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Tags: sandeepv10/zf1



Toggle release-1.12.9's commit message
Zend Framework 1.12.9

**This release contains security updates:**

- **ZF2014-05:** Due to an issue that existed in PHP's LDAP extension, it is
  possible to perform an unauthenticated simple bind against a LDAP server by
  using a null byte for the password, regardless of whether or not the user
  normally requires a password. We have provided a patch in order to protect
  users of unpatched PHP versions (PHP 5.5 <= 5.5.11, PHP 5.4 <= 5.4.27, all
  versions of PHP 5.3 and below). If you use `Zend_Ldap` and are on an affected
  version of PHP, we recommend upgrading immediately.
- **ZF2014-06** `Zend_Db_Adapter_Sqlsrv` had a potential SQL injection
  vulnerability via improperly quoted null bytes. The code has been updated to
  ensure proper quoting and thus remove the security vector. If you are using
  `Zend_Db_Adapter_Sqlsrv` and manually quoting values via the adapter, we
  encourage you to upgrade immediately.


Toggle release-1.12.8's commit message
Zend Framework 1.12.8

- [54: Zend&zendframework#95;Loader invalid links, missing docs](zendframework#54)
- [98: Allow editing and flattening of text form fields within PDF documents](zendframework#98)
- [244: Zend&zendframework#95;Oauth&zendframework#95;Client: Consider multipart/form-data](zendframework#244)
- [270: Missing class Zend&zendframework#95;Service&zendframework#95;Console&zendframework#95;Command](zendframework#270)
- [277: Patch two level cache updates](zendframework#277)
- [289: Zend&zendframework#95;Date milliseconds bug](zendframework#289)
- [342: Zend&zendframework#95;Locale&zendframework#95;Format::getFloat does not handle exponential notation (&quot;1e-2&quot; returns -100 instead of 0.01)](zendframework#342)
- [348: Fixed bug - do not allow invalid hostname with double dots i.e.](zendframework#348)
- [354: CLDR v25 released](zendframework#354)
- [363: Zend&zendframework#95;Locale&zendframework#95;Data::disableCache(true) is always reset](zendframework#363)
- [364: Fix convertPhpToIsoFormat](zendframework#364)
- [365: Fix for array to string conversion error in Zend&zendframework#95;Validate&zendframework#95;Abstract](zendframework#365)
- [368: Zend&zendframework#95;Validate&zendframework#95;Hostname: invalidates long TLDs above 10 characters (latest IANA TLDs)](zendframework#368)
- [375: Fixes zendframework#374 - Implement Zend&zendframework#95;Pdf::getJavascript() and Zend&zendframework#95;Pdf::setJavascript()](zendframework#375)
- [378: ZF-1.12.7 breaks code when using multi column ordering](zendframework#378)
- [382: Proper cleaning of File cache files in cleaning mode ALL](zendframework#382)
- [385: Serialized DateTime includes fractions of seconds since 5.6.0beta4](zendframework#385)
- [390: Zend&zendframework#95;Locale&zendframework#95;Format::&zendframework#95;getEncoding() is missing a return statement](zendframework#390)
- [394: Validate&zendframework#95;Hostname: Punycode decoding fails if encoded string has not hyphen](zendframework#394)
- [399: Argument 4 to hash&zendframework#95;hmac() must be of type ?bool, int given](zendframework#399)
- [402: &zendframework#91;Http&zendframework#92; Multiple fixes related to the curl adapter](zendframework#402)
- [410: fix for issue 393 - always reset libxml&zendframework#95;disable&zendframework#95;entity&zendframework#95;loader](zendframework#410)
- [414: Fix for 270 Missing class Zend&zendframework#95;Service&zendframework#95;Console&zendframework#95;Command](zendframework#414)
- [418: Improved regex for SQL group, order, from](zendframework#418)


Toggle release-1.12.7's commit message
Zend Framework 1.12.7

- [ZF2014-04 Potential SQLi vector via ORDER clause](]
- [329: Fixes zendframework#325 - Incorrect translation for ERROR&zendframework#95;RECORD&zendframework#95;FOUND](zendframework#329)
- [331: Compatibility with PHPunit 4](zendframework#331)
- [333: &zendframework#91;Zend&zendframework#95;Navigation&zendframework#92; Remove a page recursively](zendframework#333)
- [337: No region found within the locale 'zh&zendframework#95;CN'](zendframework#337)
- [340: Zend&zendframework#95;Dojo&zendframework#95;View&zendframework#95;Helper&zendframework#95;Dojo&zendframework#95;Container::&zendframework#95;renderStylesheets array&zendframework#95;reverse](zendframework#340)
- [343: Updated the TLDs in Hostname validator to the latest IANA list (2014-05-05)](zendframework#343)
- [344: iconv.internal&zendframework#95;encoding deprecated in PHP 5.6](zendframework#344)
- [351: Consolidate getting and setting encoding in Zend&zendframework#95;Locale&zendframework#95;Format](zendframework#351)
- [353: Update usage of iconv&zendframework#95;get&zendframework#95;encoding so that it is only used for PHP &lt; 5.6](zendframework#353)
- [359: Add Docx support to Zend&zendframework#95;Gdata&zendframework#95;Docs](zendframework#359)
- [370: Zend&zendframework#95;Registry test fails since PHP 5.6.0beta1](zendframework#370)
- [371: Allow children of Zend&zendframework#95;Form to handle setDefaults to array conversion by themselves](zendframework#371)
- [376: Fixed compatibility with PHPUnit 4.1](zendframework#376)


Toggle release-1.12.6's commit message
Zend Framework 1.12.3

- [2: Long Timezones in Zend&zendframework#95;Date constructor ignored with custom date format](zendframework#2)
- [53: Zend&zendframework#95;Cache&zendframework#95;Backend&zendframework#95;Libmemcached doesn't pass Memcached::OPT&zendframework#95;NO&zendframework#95;BLOCK option through](zendframework#53)
- [164: Fix ZF-11921: Race condition in plugin loader include file cache](zendframework#164)
- [279: Added JSON&zendframework#95;UNESCAPED&zendframework#95;UNICODE and JSON&zendframework#95;UNESCAPED&zendframework#95;SLASHES to encoding GCM Data to JSON](zendframework#279)
- [291: OpenId tests are failing](zendframework#291)
- [296: Missing locale file '/***/Zend/Locale/Data/zh&zendframework#95;CN.xml' for 'zh&zendframework#95;CN' locale.](zendframework#296)
- [297: Rely on the autoloader to load PHPUnit&zendframework#95;Runner&zendframework#95;Version and PHPUnit&zendframework#95;Autoload](zendframework#297)
- [299: Minute format in docstring fixed](zendframework#299)
- [301: 'Undefined variable: log' in &zendframework#91;...&zendframework#92;/library/Zend/Application/Resource/Translate.php on line 93](zendframework#301)
- [304: fixes zendframework#303 Allow zero count in assertQueryCount](zendframework#304)
- [307: Aliases for Zend&zendframework#95;Locale](zendframework#307)
- [311: Fixed the Zend&zendframework#95;Auth&zendframework#95;Adapter&zendframework#95;OpenIdTest tests](zendframework#311)
- [320: DB tests are enabled for Travis and fixed to be passing](zendframework#320)


Toggle release-1.12.5's commit message
Zend Framework 1.12.5

- [278: fixes zendframework#162. Back porting with a cut and paste](zendframework#278)
- [287: Zend&zendframework#95;Validate&zendframework#95;File&zendframework#95;Extension: Undefined index: extension](zendframework#287)
- [291: OpenId tests are failing](zendframework#291)
- [292: parse error, expecting `')'' in C:\wamp\zend\ZendFramework-1.12.4\library\Zend\Xml\Security.php on line 76](zendframework#292)
- [293: Anonymous function rewritten as static one to maintain compatibility with PHP 5.2](zendframework#293)


Toggle release-1.12.4's commit message
Zend Framework 1.12.4



- **ZF2014-01:** Potential XXE/XEE attacks using PHP functions:
  `simplexml_load_*`, `DOMDocument::loadXML`, and `xml_parse`. A new component,
  `Zend_Xml`, was introduced to mitigate XML eXternal Entity and XML Entity
  Expansion vectors that are present in older versions of libxml2 and/or PHP.
  Components that could contain these vectors include:

    - `Zend_Amf`
    - `Zend_Config`
    - `Zend_Dom`
    - `Zend_Feed`
    - `Zend_Gdata`
    - `Zend_Json`
    - `Zend_Locale`
    - `Zend_Mobile_Push`
    - `Zend_Rest_Client`
    - `Zend_Search_Lucene`
    - `Zend_Serializer_Adapter_Wddx`
    - `Zend_Service_Amazon`
    - `Zend_Service_AudioScrobbler`
    - `Zend_Service_Delicious`
    - `Zend_Service_Ebay`
    - `Zend_Service_Flickr`
    - `Zend_Service_SlideShare`
    - `Zend_Service_SqlAzure`
    - `Zend_Service_Technorati`
    - `Zend_Service_WindowsAzure`
    - `Zend_Service_Yahoo`
    - `Zend_Soap`
    - `Zend_Translate`

  If you use one or more of these components, we strongly urge that you upgrade

- **ZF2014-02:** Potential security issue in login mechanism of `Zend_OpenId`
  consumer. Using the Consumer component in conjunction with a malicious OpenID
  provider, one could login to a service using an arbitrary OpenID Identity
  without requiring credentials, allowing impersonation of an OpenID Identity.
  If you use this component, we strongly urge that you upgrade immediately.


- [zendframework#221](zendframework#221) removes the TinySrc view
  helper, as the TinySrc service no longer exists.
- [zendframework#222](zendframework#222) removes the InfoCard
  component, as the CardSpace service no longer exists.
- [zendframework#271](zendframework#271) removes the Nirvanix
  component, as the Nirvanix service shut down in October 2013.


Toggle release-1.12.3's commit message
Zend Framework 1.12.3


Toggle release-1.12.2's commit message
Zend Framework 1.12.2


Toggle release-1.12.1's commit message
Zend Framework 1.12.1


Toggle release-1.12.0's commit message
Zend Framework 1.12.0