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loplat's indoor positioning platform REST API - register place, recognize place

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loplat's indoor positioning platform REST API - register a place, recognize a place.


  1. Recognize a place (with WiFi Scan)
  2. Register/Delete/Modify a place

1. Recognize a place

  • First, scan nearby WiFi APs in Android or IoT Devices.
  • Second, deliver the scan result to loplat server.
  • Then, loplat server return a recognized place information.


  • Use HTTP POST Method to Recognize a Place

  • Request URL:

  • Body format (JSON): 'scan' 혹은 'blescan' 둘 중 하나만 사용

      'type': 'searchplace'        # Mandatory
      'client_id': 'test'          # Mandatory
      'client_secret': 'test'      # Mandatory
      'scan': [                    # Mandatory
              'bssid': 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff',
              'ssid': "wifi ap's name",
              'rss': -77,
              'frequency': 2420
              'bssid': 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:dd',
              'ssid': "wifi ap's name2",
              'rss': -87,
              'frequency': 2437
      'blescan': [
          	'uuid': 'aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd',
              'major': 1,
              'minor': 99,
              'rss': -67
          	'uuid': 'eeee-ffff-kkkk-gggg',
              'major': 33,
              'minor': 2734,
              'rss': -88

    [주의] ssid에 " 혹은 ' 가 들어가는 경우 데이터 형태가 깨지지 않도록 주의.

    • 참고 사항
      • 예제에 기입 된 client_id와 client_secret은 test용 임
      • 정식 ID와 Secret을 원하시는 분은 아래에 기입 된 Request Key항목 참고 바람


  • 위치획득 성공시 결과 값

      'status': 'success',
      'type': 'searchplace',
      'place': {
          'name': 'starbucks',  # 학습시 입력한 장소 이름
          'tags': '#heaven',    # tag 항목에 입력한 내용
          'floor': 1,           # 층수, 지하는 -2 와 같이 표시
          'lat': 37.46621630,   # 인식된 장소의 위도
          'lng': 126.8872709,   # 인식된 장소의 경도
          'lat_est': 37.465,    # 예측된 위치의 위도
          'lng_est': 126.8872,  # 예측된 위치의 경도
          'accuracy': 0.8806    # 인식된 장소에 있을 확률값
          'threshold': 0.68
          'client_code': 'xxx'  # 장소관리를위해 필요한 임의의 값을 정의해서 사용
          'place_type': 'mobile' or 'static'
    • accuracy > threshold 인 경우 해당 장소 반경 10m 이내임
    • accuracy 가 0.2 보다 작은경우 통상 30~40m 이상 떨어짐
  • client 인증 실패시 오류 값 'status': 'fail', 'type': 'searchplace', 'reason': 'Not Allowed Client'

  • 위치획득 실패시 오류 값 'status': 'fail', 'type': 'searchplace', 'reason': 'Location Acquisition Fail'

    sample code (python):

2. Register a place

  • First, scan nearby WiFi APs in Android or IoT Devices.
  • Second, register a place with the scan result to loplat server.


  • Use HTTP POST Method to Register a Place

  • Request URL:

  • Body format (JSON):

      'type': 'registerplace'         # Mandatory
      'client_id': 'test'             # Mandatory
      'client_secret': 'test'         # Mandatory
      'placeinfo': {
      	'placename': 'starbucks',   # Mandatory
          'tags': 'timesquare, NY',
          'category': 'Cafe',         # Mandatory
          'floor': 1,                 # Mandatory
          'lat': 37.5123,             # Mandatory
          'lng': 126.9397,            # Mandatory
          'client_code': '123'
      'footprints': footprints,       # Mandatory
      'bleprints': bleprints

    client_code is optional feature. Define any value for your internal usage.

    Allowable category list: 'Cafe', 'Company', 'Home', 'Restaurant', 'School', 'Theater', 'Shop', 'Etc'

    [footprints] multipl WiFi scans (at least two successive scans)

          # first scan
              # wifi ap 1
                  'bssid': 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff',
                  'ssid': "wifi ap's name",
                  'rss': -77,
                  'frequency': 2420
                  'scantime': timestamp       # in milliseconds
              # wifi ap 2
                  'bssid': 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:dd',
                  'ssid': "wifi ap's name2",
                  'rss': -87,
                  'frequency': 2437
                  'scantime': timestamp       # in milliseconds
          # second scan
                  'bssid': 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff',
                  'ssid': "wifi ap's name",
                  'rss': -68,
                  'frequency': 2420
                  'scantime': timestamp       # in milliseconds

    [bleprints] multiple BLE(iBeacon) scans (at least two successive scans). each scan collects BLE signals during one second.

          # first scan
              # iBeacon 1
                  'mac': 'C3:71:D2:63:2B:A1',
                  'devicename': 'EST',
                  'rss': -77,               # averaged strength
                  'scantime': timestamp,    # in milliseconds
                  'devicetype': 1,          # 0: BLE, 1: iBeacon
                  'uuid': 'xxxx-1234',      # iBeacon UUID
                  'major': 897,             # iBeacon Major
                  'minor': 300              # iBeacon Minor
              # iBeacon 2
                  'mac': '03:71:D2:63:2B:A1',
                  'devicename': 'LOPLAT',
                  'rss': -88,               # averaged strength
                  'scantime': timestamp,    # in milliseconds
                  'devicetype': 1,          # 0: BLE, 1: iBeacon
                  'uuid': 'xxxx-yyyy',      # iBeacon UUID
                  'major': 33,              # iBeacon Major
                  'minor': 271              # iBeacon Minor
          # second scan
              # iBeacon 1
                  'mac': 'C3:71:D2:63:2B:A1,
                  'devicename': 'EST',
                  'rss': -73,               # averaged strength
                  'scantime': timestamp,    # in milliseconds
                  'devicetype': 1,          # 0: BLE, 1: iBeacon
                  'uuid': 'xxxx-1234',      # iBeacon UUID
                  'major': 897,             # iBeacon Major
                  'minor': 300              # iBeacon Minor


  • 위치획득 성공시 결과 값

      'status': 'success',
      'type': 'registerplace',
      'placeid': placeid
  • client 인증 실패시 오류 값

      'status': 'fail',
      'type': 'registerplace',
      'reason': 'Not Allowed Client'

sample code (python): In sample code, more functions are described.

Request Key

  • If you want to use loplat REST API, please contact US using the guidlines below
  1. Your Name
  2. Your Company
  3. Purpose of your request


loplat's indoor positioning platform REST API - register place, recognize place






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