.write( indent )
span match {
case Text( content ) => writer.write( content )
case HTMLSpan( html ) => writer.write( html )
case CodeSpan( code ) =>
writer.write( "%code " )
writer.write( code.replace("\n", " ") ) // There shouldn't be newlines
// in here anyway
case _ => error( "Illegal normal span: " + span )
writer.write( "\n" )

If you're "feeling lucky" you can attempt to use the XHTML version of the document
with just a few interpolated strings, but you need to watch out for any line that
might appear to be a SCAML statement. This is not a good general solution.

// The SCAML XHTML Writer
trait SCAMLXHTMLWriter extends XHTMLWriter {
override def spanToXHTML : Span => Node = span => {
span match {
case InterpolatedSCAML( content ) => Unparsed( content )
Expand All @@ -114,17 +304,17 @@ writers just needs to be adjusted to handle the `InterpolatedSCAML` type.

// The SCAML Latex Writer
trait SCAMLLatexWriter extends LatexWriter {
override def toLatex( span : Span )( implicit writer : Writer ) : Unit =
span match {
case InterpolatedSCAML( content ) => writer.write( content )
case _ => super.toLatex( span )

// The SCAML Plain Text Writer
trait SCAMLPlainTextWriter extends TextWriter {
override def spanToText( span : Span )( implicit writer : Writer ) : Unit = {
span match {
case InterpolatedSCAML( content ) => writer.write( content + " " )
Expand All @@ -138,14 +328,20 @@ writers just needs to be adjusted to handle the `InterpolatedSCAML` type.

import com.tristanhunt.knockoff._
import com.tristanhunt.knockoff.latex.{ LatexWriter }
import{ Writer, StringWriter }
import scala.xml.{ Node, Unparsed }

// See the InterpolatedSCAML class

// See the SCAMLDiscounter trait

// See the SCAML writers
// See the SCAML Writer

// See the SCAML XHTML Writer

// See the SCAML Latex Writer

// See the SCAML Plain Text Writer

// In test com/tristanhunt/knockoff/extra/SCAMLSpec.scala
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions literate/30-Implementation/50-Integration_Testing.markdown
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,6 +75,17 @@ This will indicate which direction we use for comparison.
fromText should equal ( to.text )
it( "should convert tests from Markdown to SCAML" ) {
val dir = file( basedir, "wholesaler_markdown-scaml" )
dir.listTests(".txt", ".scaml").foreach { case (from, to) =>
from should be ('exists)
to should be ('exists)
println( "Test: " + from.getName )
val fromSCAML = toSCAML( knockoff( from.text ) ).trim
fromSCAML should equal( to.text )

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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions notes/0.7.2-13.markdown
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
* Added the `SCAMLWriter` with associated `toSCAML` method, in case you want to
pepper your markdown files with SCAML - and then use [Scalate](
to process them. (_Note_ No SSP... yet.)

* Specification bugfix whereupon hard breaks are properly broken with `<br/>`s
instead of splitting the two lines into separate paragraphs.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion project/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
build.scala.versions=2.8.0.RC3 2.8.0.RC2 2.8.0.RC1 2.8.0.Beta1 2.7.7 2.7.6 2.7.5 2.7.4

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