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MoonCL: Lua bindings for OpenCL

MoonCL is a Lua binding library for the Khronos OpenCL™ API.

It runs on GNU/Linux and requires Lua (>=5.3) and OpenCL (>= 1.2).

Author: Stefano Trettel

Lua logo


MIT/X11 license (same as Lua). See LICENSE.


See the Reference Manual.

Getting and installing

Setup the build environment as described here, then:

$ git clone
$ cd mooncl
mooncl$ make
mooncl$ sudo make install

To use MoonCL, you'll also need the OpenCL ICD loader and at least one OpenCL capable device with updated drivers.

On Ubuntu, you can install the OpenCL ICD loader with:

$ sudo apt install ocl-icd-opencl-dev


The example below performs a simple addition using the first available GPU.

Other examples can be found in the examples/ directory contained in the release package.

-- MoonCL example: hello.lua
cl = require("mooncl")

-- Select platform and device, create context and command_queue
platform = cl.get_platform_ids()[1]
device = cl.get_device_ids(platform, cl.DEVICE_TYPE_GPU)[1]
context = cl.create_context(platform, {device})
queue = cl.create_command_queue(context, device)

-- Create program and build it
program = cl.create_program_with_source(context,[[
   kernel void myadd(uint a, uint b, global uint *result) {
      *result = a + b;

cl.build_program(program, {device})
-- Create kernel 
kernel = cl.create_kernel(program, "myadd")

-- Create a buffer to hold the result
result_buffer = cl.create_buffer(context, cl.MEM_WRITE_ONLY, cl.sizeof('uint'))
-- Set kernel arguments 
a, b = 20, 30
cl.set_kernel_arg(kernel, 0, 'uint', a)
cl.set_kernel_arg(kernel, 1, 'uint', b)
cl.set_kernel_arg(kernel, 2, result_buffer)

-- Enqueue kernel for execution
cl.enqueue_task(queue, kernel)

-- Read and print the result 
mem = cl.malloc(cl.sizeof('uint'))
cl.enqueue_read_buffer(queue, result_buffer, true, 0, mem:size(), mem:ptr())
result = mem:read(0, nil, 'uint')
-- Print result, and check it
print("".. a .. " + " .. b .. " = " .. result[1])
assert(result[1] == a + b)

-- Deallocate resources 

The script can be executed at the shell prompt with the standard Lua interpreter:

$ lua hello.lua

See also