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Lesson 3: xxx

(13-Nov-2017, live)

Wiki: Lesson 3

Notebooks Used

Technical Resources



Step-by-step instructions are here:

Using tmux on AWS

Step-by-step instructions here


List of blogs can be found here:

Where We Go From Here

  1. CNN Image Intro
  2. Structured Neural Net Intro
    • logistics, finance
  3. Language RNN Intro
  4. Collaborative Filtering Intro
    • recommendation systems
  5. Collaborative Filtering In-depth
  6. Structured Neural Net in Depth
  7. CNN Image in Depth
  8. Language RNN in Depth

Learning How to Download Data

  • Kaggle
  • other places on internet

Kaggle CLI (command line interface)

Instructions on using kaggle-cli:
Kaggle Competition: Planet: Understanding the Amazon from Space

Chrome CurlWget

Instructions on using Chrome CurlWget: chrome_curlwget

Setting up data directory

  • fastai library assumes data is in a subdirectory where notebook is: PATH = "data/dogscats"
  • you might want to put the data somewhere else, such as your home directory
  • you can put data anywhere you like, and use symlinks

Symbolic Links

Here’s an example. Let’s say you wanted to create a symbolic link in your Desktop folder that points to your Downloads folder. You’d run the following command:

ln -s /Users/name/Downloads /Users/name/Desktop

How to Create and Use Symbolic Links (aka Symlinks) on a Mac

In Linux, can do ls -l dir_name to see what the symlinks point to

Quick Dogs vs Cats

This code imports all the fastai libraries:

from fastai.conv_learner import *
PATH = "data/dogscats/"
sz=224; bs=48

Learning Rate Finder

This step assumes you have run the learning rate finder:

%time, 3, cycle_len=1)

precompute=True / data augmentation

tfms = tfms_from_model(arch, sz, aug_tfms=transforms_side_on, max_zoom=1.1)
data = ImageClassifierData.from_paths(PATH, tfms=tfms, bs=bs, num_workers=4)
#learn = ConvLearner.pretrained(arch, data, precompute=True, ps=0.5)
learn = ConvLearner.pretrained(arch, data)
%time, 3, cycle_len=1)
  • something that makes model step faster
  • if you're confused about this, exclude this step. it's a shortcut which caches intermediate steps which don't have to be calculated each time.
  • when we are using precomputed activations, data augmentation does not work. Because precompute=True is using the cached, non-augmented activations.
  • if you ask for data augmentation and have precompute=True, it doesn't actually do any data augmentation, because it is using the cached non-augmented activations


  • after we run an architecture (say resnet34), by default, all the layers are frozen except the last one
  • when we unfreeze, we unfreeze all the layers prior to the last one
  • when we "re-train" or "learn again", we are updating the weights from the pre-trained model.
  • note that pre-trained weights are there from the architecture we've chosen



  • now unfreeze so we can train the whole thing

learn.bn_freeze Batch Norm Unfreeze

  • If you're using a bigger, deeper model like resnet50 or resnext101, on a dataset that is very similar to ImageNet; This line should be added when you unfreeze. This causes the batch normalization moving averages to not be updated. (more in second half of course)
  • not supported by another library, but turns out to be important
  • if you are using an architecuture with larger than 34 suffix (resnet50, resnext101), and you're training dataset with photos similar to ImageNet (normal photos, normal size, object in middle of photo and takes up most of frame), then you should add bn_freeze. If in doubt, try with and without it.

Re-train Network After Unfreezing

After unfreezing, train another epoch:

%time[1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3], 1, cycle_len=1)

Test Time Augmentation

TTA Test Time Augmentation - use to ensure we get the best predictions we can.

%time log_preds, y = learn.TTA()
metrics.log_loss(y, np.exp(log_preds)), accuracy(log_preds, y)

Summary of Steps


  • you have run the learning rate finder
  • data is set up in the director structure

When you a try a new dataset, these are the minimum steps to take.

from fastai.conv_learner import *
PATH = "data/dogscats/"
arch = resnet50
sz = 224
bs = 64
tfms = tfms_from_model(arch, sz, aug_tfms=transforms_side_on, max_zoom=1.1)
data = ImageClassifierData.from_paths(PATH, tfms=tfms, bs=bs)
learn = ConvLearner.pretrained(arch, data)
%time, 3, cycle_len=1)
%time[1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3], 1, cycle_len=1)
%time log_preds, y = learn.TTA()
metrics.log_loss(y, np.exp(log_preds)), accuracy(log_preds, y)

Comparing fastai to Keras with TensorFlow

  • fastai library sits on top of PyTorch.
  • keras sits on top of a variety of backends: TensorFlow, MxNet, Microsoft CNTK

dogs vs cats using keras library: keras_lesson1.ipynb

  • Jeremy has attempted to replicate parts of lesson 1 in keras

Keras code

  • import a bunch of libraries
  • keras also has standard directory structure for image data: training, valid
  • specify what batch size to use
  • we need to use much, much more code; each part of code has many things we need to set
  • data generation: specify type of data augmentation, normalization (fastai says whatever resnet50 requires)
  • no standard set of best data augmentation parameters
  • class mode, specify binary or multiclass
  • need to do data generator for validation set
  • with validation set, it's vital that data are not shuffled, but with training, they should be shuffled
  • keras does not have resnet34
  • keras, need to manually construct the layers
  • in keras, need to compile model (not needed in fastai or pytorch, we know what is a good loss to use)
  • no concept of automatically freezing layers
  • need to tell it how many batches per epoch
  • much more code, so more opportunities for error
  • no concept of layer groups, differential learning rates or partial unfreezing
  • manually had to define which layers to fine tune, then recompile model

Comparison of Results:

keras: 97% after 4 epochs, 8 minutes
fastai: 99.5% on validation, 4-5 minutes

If you want to run this notebook, install as follows, since it is not part of the fastai environment:
pip install tensorflow-gpu keras

Deploying on Mobile:

  • Pytorch on mobile situation is early, may want to use TensorFlow
  • will take work to get state-of-the-art results

what fastai library contains that is not in keras:

  • stochastic gradient with restart
  • differential learning rates
  • batch norm freezing

Keras and TensorFlow are not difficult to handle; would take a couple of days to learn.
Google is interested in getting fastai library ported to TensorFlow.

Dog Breeds

  • assignment from last week, try to do everything you've seen already, but do it on the dog breeds dataset
  • last few minutes of last week: code presented on how to look at data, classes, how big the images are, etc.

How to Submit to Kaggle

Every Kaggle competition has an "Evaluation" section with instructions.
For dog breed, it is here:

Submission File

For each image in the test set, you must predict a probability for each of the different breeds. The file should contain a header and have the following format: ID, probabilities of each of the dog breeds


In our object, there is:


[RS: add notes later]

CNN Behind the Scenes

Filter / Kernel

top edge filter:

1 1 1
0 0 0
-1 -1 -1

left edge filter:

1 0 -1
1 0 -1
1 0 -1
  • PyTorch does not store as two separate 9-digit arrays. It stores it as a tensor. A tensor is an array with more dimensions. (can also call it an array). Tensor allows us to stack each of these filters together
  • filter and kernel means the same thing here, a 3x3 matrix or slice of 3-dimensional tensor
  • each filter has created a layer, a hidden layer

Next filter will contain 2 of these kernels: filter 1/2

0.5 0.3 0.3
0.9 -0.5 0
0.8 0 -0.7
0.8 0.4 -0.5
0.6 0.4 0.3
0.3 0.7 0.6
  • shouldn't think of this as 2 3x3 kernels, but 1 2x3x3 kernel
  • over time, you want to start getting comfortable with idea of higher dimensional linear combinations
  • conceptually, just stack it in your mind
  • Jeffrey Hinton, in his 2012 neural nets Coursera class, has tips on how computer scientists deal with high dimensional space
  • an architecture means how big is your kernel at layer 1, how many filters are in your kernel at layer 1
  • an activation is an output from input times the kernel
  • we give names to layers: conv1, conv2, etc
  • maxpool a 2x2 maxpooling will half the resolution, both height and width (over non-overlapping cells)
  • activation take every single output from maxpool, and give them a weight, multiply them, and we get a sum product
  • this is called a fully connected layer
  • 01:03: architectures that make haeavy use of fully convolutional layers can have a lot of weights that take a lot of time; they may have trouble with overfitting and they can be slow
  • we'll look at VGG architecture, has up to 19 layers. first successful deep architecture. VGG contains a fully connected layer. Has 4,096 activations connected to a hidden layer with 4,096. 300 million weights of which 250 million are within fully connected layers
  • resnet and resnext do not have a lot of fully connected layers behind the scenes
  • R, G, B:
  • Kaggle iceberg competition, satellite with 2 channels

01:08:45 after break
What happens next? After fully connected layer?
In practice, if we want to calculate which of the 10 digits we're looking at, the single digit is not enough.

  • We would have 10 sets of fully connected weights.
  • last layer has no ReLU, so we can have negatives


ln(x/y) = ln(x) - ln(y)

ln(x) = y ----> e^y = x

log_a(b) = ln(b) - ln(a)

Planet Competition

Note: Since images are matrices of numbers, and if the image looks washed-out, you can multiple it by a number, say 1.4:

  • these images are not at all like ImageNet
  • vast majority of images we will use involving CNN will not be like ImageNet: medical imaging, classifying different kinds of steel tube, figuring out if a weld will break or now, satellite images, etc.
  • good to experiment with planet competition
  • planet image data starts off 256 x 256
  • resize it to 64 (wouldn't do this for cats / dogs because we start off with pretrained ImageNet data, it starts off nearly perfect. most ImageNet models are trained on 224 x 224, or 299 x 299)
  • There's nothing like satellite images ImageNet; some layers are helpful (finding edges, textures, repeating patterns

Training Planet Competition Data

  • start with sz = 64
  • grab some data
  • built model
  • found out what learning rate to use
  • needed to fit last layer before it started out flattening out
  • then unfreeze: learn.unfreeze()
  •, 3, cycle_len=1, cycle_mult=2)
  • save model:'{sz})
  • train for a while
  • increase size: sz=128 (double the size)
  • xxx
  • End with TTA:
    • tta = learn.TTA()
    • f2(*tta)
  • used metrics=[f2] rather than metrics=[accuracy]
  • f2 particular way of weighing false positives and false negatives

Note: inputs * weights = activations

Differential Learning Rates

lr = 0.2, 3, cycle_len = 1, cycle_mult = 2)
  • there is a concept called layer groups
  • type learn.summary() to get detailed info on layers


Structured Data

  • Unstructured data: images, audio, natural language text
  • Structured data: profit/loss statement, data in a spreadsheet, info about FB user, each column is structurally quite different (sex, zip code)
  • structured data is what makes the world go around, though it is not presented at fancy conferences

Grocery Store Competition

Current Ecuador grocery store competition

Former German grocery store competition

Reminder: update repo git pull and from time to time, update conda

git pull
conda env update
conda update --all 


recommended book: Python for Data Analysis by Wes McKinney, 2nd Edition

  • 2nd edition release Sep 2017
  • author of Pandas
  • covers numpy, scipy, matplotlib, scikit-learn, iPython, Jupyter

  • structured data is generally shared as a csv file
  • To get the Rossman data: On AWS, we can do wget
  • code tha tis in the notebook is from 3rd place winner: lesson3-rossman.ipynb

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Next Week

  • we'll go through steps in the lesson3-ross.ipynb notebook
  • learn to split columns in 2 types: categorical and continuous
    • Example: Store ID 1 and 2 are not numerically related to each other, they are categories. Day of Week also categorical. Will do 1-hot encoding
    • distance of competitor is continuous
  • try to enter as many kaggle competitions as possible