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The goal of this project is to create a databases for a movie store using SQLite and GUI for the movie store using javaFX application.

Online Movie Store | Database CSS 475: | Database Systems Final Project | Summer 2017

University Of Washington


This document provides an overview of the Online Movie Store database developed by the ProjectX team for the final project in Database Systems class at University of Washington. The following sections outline the database application, lists the entities that the database stores and provides some SQL queries that were used to build the database. The document concludes with a reflection of the project. screen shot 2017-09-03 at 5 55 30 pm


The application developed is an Online Movie Store which stores several movies, that customers are able to watch depending on the kind of Subscription plan they paid for. The application allows Customers to create a profile and choose among three subscription plans: HD, Non HD and TV-Shows that are varying in prices and the kind of content that is available. The Customer is able to login using their name and the their unique account number as the password. The Customer is able to rent movies or tv-shows as long as it exists in the database. The Online Movie Store holds a maximum of 20 copies for the movies and tv-shows. The administrator has authority to manage checking in and checking out of movies and tv shows, keep track of the movie inventory and track Customers along with the type of subscription they have signed up for.



  • Each customer’s will have a first name, middle initial and last name.
  • Each customer has unique ID number provided by the store. The unique ID is 6 digits total.
  • Each customer’s will have an address comprising of street, city, state and zip code.
  • Each customer’s subscription date will be stored.
  • Each customer’s phone and email address is stored.
  • Each customer has a date of birth.
  • Each customer must have a credit card that can be used to pay for the Subscription.

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  • Each movie has a unique ID
  • Each movie has a title, genre, actors and director's name, release date, movie and a type (HD, Non-HD or TV-Shows)
  • Each movie has a copy (1-20). A movie copy does not exist if the corresponding movie does not exist

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  • A checkout is a unique transaction occurring any particular time a customer checks out a movie.
  • A customer makes a rental, the customer he/she is at least one copy, any may rent up to 5 copies.
  • Each rental is made by exactly one customer
  • A customer can renew their rental and submit their rental PAYMENT:
  • Each transaction/payment is uniquely identified by the payment ID
  • Only the credit card type is stored in the database
    ** Due project limitation
  • Each payments credit card may belong to exactly one customer
  • The payment due date is stored in database. Payments will be due after 29 days of subscription SUBSCRIPTION :
  • Each subscription is uniquely identified by the subscription ID.
  • Each subscription offers three types of subscription plan: HD, Non-HD and Tv- shows.
  • Each subscription package has its own price.

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The following section outlines all the Entities that the database tracks and lists its primary key, Foreign keys if any, and all it’s attributes.


  • Primary key: Customer_ID
  • Foreign key: Subscription_id references SUBSCRIPTION record.
  • Attributes : Customer_id, Customer_fname, Customer_minit, Customer_lname, Customer_phone, Customer_email, Address, City, State, Zip, DOB, Subscription_date


  • Primary key: Movie_id
  • Foreign key: Movie_type , Movie_genre
  • Attributes: Movie_id, Movie_title, Movie_year, Movie_genre, Moive_director, Movie_actor, Movie_copy, Movie_type SUB_TYPE
  • Primary key: sub_ID
  • Foreign key: None
  • Attributes: sub_id, type, price


  • Primary key: Genre_ID
  • Foreign key: None
  • Attributes: Genre_ID, Genre_type


  • Primary key: Payment_id
  • Foreign key: Customer_id references CUSTOMER record, Subscription_id
  • references SUBSCRIPTION record
  • Attributes: Payment_id, Payment_method, Payment_date, Customer_id,
  • (Customer_id), Subscription_id SUBSCRIPTION
  • Primary key: Subscription_id
  • Foreign key: Customer_id
  • Attributes: Subscription_id, Customer_id, Sub_plan, sub_type


  • Foreign key: Customer_id, Movie_id
  • Attributes: Customer_id, Movie_id, renew_count, checkout_time


database project using JavaFX and SQLite






No releases published


No packages published


  • Java 97.4%
  • CSS 2.6%