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This module provides virtualSheet and domSheet which can be used with {@link twind.setup | setup}({ {@link twind.Configuration.sheet | sheet} }).

Virtual Sheet

The virtual sheet collects style rules into an array. This is most useful during testing and {@page Extract Styles aka SSR | server side rendering (SSR)}.

Additionally it provides an API to reset the current internal state of its tw function.

Using for Static Extraction a.k.a. Server Side Rendering (SSR)

💡 You can find detailed instructions and example in the {@page Extract Styles aka SSR | Server Side Rendering (SSR) guide}.

The following example assumes your app is using the tw named export from twind but the same logic can be applied to custom instances.

import { setup } from 'twind'
import { virtualSheet, getStyleTag } from 'twind/sheets'

const sheet = virtualSheet()

setup({ ...sharedOptions, sheet })

function ssr() {
  // 1. Reset the sheet for a new rendering

  // 2. Render the app
  const body = renderTheApp()

  // 3. Create the style tag with all generated CSS rules
  const styleTag = getStyleTag(sheet)

  // 4. Generate the response html
  return `<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">

Using in tests

💡 The example below uses uvu. Please adjust the test code to your testing framework.

import { suite } from 'uvu'
import * as assert from 'uvu/assert'

import { create } from 'twind'
import { virtualSheet } from 'twind/sheets'

const test = suite('using virtual sheet')

// Setup code to be run once before all tests
test.before((context) => {
  context.sheet = virtualSheet()

  const instance = create({
    sheet: context.sheet,
    // Fail tests on unknown rules or theme values
    mode: 'strict',
    // Prevent preflight rules to be added into sheet
    preflight: false,
    // Do not prefix properties and values
    prefix: false,
  }) =

// Clear the state before each test
test.before.each(({ sheet }) => {

test('render one rule', ({ tw, sheet }) => {`text(center)`, 'text-center')
  assert.equal(, '.text-center{text-align:center}')

DOM Sheet

This sheet uses DOM Text nodes to insert the CSS rules into the stylesheet. Using DOM manipulation makes this way slower than the {@link twind.cssomSheet | default sheet} but allows to see the generated CSS in to DOM. Most modern browser display CSS rules from the speedy default sheet using their CSS inspector.

💡 In production it is advised to use {@link twind.cssomSheet | speedy default sheet}.

If the domSheet is passed no target it looks for an style element with the id __twind. If no such element is found it will create one and append it to the document.head.

import { setup } from 'twind'
import { domSheet } from 'twind/sheets'

setup({ ...sharedOptions, sheet: domSheet() })

Custom Sheet Implementation

In case the builtin sheet implementations do not solve your use case, you can create your own:

import { setup } from 'twind'

const customSheet = (target = []) => ({
  insert: (rule, index) => {
    // rule: the CSS rule to insert
    // index: the rule's position
    target.splice(index, 0, rule)

setup({ ...sharedOptions, sheet: customSheet() })