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Lesson 1 - random forests

Notebook: lesson1-rf.ipynb

Getting data using curl

  • ML should help us understand a dataset, not just make predictions about it.

Firefox, to website, then Javascript console, Developer

  • ctrl + shift + i to bring up web developer tool
  • tab to Network
  • go to data row
  • right click, copy as Curl (unix command that downloads data, like wget)
  • might want to delete "2.0" in url since it causes problems
  • curl url_link -o -o means output, then give suitable file name
  • mkdir bulldozers
  • mv bulldozers/
  • sudo apt install unzip or brew install unzip
  • unzip

Python 3.6 format string:

df_raw = pd.read_csv(f'{PATH}Train.csv', low_memory=False, 
  • f'{PATH}Train.csv' the f tells it to interpolate the "{PATH}"
  • low_memory=False make it read more of the file to decide what the types are


name = 'Jeremy'
age = 43
f'Hello {name.upper()}, you are {age}'

Hello, Jeremy, you are 43

Random Forest

  • universal machine learning technique
  • way of predicting something of any kind (dog/cat, price)
  • can predict a categorical or continuous variable
  • columns can be of any kind (pixel data, zip codes, revenues)
  • in general, it doesn't overfit
  • easy to stop it from overfitting
  • don't need a separate validation set
  • has few, if any statistical assumptions
    • doesn't assume data is normally distributed
    • doesn't assume relationships are linear
    • don't need to specify interactions
  • requires few pieces of feature engineering (don't have to take log of data)
  • it's a great place to start
  • if your random forest doesn't work, it's a sign there is something wrong with the data

Both Curse of Dimensionality & No Free Lunch are largely false.

Curse of Dimensionality - idea that the more columns you have, it creates more columns that are empty; that the more dimensions you have, the more they sit on the edge; in theory, distance between points is much less meaningful.

  • points do still have distance from each other
  • in the 90's, theory took over machine learning
  • we lost a decade of real practical development with these theories
  • in practice, building models on lots and lots of columns works well

No Free Lunch Theorem

  • there is no type of model that works well for any kind of dataset
  • but, in the real world, that's not true; some techniques do work
  • ensembles of decision trees works well


  • RandomForestRegressor is part of sklearn, scikit learn
  • Scikit learn is not the best, but perfectly good at nearly everything; popular library
  • next part of course (with Yannet), will look at different kind of decision tree ensemble, called Gradient Boosting Trees, XGBoost which is better than gradient boosting trees in scikit learn

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor, RandomForestClassifier

  • RandomForestRegressor - predicts continuous variables
  • RandomForestClassifier - predicts categorical variable

Convert to Pandas Categories

The categorical variables are currently stored as strings, which is inefficient, and doesn't provide the numeric coding required for a random forest. Therefore we call train_cats to convert strings to pandas categories.
This is a fastai library function:

re-order Pandas categories
Index(['High', 'Low', 'Medium'], dtype='object')
In [10]:['High', 'Medium', 'Low'], ordered=True, inplace=True)

In the background, the code is 0, 1, 2 for the categories which is what is used in Random Forest. -1 is assigned to NA.

get percent of missing values for each column

We're still not quite done - for instance we have lots of missing values, wish we can't pass directly to a random forest. display_all(df_raw.isnull().sum().sort_index()/len(df_raw))

Backhoe_Mounting            0.803872
Blade_Extension             0.937129
Blade_Type                  0.800977
Blade_Width                 0.937129
Coupler                     0.466620
Coupler_System              0.891660
Differential_Type           0.826959
Drive_System                0.739829
Enclosure                   0.000810

save to feather format

  • But let's save this file for now, since it's already in format can we be stored and accessed efficiently.
  • saves to disk the same way it appears in RAM
  • feather is fairly new
  • fastest way to save to disk and fastest way to read it back
os.makedirs('tmp', exist_ok=True)

So, then we don't have to re-run everything from start of notebook.


In the future we can simply read it from this fast format.

df_raw = pd.read_feather('tmp/bulldozers-raw')

Run Random Forest

  • serial number (numbers): random forest works fine with these ID numbers that are not really continuous
  • random forests are trivially parellelizable
  • means it will split up data across CPUs and linearly scale
  • n_jobs=-1 means create a separate job for each CPU that you have

Kaggle Competition

  • generally speaking, if you're in the top half of a Kaggle competition, you're doing well
  • so, here, with no thinking and using the defaults of the algorithm (random forest), we're in the top quarter of the competition
  • random forests are insanely powerful


  • take as many Kaggle competitions as you can
  • try this process with Pandas set up