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161 lines (111 loc) · 9.04 KB

File metadata and controls

161 lines (111 loc) · 9.04 KB

Jedis 5 Breaking Changes

  • All variants of blmpop and bzmpop methods now take double timeout parameter instead of long timeout parameter. This is breaking ONLY IF you are using Long for timeout.

  • Reducer abstract class is refactored:

    • Reducer(String field) constructor is removed; Reducer(String name, String field) constructor is added.
    • Reducer(String name) constructor is added; it will cause runtime error with older Reducer(String field) constructor.
    • getName method is removed.
    • getAlias method is removed.
    • setAlias method is removed; use as method.
    • setAliasAsField method is removed.
    • getOwnArgs method is now abstract.
    • getArgs method is removed.
  • quit() method has been removed from Connection and ServerCommands interface and implementations.

  • updatePassword(String password) method has been removed from JedisClientConfig and implementations.

  • setPassword(String password) method has been removed from both JedisFactory and ConnectionFactory classes.

  • Both bzpopmax(double timeout, String... keys) and bzpopmin(double timeout, String... keys) now return KeyValue<String, Tuple> (instead of KeyedZSetElement).

  • Both bzpopmax(double timeout, byte[]... keys) and bzpopmin(double timeout, byte[]... keys) now return KeyValue<byte[], Tuple> (instead of List<byte[]>).

  • Following methods now return KeyValue<String, String> instead of KeyedListElement:

    • blpop(double timeout, String key)
    • blpop(double timeout, String... keys)
    • brpop(double timeout, String key)
    • brpop(double timeout, String... keys)
  • Following methods now return KeyValue<byte[], byte[]> instead of List<byte[]>:

    • blpop(double timeout, byte[]... keys)
    • brpop(double timeout, byte[]... keys)
  • zdiff(String... keys) method now returns List<String> (instead of Set<String>).

  • zdiff(byte[]... keys) method now returns List<byte[]> (instead of Set<byte[]>).

  • Both zdiffWithScores(String... keys) and zdiffWithScores(byte[]... keys) methods now return List<Tuple> (instead of Set<Tuple>).

  • zinter(ZParams params, String... keys) method now returns List<String> (instead of Set<String>).

  • zinter(ZParams params, byte[]... keys) method now returns List<byte[]> (instead of Set<byte[]>).

  • Both zinterWithScores(ZParams params, String... keys) and zinterWithScores(ZParams params, byte[]... keys) methods now return List<Tuple> (instead of Set<Tuple>).

  • zunion(ZParams params, String... keys) method now returns List<String> (instead of Set<String>).

  • zunion(ZParams params, byte[]... keys) method now returns List<byte[]> (instead of Set<byte[]>).

  • Both zunionWithScores(ZParams params, String... keys) and zunionWithScores(ZParams params, byte[]... keys) methods now return List<Tuple> (instead of Set<Tuple>).

  • Both configGet(String pattern) and configGet(String... patterns) methods now return Map<String, String> instead of List<String>.

  • Both configGet(byte[] pattern) and configGet(byte[]... patterns) methods now return Map<byte[], byte[]> instead of List<byte[]>.

  • New aclDelUser(String... names) method replaces aclDelUser(String name) and aclDelUser(String name, String... names) methods.

  • New aclDelUser(byte[]... names) method replaces aclDelUser(byte[] name) and aclDelUser(byte[] name, byte[]... names) methods.

  • tsMGet(TSMGetParams multiGetParams, String... filters) method now returns Map<String, TSMGetElement> instead of List<TSKeyValue<TSElement>>.

  • Following methods now return Map<String, TSMRangeElements> instead of List<TSKeyedElements>:

    • tsMRange(long fromTimestamp, long toTimestamp, String... filters)
    • tsMRange(TSMRangeParams multiRangeParams)
    • tsMRevRange(long fromTimestamp, long toTimestamp, String... filters)
    • tsMRevRange(TSMRangeParams multiRangeParams)
  • jsonNumIncrBy(String key, Path2 path, double value) method now returns Object instead of JSONArray.

    • The returning object would still be JSONArray for all previous cases. So simple type casting is enough to handle this change.
    • The returning object will be List<Double> when running under RESP3 protocol.
  • getAgeSeconds() in AccessControlLogEntry now returns Double instead of String.

  • Both ftConfigGet(String option) and ftConfigGet(String indexName, String option) methods now return Map<String, Object> instead of Map<String, String>.

  • ftList() method now returns Set<String> instead of List<String>.

  • graphSlowlog(String graphName) now returns List<List<Object>> (instead of List<List<String>>).

  • CommandListFilterByParams now throws IllegalArgumentException (instead of JedisDataException) in case of unfulfilling filter.

  • FailoverParams now throws IllegalArgumentException (instead of IllegalStateException) in case of unfulfilling optional arguments.

  • XPendingParams now throws IllegalArgumentException (instead of IllegalStateException) in case of unfulfilling optional arguments.

  • get() option has been removed from SetParams. Following methods have been added in Jedis/UnifiedJedis for convenience:

    • setGet(String key, String value) method has been added in StringCommands interface.
    • setGet(byte[] key, byte[] value) method has been added in StringBinaryCommands interface.
  • xpending(String key, String groupName, StreamEntryID start, StreamEntryID end, int count, String consumerName) method has been removed from everywhere.

    • Use xpending(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams) instead.
  • xpending(byte[] key, byte[] groupName, byte[] start, byte[] end, int count, byte[] consumerName) method has been removed from everywhere.

    • Use xpending(byte[], byte[], redis.clients.jedis.params.XPendingParams) instead.
  • retentionTime(long retentionTime) method in TSAlterParams has been removed. Use retention(long) method instead.

  • Following classes have been removed:

    • KeyedZSetElement
    • KeyedListElement
    • TSKeyValue
    • TSKeyedElements
    • Limit
  • Following BuilderFactory implementations have been removed:

  • All payload related parameters are removed from search related classes; namely Document, IndexDefinition, Query.

  • topkCount(String key, String... items) method has been removed from everywhere.

  • Following methods supporting JSON.RESP command have been removed:

    • jsonResp(String key)
    • jsonResp(String key, Path path)
    • jsonResp(String key, Path2 path)
  • RedisJsonCommands and RedisJsonPipelineCommands interfaces have been moved into redis.clients.jedis.json.commands package.

  • AbortedTransactionException is removed.

  • Queable class is removed.

  • Params abstract class is removed.

    • toString() support used by its sub-classes is now unavailable.
  • getParams() method is removed from SortingParams class.

  • Both SEARCH_AGGREGATION_RESULT and SEARCH_AGGREGATION_RESULT_WITH_CURSOR implementations from SearchBuilderFactory class have been moved to AggregationResult class.

  • All AggregationResult constructors have been made private.

  • getArgs(), getArgsString() and serializeRedisArgs(List<byte[]> redisArgs) methods have been removed from AggregationBuilder.

  • totalResults variable in AggregationResult has been made private. Use getTotalResults() method instead.

  • getArgs() and limit(Limit limit) methods have been removed from Group class.

  • addCommandEncodedArguments and addCommandBinaryArguments methods have been removed from FieldName class.

  • addObjects(int[] ints) method has been removed from CommandArguments.

  • Following methods have been removed:

    • strAlgoLCSStrings(String strA, String strB, StrAlgoLCSParams params)
    • strAlgoLCSStrings(byte[] strA, byte[] strB, StrAlgoLCSParams params)
    • strAlgoLCSKeys(String keyA, String keyB, StrAlgoLCSParams params)
    • strAlgoLCSKeys(byte[] keyA, byte[] keyB, StrAlgoLCSParams params)
  • StrAlgoLCSParams class has been removed.

  • Following methods have been removed from all Pipeline classes:

    • ftCursorRead(String indexName, long cursorId, int count)
    • ftCursorDel(String indexName, long cursorId)
    • ftDropIndex(String indexName)
    • ftDropIndexDD(String indexName)
    • ftAliasAdd(String aliasName, String indexName)
    • ftAliasUpdate(String aliasName, String indexName)
    • ftAliasDel(String aliasName)
  • JedisSentineled(String masterName, Set<HostAndPort> sentinels, JedisClientConfig masterClientConfig, JedisClientConfig sentinelClientConfig) and JedisSentineled(String masterName, Set<HostAndPort> sentinels, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection> poolConfig, JedisClientConfig masterClientConfig, JedisClientConfig sentinelClientConfig) constructors have been removed.

  • JedisClusterInfoCache(JedisClientConfig clientConfig) and JedisClusterInfoCache(JedisClientConfig clientConfig, GenericObjectPoolConfig<Connection> poolConfig) constructors have been removed.