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172 lines (146 loc) · 9.75 KB

File metadata and controls

172 lines (146 loc) · 9.75 KB


  • Fixed an issue with active_record's before_save with multiple callbacks #18, #17 - thanks @palexvs for raising the issue and creating a pr
  • Due to this pr, i reviewed everything else that i think calls ActiveSupport::Callbacks.set_callback, and ensured they all:
    • can have multiple args if relevant
    • accept single values and array values for the if/unless args
    • don't eval strings, that's not been a rails feature for a while
  • Fix active_model & active_record validation methods to more comprehensively handle all the keys that could be given symbols of method names, instead of only the documented ones


  • Fixed an issue with t.belongs_to (within the migration generated by rails active_storage:install - thanks @veganstraightedge)

    • this was two issues:
      1. it was raising an error because the DefinitionNode didn't act enough like an AST::Node, now it does
      2. this should never have been defining anything anyway as the activerecord method was being assumed to be used, now if there's an explicit receiver for belongs_to/has_many etc, don't consider them the active record association methods.
  • now has_receiver: true and has_receiver: false/nil act differently, they refer to the presence or absence of any receiver, instead of the receiver being literally true or false or nil.

  • to have the previous behaviour, use the new has_receiver: { literal: true } or literal: false or literal: null


  • Automatically test the config examples in the documentation, and fix the errors
  • simplify the type: Proc matcher
  • Update FastIgnore dependency, make fewer filesystem calls
  • Comprehensively describe all of ruby core and rails This required/revealed a number of additions to the config
    • Improve the performance of large config files by squash the config matching more
    • Add names: and has_arguments: to has_value:.
    • Fix error when positional has_arguments:/has_value: at: checks a node without arguments
    • Add eval as a processing type, alongside calls: and defines:, this will process allow processing literal calls to instance_eval etc.
    • Allow calling or defining based on the receiver:
    • all: [] & any: [] arguments to dynamic/keep/test_only
    • add arguments: 1+ or has_arguments: { at: 1+, has_value: true } to match arguments from that position onward
    • allow has_arguments: and has_receiver: (and unless: and all: and any: of those) to go within calls:,defines:,set_privacy:,add_prefix:,add_suffix: for cases like the delegate prefix: true vs delegate prefix: :value without having to redefine everything.
    • allow and arguments: to have a type: to distinguish between e.g. symbol keys and string keys.
  • Add a way to test custom precompilers with --view-compiled [PATH_PATTERNS...]


  • Allow custom precompilers
      require: './path/to/my_precompiler'
        - paths: '*.myCustomFormat'
          format: { custom: 'MyPrecompiler' }
    the built in precompilers have moved into this system too, with format: haml etc. haml_paths etc are now deprecated
  • a lot of refactoring, which revealed some edge cases i was handling
    • collect a call to :my_method= with receiver&.my_method ||= (and += etc)
    • if add_prefix: or add_suffix: points to another argument for a name that we can't use because it's a variable, it now just don't return the value, rather than returning the value but without the affix


  • Rewrite the config parser/validation
    • to provide clearer error messages with line numbers and everything
    • to allow removing the json_schemer dependency with its 4 further dependencies
  • Allow match: to be used with has_prefix: and/or has_suffix:. There's not a good use for this but it was easier than encoding 'this can't be used with that' logic especially for it.
  • Add the possibility to quiet the requires: config, like:
    - 'active_support/inflections'
    - quiet: './config/initializers/inflections'
  • consider all the public methods in rails custom generators to be used, this required some new features:
    • add filtering methods/constants by public/protected/private
    • add the possibility to set the privacy of methods and constants with method calls (set_privacy:, and set_default_privacy:)
    • add Method and Constant as options for the type: filter
    • add type filtering to dynamic.
  • check def self.whatever as a definition, i didn't realise i wasn't checking this.


  • drop ruby 2.4 support, allowing for some performance improvements
  • Add ability to parse JSON and YAML files
  • Add magic comment that points to a particular dynamic rule
  • repeated calls to --write-todo won't have ordering differences
  • fix issue with --write-todo and unused methods defined in test files


  • Fix rails resource/resources method signatures


  • Add support for slim templates #13 - thanks @veganstraightedge
  • fix the #how-to-resolve link #11 - thanks @veganstraightedge


  • fix incompatibility with activesupport 7.


  • allow config entries to have duplicates (especially as --write-todo) can write a file with duplicates)


  • fixed a bug with the erb parsing where it was incorrectly compiling comments:
<% # Comment %>
<% if query? %>
  <%= content %>
<% end %>


  • has_receiver: will match the receiver for methods and the namespace for constants.
  • has_value_type: is now has_value: type:
  • has_value: can be nested with at: and has_value:.
  • has_argument: can be given at: with '*' or '**' which matches all positional arguments or keyword arguments respectively
  • the rails.yml config has been broken up into e.g. activerecord, actionpack, etc
  • haml_paths: and erb_paths: are now configurable.
  • type: can match on 'Array', 'Hash', and 'Proc' literals.
  • rails.yml config determines which scope is which by its shape rather than its path: (ActiveRecord#scope has a proc as the second parameter)
  • --write--todo now correctly handles grouped definitions (like activemodel attributes)


  • don't hard-wrap the --write-todo instructions it looks weird


  • add --write-todo so you can add this to your project without immediately fixing everything.


  • Make sorbet happy with this as a dependency


  • add test_only: to mark methods/constants/assignments as test_only in the config rather than just with magic comments


  • add requires: to .leftovers.yml config to e.g. load inflections in a different place than config/initializers/inflections
  • REFACTORED EVERYTHING for a codebase i actually can extend
  • Now with a very modified config api. After this i don't intend on every doing a rewrite like this again, so this is correcting all my bad decisions the first time through
    • rules.names with rules.skip: true is now keep.names (see config/parser.yml)
    • rules.calls and rules.defines is now dynamic.calls and dynamic.defines
    • rules.calls/defines.arguments.if is now keep/dynamic.calls/defines.has_arguments: (see config/graphql.yml field)
    • rules.calls/defines.arguments.unless is now keep/dynamic.unless.has_arguments (see config/graphql.yml field)
    • rules.calls/defines.transforms.replace_with is now keep/dynamic.calls/defines.value (see custom_config_spec.rb html)
    • rules.calls/defines.transforms.add_prefix.from_argument/joiner: is now dynamic.calls/defines.transforms.add_prefix.argument/add_suffix (see config/rails.yml delegate)
    • rules.calls/defines.transforms.add_suffix.from_argument/joiner: is now dynamic.calls/defines.transforms.add_suffix.argument/add_prefix
    • rules.calls/defines.key: true is now dynamic.calls/defines.keywords: '**'
    • rules.calls/defines.arguments.if.arguments.value is now keep/dynamic.has_arguments.has_value
    • rules.calls/defines.arguments.if.arguments.value.type is now keep/dynamic.has_arguments.has_value_type
    • rules.calls/defines.linked_transforms is now dynamic.calls/defines.transforms (see config/rails.yml attribute). For the previous behaviour of the transforms: key simply add separate calls/defines entry. (see config/ruby.yml attr_accessor)
    • rules.calls/defines.keys: true is now dynamic.calls/defines.keywords: '**' and can be given name patterns (e.g. unless:. see config/rails.yml validates)
    • argument positions are now 0-indexed rather than 1-indexed
    • no more automatic recursion, there's now two new keywords:
      • dynamic.calls/defines.arguments/keywords with dynamic.calls/defines.nested.arguments/keywords will define the next layer of arguments to collect (see config/rails.yml validates)
      • dynamic.calls/defines.arguments/keywords with dynamic.calls/defines.recursive: true will use the arguments & keywords layers recursively (see config/rails.yml permit)
    • no more automatic splitting on ':' and '.', there's now a dynamic.calls/defines.transforms.split: '::' (see config/rails.yml resource)


  • Add simplecov, fix a handful of bugs it found
  • update fast_ignore


  • use the right name for selenium-webdriver gem, so the bundler magic can work
  • handle yaml syntax errors.


  • restore ability to handle syntax errors. I really need to add coverage to this project
  • Fix bug with delete_after on an empty string
  • Support more of rails
  • Support parts of sidekiq


  • update fast_ignore dependency


  • Fix route arguments with '/' handling (e.g get '/admin', to: 'admin/dashboard#index')
  • Fix route arguments for root to: "whatever#index"
  • Add some more rails exceptions (APP_ROOT, APP_PATH, Mailer Previews)
  • add more ruby object methods that are called by various bits of ruby
  • correct output of unused definitions using linked_transforms:
  • add audited gem


Play nice with rubocop


Initial release