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Cody standalone web app

Status: experimental (currently is used by Sourcegraph Web client)

The @sourcegraph/cody-web package implements a standalone web app/components for Cody Web.

To run demo standalone web app:

If the demo app doesn't load, it could be because there's an invalid token stored in local storage or in your IndexDB.

To clear the token, open the browser dev tools and run localStorage.removeItem('accessToken'). To clear tokens in IndexDB, open browser dev tools and go to applications tab and clear IndexDB tables for http://localhost:5777 domain.

How to run within Sourcegraph client

  • Build @sourcegraph/cody-web package by running pnpm build
  • Register package local link with pnpm link --global
  • Go to the Sourcegraph repository and create a link with pnpm link @sourcegraph/cody-web --global
  • Run Sourcegraph sg start or sg start web-standalone