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File metadata and controls

797 lines (603 loc) · 28.9 KB


This document explains how to write and maintain Batfish parsers for files comprising the configuration of a network device.

For the purposes of Batfish parsing, the formats of such files are divided into two broad categories:

The bulk of this document is concerned with transforming files in DSLs into parse trees, which are then processed by an extractor.

Most developers wanting to make changes to Batfish parsing will not need to perform all the activities detailed in this document. Nevertheless, we recommend that you read the entire document and review the linked resources prior to making any modifications to the parser. This way, you will have a good foundation and be better prepared to:

  • write performant, compliant changes
  • understand build errors and test failures you encounter while making changes
  • respond and react competently to review comments on your pull requests

States of config support and accompanying warnings:

Based on how far implementation goes, a config line should be in one of the following states:

  1. Not parsed (in the grammar) at all: unrecognized.
  2. In the grammar, but never needs to be extracted: silently ignored, but we add _null suffix to indicate it.
  3. In the grammar, not implemented yet, but known to be wrong if used. In this case, we warn, with things like todo(...) or warn(...) at extraction time. See todo and warn functions in
  4. In the grammar and extracted, but depending on how it's used may not be supported correctly. In that case, we warn during conversion (Warnings#redFlag typically) if we can tell that it's not supported. If we can't tell, we warn unconditionally (and try to come up with a better system).
  5. Fully implemented. No warnings.

It is important to identify which state a line should be in before parsing, so that all unimplemented constructs have appropriate indicators.

Batfish DSL parsing

Within the Batfish repository, Batfish DSL parsers are divided into several components. For the purpose of this section, we will assume you are writing a parser for a format called "Cool NOS" (Cool Network Operating System) for which there is no existing support in Batfish. We have provided example files for this parser. In later sections we will explain how to get Batfish to use this parser on files in the "Cool NOS" format.

Read the rest of this section to learn about:


The excerpts in this section are from the Cool NOS example lexer file, available here.

The job of the lexer is to convert the text of a DSL into a stream of tokens to be consumed by the parser. Each token may correspond to fixed text like a DSL keyword or piece of punctuation; or to variable text like a number, name of a variable, or banner message. The parser does not concern itself with the exact text of the tokens it consumes, but only with the emitted type of each token. For tokens whose text may vary, the exact text matched may either be ignored or processed by the extractor.

Note that all lexer rule names must begin with a capital letter. We use two conventions for lexer rules names:

  • TOKEN_NAME, i.e. all caps, words separated by underscores
    • virtual tokens
    • default mode tokens
  • M_ModeName_TOKEN_NAME, i.e. name of mode, then underscore, then name of token within the mode.
    • tokens in non-default mode whose name is M_ModeName

A Batfish ANLTR4 lexer has the following structure, in this order:

  1. Grammar declaration
  2. Options
  3. Virtual tokens
  4. DEFAULT mode tokens
  5. Fragments
  6. Non-DEFAULT lexer modes

Lexer grammar declaration

The lexer grammar declaration should look like the following:

lexer grammar CoolNosLexer;

The name in the declaration line should match the name of the lexer .g4 file minus .g4.

Lexer options

The lexer options should looks like the following:

options {
  superClass = 'org.batfish.grammar.cool_nos.parsing.CoolNosBaseLexer';

The superClass line says that the generated lexer should extend the CoolNosBaseLexer class, which provides extra functionality on top of the vanilla ANTLR4 Lexer class.

Virtual tokens

In the Batfish project, we use virtual tokens as the emitted token type for non-DEFAULT mode lexer rules where there is no existing lexer rule in the DEFAULT mode with the desired name. Virtual tokens are not strictly necessary, but they can reduce the overhead of parser maintenance when making changes to the lexer involving non-DEFAULT modes.

Here is the virtual tokens section from the example lexer grammar:

tokens {

Read on for more information about when to use virtual tokens.

DEFAULT mode tokens

ANTLR4 lexers operate in "modes". Each mode is effectively a separate lexer with its own set of possible tokens that can be emitted for the next piece of text to process. The lexer starts in the default mode, but may switch temporarily to another mode as a side effect of processing a particular lexer rule.

While in a given mode, the lexer rule that is chosen next based on the current position in the input text is decided as follows:

  • find all lexer rules in the current mode that match the largest amount text
  • of these rules, choose the rule declared at the earliest position in the lexer grammar file

We place the lexer rules for the vast majority of the keywords of a language at the top of the default mode, i.e. right after the virtual tokens section. In general, the order of keyword lexer rules should not matter, so we prefer to alphabetize them.

Here is an excerpt of the keywords section DEFAULT mode in the example lexer grammar:

// BEGIN keywords
ADD: 'add';
DELETE: 'delete';
DISCARD: 'discard';
ETHERNET: 'ethernet';
GATEWAY: 'gateway';
HOST_NAME: 'host-name';
INTERFACE: 'interface';
LOGIN_BANNER: 'login-banner';
MODIFY: 'modify';
STATIC_ROUTES: 'static-routes';
SYSTEM: 'system';
VLAN: 'vlan';

// END keywords

Following the keywords, we place the default MODE lexer rules for punctuation, and then for variable text. Note that lexer rules for fixed punctuation could technically be considered keywords, but we place them after the keywords to avoid a debate on how they should be alphabetized.

Here is the rest of the DEFAULT mode section:

// BEGIN other tokens

DOUBLE_QUOTE: '"' -> pushMode(M_DoubleQuotedString);
LEFT_BRACKET: '[' -> pushMode(M_StringList);

IPV4_ADDRESS: F_Ipv4Address;
IPV4_PREFIX: F_Ipv4Prefix;

UINT8: F_Uint8;
UINT16: F_Uint16;

NEWLINE: F_Newline;
WS: F_Whitespace -> channel(HIDDEN);

// END other tokens

There are a few things to note here:

  • When the LEFT_BRACKET rule matches, it emits a LEFT_BRACKET token, but also has the side effect of pushing the current (DEFAULT) mode onto the mode stack, and then changing the current mode to M_StringList. Read on for a discussion of non-DEFAULT modes.

  • There is no RIGHT_BRACKET token defined in the DEFAULT (or any) mode. This is because we only expect to encounter a ] while the lexer is in the M_StringList mode.

  • The variable-text-matching token definitions consist of references to fragments rather than having an inline definition. This is because we expect to re-use these match expressions in other token definitions, and want to avoid duplication for maintainability. Generally, any "other" token with a non-trivial definition should refer to a fragment for the definition of what text it matches.

  • The UINT* rules are ordered such that if they match the same text, the token corresponding to the narrowest unsigned integer type is emitted. If e.g. UINT16 appeared above UINT8, the UINT8 rule would never match any text.

  • The WS (whitespace) rule has a channel(HIDDEN) action. This means that when it is chosen to match text, the token that is emitted is not seen by the parser. This helps simplify parser rule definitions so they do not have to refer to a WS token in between each other token.

    An alternative to channel(HIDDEN) is skip, which causes no token to be emitted at all. While skip is slightly more performant, there is an open bug that causes incorrect mode annotations for parse error output and parse tree annotations. While this does not affect correctness in the absence of a parse failure, it can be confusing to developers. So you should prefer channel(HIDDEN) at least for token definitions in non-DEFAULT modes. If you prefer not to think about it, always use channel(HIDDEN) instead of skip.


Fragments are reusable text matching expressions that are referenced by actual lexer rules and other fragments. They do not define tokens that may be emitted by the lexer. Note that unlike a token, an unreferenced fragment definition has no impact on the behavior of the lexer.

By convention, we name fragments by F_ followed by some camel case name.

Here is an excerpt of the fragments section from the example lexer grammar:



  | [A-Za-z_.]
  | '-'

  // 0-255
  | F_PositiveDigit F_Digit
  | '1' F_Digit F_Digit
  | '2' [0-4] F_Digit
  | '25' [0-5]

  // 0-65535
  | F_PositiveDigit F_Digit F_Digit? F_Digit?
  | [1-5] F_Digit F_Digit F_Digit F_Digit
  | '6' [0-4] F_Digit F_Digit F_Digit
  | '65' [0-4] F_Digit F_Digit
  | '655' [0-2] F_Digit
  | '6553' [0-5]

  F_Uint8 '.' F_Uint8 '.' F_Uint8 '.' F_Uint8

  F_IpAddress '/' F_IpPrefixLength

  // 0-32
  | [12] F_Digit
  | [3] [012]

F_Newline: '\n'+;

F_NonNewline: ~'\n';

F_Whitespace: ' '+;

Non-DEFAULT lexer modes

Recall that each lexer mode is effectively a separate lexer. We use non-DEFAULT lexer modes when we want to limit the tokens that can be emitted at a particular point in the input text such that there will be no interference from lexer rules in the DEFAULT or other modes.

A non-DEFAULT lexer mode consists of a mode declaration followed by at least one lexer rule definition. The definition of a non-DEFAULT modes terminates at the first of EOF or the declaration of a different non-DEFAULT mode.

In the example lexer grammar, we use a non-DEFAULT lexer mode called M_StringList to process text following a [, which in Cool NOS indicates the start of a string list. A string in Cool NOS may be a sequence of alphanumeric characters, or a sequence of non-newline characters between "s.

Let us look at the non-DEFAULT modes in the example lexer grammar:

mode M_DoubleQuotedString;

M_DoubleQuotedString_NEWLINE: F_Newline -> type(NEWLINE), popMode;
M_DoubleQuotedString_STRING: F_NonNewline+ -> type(STRING);
M_DoubleQuotedString_DOUBLE_QUOTE: '"' -> type(DOUBLE_QUOTE), popMode;

mode M_StringList;

M_StringList_NEWLINE: F_Newline -> type(NEWLINE), popMode;
M_StringList_WS: F_Whitespace -> channel(HIDDEN);
M_StringList_DOUBLE_QUOTE: '"' -> type(DOUBLE_QUOTE), mode(M_StringListDoubleQuotedString);
M_StringList_UNQUOTED_STRING: F_UnquotedStringChar+ -> type(STRING);
M_StringLiteral_RIGHT_BRACKET: ']' -> type(RIGHT_BRACKET), popMode;
mode M_StringListDoubleQuotedString;

M_StringListDoubleQuotedString_NEWLINE: F_Newline -> type(NEWLINE), popMode;
M_StringListDoubleQuotedString_STRING: F_NonNewline+ -> type(STRING);
M_StringListDoubleQuotedString_DOUBLE_QUOTE: '"' -> type(DOUBLE_QUOTE), mode(M_StringList);

There are several things to note here:

  • Several rules use the type side effect. This causes the lexer to emit the specified token type instead of the token identified by the rule name. Since lexer rule names must be globally unique (even across modes), this allows us to hide mode implementation details from the parser. The type action is unnecessary in the presence of a channel(HIDDEN) or skip action, since such a token will never be seen by the parser.

  • Mode M_StringList may emit between LEFT_BRACE and RIGHT_BRACE a sequence of ( STRING or DOUBLE_QUOTE STRING DOUBLE_QUOTE)s. The parser should have a single general rule for strings that accepts either of these variants.

  • The example uses two different modes with substantially similar implmentations for handling double-quoted strings:

    • M_DoubleQuotedString
    • M_StringListDoubleQuotedString

    Why not just use mode M_DoubleQuotedString in both the case where we encounter " in the DEFAULT mode and the case where we encounter it while in M_StringList?

    Take note of the M_*_NEWLINE rules. For valid input text, you would not expect to see a newline character before the apppropriate closing character. Why bother handling newlines at all? The reason is that we want to provide a good experience for input text that has errors. For instance, if a user forgets to put a closing double-quote in the input text, and we did not have these M_*_NEWLINE rules, the lexer would be stuck in the wrong mode while consuming the rest of the input text. In the worst case, the entire remainder of the input file could be thrown out.


    • If you use mode from M_StringList to enter M_DoubleQuotedString, then when you encounter the closing " in the valid case, you will erroneously pop back into the DEFAULT mode and lose the rest of the string list.
    • If you use pushMode from M_StringList to enter M_DoubleQuotedString, then if the closing " is missing, you will pop back into M_StringList when you should instead be in the DEFAULT mode. This will result in the next line and potentially the remainder of the file being thrown out.


    • One must be extra careful about entering one mode from two separate modes. It is generally not safe when there may be more to lex in an initial non-DEFAULT mode.
    • When handling text that might have errors, it is extremely difficult - sometimes impossible - to safely push more than one mode onto the mode stack and still be able to recover without polluting the mode stack. So Batfish lexers in general (and line-based grammars in particular) only use pushMode from the DEFAULT mode.

Lexer predicates

Sometimes it is necessary to selectively enable a token in a given mode based on some predicate on the lexer state. Lexer predicates are expensive and should only be used sparingly. The most common example you will see is for handling line comments that may only be a whole line, i.e. not have any non-comment non-whitespace text preceding them.

For instance, we often want to allow:

! this is a comment taking up the whole line`

but forbid:

some configuration command ! this coment does not take up the whole line

where ! denotes the beginning of a line comment.

For this, we can define a token that uses a lexer predicate. Since Batfish lexers are converted to Java, lexer predicates consist of a Java boolean expression.

So for this task, we can define a whole line comment token as follows:

  F_Whitespace* '!' F_NonNewline*
    | EOF
  {lastTokenType() == NEWLINE || lastTokenType() == -1}? -> channel(HIDDEN)


  • The lexer predicate is {lastTokenType() == NEWLINE || lastTokenType() == -1}?
  • Lexer predicates can appear anywhere in the token definition, but unless you have a good reason, always put them at the end (but before any action). This avoids premature evaluation, which can be extremely expensive.
  • This predicate makes use of the lastTokenType() function, which is defined in the CoolNosBaseLexer Java class. Note that its return value is -1 from the beginning of lexing until the first non-hidden token is emitted. See:
    public final void emit(Token token) {
      if (token.getChannel() != HIDDEN) {
        _lastTokenType = token.getType();
    protected final int lastTokenType() {
      return _lastTokenType;
    private int _lastTokenType = -1;


The excerpts in this section are from the Cool NOS example parser files:

The job of a parser to is transform a stream of tokens produced by the lexer into a parse tree, to be acted on by the extractor.

The parse consists of a main parser grammar file and subordinate parser grammar files. The main and subordinate parser grammar files may refer to parser rules defined in other parser files via import statements.

The structure of a parser file is as follows (in order):

  1. Grammar declaration
  2. Imports
  3. Options
  4. Parser rules

Parser grammar declaration

The parser grammar declaration for the main parser should look like the following:

parser grammar CoolNosParser;

The name in the declaration line should match the name of the main parser .g4 file minus .g4.

The same applies to a subordinate parser grammar file, except that it should be named as CoolNos_some_construct.g4, where some_construct should be a descriptive name of some top-level division of the grammar, e.g.:

  • common, for common rules used by all the other parsers
  • bgp, for constructs relating to configuring BGP

Parser imports

Each parser grammar may refer to rules from other parser grammars. There should be no cycles. The main parser grammar should import all other parser grammars.

Here is the imports section of the CoolNos example main parser:


The imports section of CoolNos_common is absent, since it does not reference rules from any other parsers.

The CoolNos_static_routes grammar only imports from CoolNos_common. Like all subordinate grammars, it may not import from or reference any rules in the main parser grammar:

import CoolNos_common;

Parser options

Evey parser grammar must specify the lexer grammar as its token vocabulary. Additionally, it must extend BatfishParser:

options {
  superClass = 'org.batfish.grammar.BatfishParser';
  tokenVocab = CoolNosLexer;

Some existing Batfish parser grammars additionally specify a superclass providing additional functionality. However, over time we have not found this to be beneficial, so the example does not include this option.

Parser rules

The bulk of the grammar for a language is specified in parser rules. All parser rules must begin with a lower case letter. By convention, all Batfish parser rules are purely lower case.

The main parser must have a start rule whose definition encompasses the entire token stream emitted by the lexer, plus the special EOF token indicating the end of the token stream.

  statement+ EOF

This means that the token stream of valid Cool NOS configuration should contain:

  • an optional leading NEWLINE token
  • a stream of tokens matched by one or more instances of the statement rule.
  • nothing else

The statement rule for the Cool NOS parser is also in the main parser file:

  | s_system

The s_static_routes and s_system rules are defined in the CoolNos_static_routes.g4 and CoolNos_system.g4 subordinate parser grammar files respectively.

Note that we have not referenced any tokens (other than the special EOF token) yet.

Since statement rule refers to a list of alternatives, the parser must make a choice of which alternative to use to process subsequent tokens. Unlike the lexer with characters, the parser may look ahead an arbitrary number of tokens to make this decision, and backtrack if needed. Backtracking is expensive and can sometimes cause issues with Batfish's parser error recovery infrastructure. So to minimize the potential for backtracking, we try to write all parser rules in such a way that a decision among alternatives can be made by looking ahead only a single token (LL( 1)). That is, when you recurse down into all referenced rules until you hit the first token reference, all such token references should be distinct.

You can see that this is the case in the definitions of the s_system rules:

// CoolNos_system.g4
import CoolNos_common;

    | ssy_login_banner
ssy_login_banner: LOGIN_BANNER banner = string NEWLINE;
// CoolNos_common.g4

Recursing down into the alternatives of statement, we see that the two alternatives have first tokens of STATIC or SYSTEM, which do not conflict. So the choice is LL(1).

Consider the s_system rule and its alternatives. If we instead had:

// BAD

  | ssy_login_banner

ssy_host_name: SYSTEM HOST_NAME ...;
ssy_login_banner: SYSTEM LOGIN_BANNER ...;

then to make a decision between ssy_host_name and ssy_login_banner, we would have to read two tokens:


This pattern would not be LL(1), so is to be avoided.

Parser rule NEWLINE

Also note that ssy_host_name and ssy_login_banner both end in NEWLINE. A pattern to avoid is putting the NEWLINE in a parent node:

// BAD

    | ssy_login_banner
ssy_login_banner: LOGIN_BANNER banner = string;

This makes the parser more fragile and can break recovery in the event that a child rule is only partially recognized.

Ending rules in _null

If a rule is added with no current plans for further implementation (use in extraction or conversion), the rule should end in _null. This allows it to be captured by the SilentSyntaxListener.

For example, a line log syslog has been added, which does not affect current Batfish models. To avoid creating a parse warning every time this line appears, parsing support is added for it. Since nothing in extraction needed to change, the rule was added with _null:

  | s_static_routes
  | s_system


Note that the _null indicator should always be added to the leaf rule. For example, if log syslog was to be ignored, but log access-list ACL was to implemented (in order to track the use of ACL) we would have something like:

    | sl_syslog_null

Grammar packages

This section is still in progress. Check back later for more complete instructions.

For now, if you need to write a new grammar, follow the pattern of the Cisco NX-OS grammar package. That is, make a copy of and appropriate alterations to each of:

in the appropriate directories created for your new grammar.

Then, add appropriate references to the //projects/batfish target, also copying the pattern for Cisco NX-OS.

For tests, copy the pattern used by:

Combined parser

In Batfish, the functionality of the lexer and parser is wrapped in a "Combined" parser class that provides an interface to the rest of Batfish to use this functionality.

The combined parser must implement a parse function that produces a parse tree rooted at the main parser grammar's start rule.

It also dictates what recovery to mechanism Batfish should use in the face of errors parsing the input text.


Adding a new DSL parser to Batfish

In order for Batfish to use a new DSL parser on uploaded files, you must first:

  • add a ConfigurationFormat enum for the new DSL
  • provide a method for Batfish to identify files in the new format
  • add cases to all relevant switches on ConfigurationFormat

Adding a new ConfigurationFormat

In, add a new enum for the new DSL.

For the Cool NOS example, add:


Updating VendorConfigurationFormatDetector

In order to decide which parser to use on a file, Batfish employes some heuristics implemented in VendorConfigurationFormat.Java.

First, update the checkRancid function in that file if there is an applicable rancid content header for your new format.

Next, add a new checkXXX function, and reference it in the appropriate place in the identifyConfigurationFormat function.

For the Cool NOS example, we will assume that every Cool NOS file contains the text:


So add:

private static final Pattern COOL_NOS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?m)^! THIS IS A COOL NOS FILE$");

private @Nullable ConfigurationFormat checkCoolNos() {
    if (fileTextMatches(COOL_NOS_PATTERN)) {
      return ConfigurationFormat.COOL_NOS;

Adding cases for your new format

In the, add a case for your new format.

For the example, you can:

  • copy the block for case CISCO_NX block, changing CISCO_NX to COOL_NOS
  • Change CiscoNxosCombinedParser to CoolNosCombinedParser
  • Change NxosControlPlaneExtractor to CoolNosControlPlaneExtractor (see extraction).

Parser testing

This section is still in progress. Check back later!

Adding support for structured file formats

This section is still in progress. Check back later!