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Control Flow Lab


In this code-along, we will practice working with control flow in JavaScript.


  1. Practice writing if...else if...else statements.
  2. Practice working with the ternary operator.
  3. Practice writing switch statements.


You have been hired as a contractor for Scuber — a burgeoning startup that helps busy parents transport their children to and from all of their activities on scooters.

Scuber's drivers charge their passengers a different amount based on how far they need to travel. Modify the index.js file to ensure that Scuber's drivers are properly telling their passengers how much the ride will cost.

Read the Tests

We know that you do not have much experience with testing, so that is why it is very important for you to read the instructions in this and following labs. Still, reading the tests will provide you a lot of guidance to complete the lab. Let's take a look at the first test together.

describe('index.js', () => {
  describe('first 400 feet are free', () => {
    it('gives customers a free sample', () => {
      expect(scuberGreetingForFeet(199)).to.equal("This one is on me!");
    // tests continue...

Ok so all of the fancy describe words are just there to organize the requirements, and provide a mechanism for what each function should do. By reading the text inside of the describe words, we can see that there is some function that should give customers a free sample, where the first 400 feet are free. Then in the next line we see a function called scuberGreetingForFeet being executed with 199 passed through as an argument to the function. Executing the scuberGreetingForFeet function with the argument returns "This one is on me!".

If we run the tests by running learn-test we see that scuberGreetingForFeet is not defined. We can fix this by writing a function scuberGreetingForFeet in the index.js file. The big insight is that the tests in the indexTest.js file are calling the functions that we write the index.js file. These tests pass arguments to our function. When this test passes an argument of 199 to our function, the scuberGreetingForFeet function should return "This one is on me!". That makes sense, considering the text in the describe and it functions say that the first 400 feet should be free. That 199 must be indicating the distance in feet of the requested ride.

So reading tests are essentially like reading the instructions. It's something, we may have avoided for much of our lives, but when it comes to programming, tests fill in the picture of the goal we are trying to accomplish. They run mini-experiments on our code and help us better understand our code and the problem we are solving.


There are three functions you need to fill in:

  • scuberGreetingForFeet() — Use if and else if statements to return the correct greeting based on the distance the passenger desires to travel.
  • ternaryCheckCity() — Use a ternary operator to return the correct response based on the desired destination of the passenger.
  • switchOnCharmFromTip() — Use a switch statement to return a different response based on the generosity of the passenger's tip.

NOTE: Remember, each time you save the index.js file the test suite in your browser will automatically re-run itself and push the results to Learn. When all of the tests are passing at the end of the lab, the Run Local Tests light on the lesson page will turn green.

NOTE: Beware a gotcha! In JavaScript, you cannot express the concept of 'between' in the following way:

2 < 5 < 4
// => true

It seems like that expression should evaluate to false because 5 is not less than 4. However, we're forgetting about the order of operations — let's think about how the JavaScript engine evaluates that expression. First, the engine compares 2 < 5, which evaluates to true. At that point, it's as though the value true has replaced 2 < 5 in the expression, resulting in true < 4. The engine sees that we're trying to compare a non-number (true) against a number (4), and under the hood it converts true into a number:

// => 1

That leaves us with 1 < 4, which the JavaScript engine correctly evaluates to true. Can you figure out how to properly evaluate whether 5 is greater than 2 AND 5 is less than 4? Ponder that as you work through the assignment below.

Good luck!


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