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280 lines (271 loc) · 6.52 KB

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280 lines (271 loc) · 6.52 KB
class Foo {
  constructor(a = 10, ...b) {
    this.a = a
    this.b = b

  method() { return this.a + this.b }

  get x() { return `template${this.a}` }

let x = 1

const y = {
  func() { return 10 },
  get b() { return false },
  ["foo" + "bar"]: 800

let it = function*(n) {
  for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) yield n

console.log([for (a of [1, 2,]) a * 2])

let [a, b] = [1, 2];

let x = ([a], {b}) => a + b

let [e1,,e3] = ["5", false, 6]
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    "name": "Foo",
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    "origin": {
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    "lineno": 7,
    "namespace": "Foo.prototype",
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    "origin": {
      "!span": "79[6:2]-85[6:8]",
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      "!data": {
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        "type": "Function.prototype"
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    "addr": "/x/",
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    "type": "string",
    "lineno": 9,
    "namespace": "Foo.prototype",
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    "origin": {
      "!span": "122[8:6]-123[8:7]",
      "!type": "string",
      "!data": {
        "isConstructor": false,
        "type": "String.prototype"
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    "lineno": 14,
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prototype	__DIR__/es6-features.js	/class Foo \{/;"	v	lineno:1	namespace:Foo
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x	__DIR__/es6-features.js	/x/;"	v	lineno:9	namespace:Foo.prototype	type:string
y	__DIR__/es6-features.js	/y/;"	v	lineno:14
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b	__DIR__/es6-features.js	/b/;"	v	lineno:16	namespace:y	type:boolean
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