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Lesson 4: RF Hyperparameters & Feature Importance

Length: 01:40

Notebook: lesson2-rf_interpretation.ipynb


  • R^2 accuracy
  • How to make validation sets
  • Test vs. Validation Set
  • Diving into RandomForests
  • Examination of One tree
  • What is 'bagging’
  • What is OOB Out-of-Box score
  • RF Hyperparameter 1: Trees
  • RF Hyperparameter 2: max Samples per leaf
  • RF Hyperparameter 3: max features

Repository / Notebook Workflow

  • make a copy of the notebook
  • name it with tmp prefix; this will then be ignored by .gitignore

Hyperparameter set_rf_samples()

  • pick up a subset of rows
  • summarize relationship between hyperparameters and its effects on overfitting, collinearity
  • reference:
  • set_rf_samples(20000) determines how many rows of data in each tree
    • Step 1: we have a big dataset, grab a subset of data and build a tree
    • we either bootstramp a sample (sample with replacement) or subset a small number of rows
    • Q: assuming the tree remains balanced as we grow it, how many layers deep would we want to go?
      • A: log_2(20,000) (depth of tree doesn't really vary based on sample size)
    • Q: how many leaf nodes would there be?
      • A: 20,000 (because every leaf node would have a sample in it)
    • when you decrease the sample size, it means that there are less final decisions that can be made; tree will be less rich; it also is making less binary choices to get to those decision
    • setting set_rf_samples lower means you overfit less, but you'll have a less accurate tree model
    • each individual tree (aka "estimator") is as accurate as possible on the training set
    • across the estimators, the correlation between them is as low as possible, so when you average them out together, you end up with something that generalizes
    • by decreasing the set_rf_samples() number, we are actually decreasing the power of the estimator and increasing the correlation
    • it may result in a better or worse validation set result; this is the compromise you have to figure out when you do ML models
  • oob=True whatever your subsample is, take all the remaining rows, and put them into a dataset and calculate the error on those (it doesn't impact the training set); it's a quasi-validation set

Information Gain

  • "Information" used to describe the amount of additional info we gain from splitting
  • how much better did the model get by adding another split point?

Hyperparameter min_samples_leaf

  • Q: if I change min_samples_leaf from 1 to 2, what would be my new depth?
    • A: log_2(20,000) - 1
  • Q: how many leaf nodes would there be in that case?
    • A: 10000
  • we have less depth, less decisions to make, and we have a smaller number of leaf nodes
    • we would expect each estimator to be less predictive, but also less correlated and result in less overfitting
  • could speed up training with one less level; could generalize better
  • TRY these options
    • 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 100

Hyperparameter max_features

  • max_features=0.5 at each point in the tree, we pick a different half of the features
  • we do this because we want the trees to be as rich as possible
  • picking a random subset of features at every decision point
  • overall effect is that each individual tree will be less accurate, but the trees will be more varied
    • imagine if you had one feature that was super-predictive, so predictive that every single sub-sample split on the same feature
    • trees would have same intial split
    • some trees would create other splits, show interactions
    • gives more variation, creates more generalized trees
  • TRY these options
    • None
    • 0.5
    • sqrt

Things that don't impact our training

  • n_jobs=-1 how many CPUs to run on
    • making more than 8 may have diminishing returns
    • -1 --> all cores
    • 1 --> default
  • oob=True if you don't say "True", it won't print it out

Other Parameters

  • there are more hyperparameters
  • the one's highlighted here are the ones that Jeremy has found useful
  • you can try others

Random Forest Model Interpretation

  • fastai library is not available in Kaggle kernels
  • can look in fastai.structured; use ??fastai.structured to look inside it
  • most of methods we use are a small number of lines of code; can copy functions and use whereever
  • can link to library; give credit to fastai
  • "Confidence based Tree Variance" does not exist anywhere else; is in fastai
  • "Feature Importance" exists in Kaggle kernels

Feature Importance

  • works by randomly shuffling a column
  • set_rf_samples() to a number where you can run a model < 10 seconds or so. Ex: 50,000
  • rf_feat_importance works by randomly shuffling a column


  • in psychology, economics, psychology, marketing, etc
  • assuming linear relationships between Xvars and Y (with a possible link function that could be sigmoid)
  • determine feature importance by looking at weight vars, or coefficients (aX1 + bX2 + ... = Y); normalize first
  • Note: if you were missing an interaction, or a transformation, if pre-processing were imperfect, than coefficients would be wrong
    • in your totally WRONG model, this is how important your coefficients are
  • AND, if they have done significant pre-processing that the model is accurate, now we're looking at coefficients of PCA, or clusters, which are difficult to interpret.

Feature Importance in Random Forest

  • in this extremely high parameter, highly flexible functional form with few if any statisticial assumptions, this is your feature importance


Machinery Example

  • we'll see 4 main important features

One Hot Encoding

  • Case 1: multiple codes to one variable: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (tree will have to do multiple splits to identify variable that has signifigance)
  • Case 2: with one hot encoding, the random forest can split between 0 and 1; it has the ability in a single step, to pull the category level of significance
  • 1-hot encoding
  • max_n_cat=7 if column value is say, a zip code, which has > 7 values, it will be left as a number
  • always try 1-hot encoding for quite a few of your vars and look at feature importance

Removing Redundant Features

  • cluster analysis: find which group of rows or columns are similar
  • a common type of clustering is: k-means
    • assume we have no labels
    • we need to specify the number of clusters
    • move points closer to centroids, iterative process
  • another type clustering: hierarchical or agglomerative (underused, was more popular 20-30 years ago)
    • look at every pair of objects and see which are closest. remove 2 points and replace with their mean.
    • keep doing that; we'll gradually reduce the number of points by pairwise combining
  • can use rank corrrelation to identify similar features (function must be monotonic for rank correlation to work)

Partial Dependence


from pdpdbox import pdp
from plotnine import *
  • is a powerful technique
  • not a lot of people know about it
  • for the features which are important, how do they relate to the dependent variable?
  • look at relationships, and then ask "what happened? what [external factor] could be causing this?
  • replacing whole column with constant.., 1961
  • plot all 500 predictions

Tree Interpreter

  • Contributions: