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A High-Quality PyTorch Implementation of "Globally and Locally Consistent Image Completion".


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About this repository

In this repository, we provide a pytorch-based implementation of GLCIC introduced by Iizuka et. al.

4/9/2019: We finally succeeded to reproduce the paper result on CelebA dataset, and updated the pretrained model to the new one. Thanks for your long patience and please enjoy.

result_1 result_2 result_3


We tested our scripts in the following environment.

  • Python: 3.6.5
  • torch: 1.0.1.post2
  • torchvision: 0.2.2.post3
  • tqdm: 4.31.1
  • Pillow: 5.4.1
  • opencv-python:
  • numpy: 1.16.2
  • scipy: 1.2.1
  • GPU: Geforce GTX 1080Ti (12GB RAM) X 4

If you'd like to run our training script (i.e.,, we recommend you to use a more than middle-range GPU such as GTX 1070(Ti) or GTX 1080(Ti).

DEMO (Inference)

1. Download our pretrained model and the training config file.

The pretrained model was trained on the CelebA dataset and the training config file stores training settings in json format.

2. Inference

# in {path_to_this_repo}/GLCIC-PyTorch/,
$ python model_cn config.json images/test_2.jpg test_2_out.jpg

Left: input image
Center: input image of Completion Network
Right: output image of Completion Network

DEMO (Training)

In this section, we introduce how to train a model using CelebA dataset.

1. Download the dataset

First, download the dataset (i.e., from this official link.

Second, run the following commands.

$ unzip
$ mv img_align_celeba/ {path_to_this_repo}/GLCIC-PyTorch/datasets/
$ cd {path_to_this_repo}/GLCIC-PyTorch/datasets/
$ python img_align_celeba/

The last command splits the dataset into two subsets: (1) a training dataset (80%) and (1) a test dataset (20%). All the training images are stored in img_align_celeba/train/, while the other test images are stored in img_align_celeba/test/.

2. Training

Just run the following command.

# in {path_to_this_repo}/GLCIC-PyTorch/,
$ python datasets/img_align_celeba results/demo/

Training results (trained models and inference results at each snapshot period) are to be stored in results/demo/.

The training procedure consists of the following three phases.

  1. In phase 1, only Completion Network (i.e., generator) is trained.
  2. In phase 2, only Context Discriminator (i.e., discriminator) is trained, while Completion Network is frozen.
  3. In phase 3, Both of the networksd are jointly trained.

In default settings, the numbers of training steps during phase 1, phase 2, and phase 3 are 90,000, 10,000, and 400,000, respectively. Each snapshot period is set to 10,000, 2,000, and 10,000. Bach size is 16. Size of an input image is 160 x 160 (all input images are rescalled so that the minumum side is 160, then randomly cropped to 160 x 160 images).

Basically, the default hyper-parameters we use in are set to the same settings as those used in the original paper except for batch size due to lack of GPU memories. Please run the training script with batch size == 96 if you would like to reproduce the paper result (the pretrained model now we are sharing is trained with batch size == 96). You can train a model with larger batch size by enabling [--data_parallel] flag (see here) or tuning [--bsize] if you have some gpus and enough size of GPU memories.

How to train with your own dataset ?

1. Prepare dataset

First you have to make a dataset directory in the following format.

dataset/ # the directory name can be anything.
    |       |____XXXX.jpg # png images are also accepted.
    |       |____OOOO.jpg

Images in dataset/train/ are used for training models, while images in dataset/test/ are used for test inpainting at each snapshot period.

2. Training

# in {path_to_this_repo}/GLCIC-PyTorch/,
$ mv dataset/ datasets/
$ python datasets/dataset/ results/result/ [--data_parallel] [--cn_input_size] [--ld_input_size] [--steps_1] [--steps_2] [--steps_3] [--snaperiod_1] [--snaperiod_2] [--snaperiod_3] [--bsize] [--bdivs] [--optimizer]

Results for each training phase (trained models and test inpainting results) are to be stored in results/result/.


  • <dataset> (required): Path to the dataset directory.
  • <result> (required): Path to the result directory.
  • [--data_parallel]: Suppose you have N gpus available, the whole model is copied to the N gpus and each minibatch of batch size (bsize / N) is sent to each gpu. Then, all the grads are reduced and the updated parameters are broadcasted to all the gpus. The whole procedure is iterated until all the three training phases end. You can speed up the training procedure ideally up to N times faster. (default: False (store true)).
  • [--cn_input_size]: Input size of Completion Network. All input images are rescalled so that the minimum side = cn_input_size then randomly cropped to cn_input_size x cn_input_size images (default: 160).
  • [--ld_input_size]: Input size of Local Discriminator (default: 96).
  • [--init_model_cn]: Path to a pretrained model of Completion Network. It is used as the initial parameters (default: None).
  • [--init_model_cd]: Path to the pretrained model of Context Discriminator (default: None).
  • [--steps_1]: The number of training steps during phase 1 (default: 90,000).
  • [--steps_2]: The number of training steps during phase 2 (default: 10,000).
  • [--steps_3]: The number of training steps during phase 3 (default: 400,000).
  • [--snaperiod_1]: Snapshot period during phase 1 (default: 10,000).
  • [--snaperiod_2]: Snapshot period during phase 2 (default: 2,000).
  • [--snaperiod_3]: Snapshot period during phase 3 (default: 10,000).
  • [--max_holes]: The max number of holes to be randomly generated (default: 1).
  • [--hole_min_w]: The minimum width of a hole (default: 48).
  • [--hole_max_w]: The max width of a hole (default: 96).
  • [--hole_min_h]: The minimum height of a hole (default: 48).
  • [--hole_max_h]: The max height of a hole (default: 96).
  • [--bsize]: Batch size (default: 16).
  • [--bdivs]: Devide a single training step of batch size bsize into bdivs steps of batch size bsize / bdivs on a single gpu and update the model parameters every bdivs steps. It produce the same training results as when bdivs == 1 with smaller gpu memory consumption. However, the whole training procedure would somehow slow down due to the spliting. If you enable [--data_parallel] option and N gpus are available, each minibach of batch size bsize / N is sent to each gpu. Then a single training step of batch size bsize / N on a single gpu is devided into bdivs steps of batch size (bsize / N) / bdivs, and the parameters are updated every bdivs steps. (default: 1).
  • [--optimizer]: 'adadelta' or 'adam' (default: 'adadelta').

Example: If you'd like to train a model with batch size 24 with data_parallel option and the other parameters are default values, run the following command.

# in {path_to_this_repo}/GLCIC-PyTorch/,
$ python datasets/dataset results/result --data_parallel --bsize 24

How to infer with your own dataset ?

Suppose you've finished train a model and the result directory is {path_to_this_repo}/GLCIC-PyTorch/results/result, run the following command.

# in {path_to_this_repo}/GLCIC-PyTorch/,
$ python results/result/phase_3/model_cn_step{step_number} results/result/config.json <input_img> <output_img> [--max_holes] [--img_size] [--hole_min_w] [--hole_max_w] [--hole_min_h] [--hole_max_h]


  • <input_img> (required): Path to an input image.
  • <output_img> (required): Path to an output image.
  • [--img_size]: Input size of Completion Network. Input images are rescalled so that the minimum side = img_size then randomly cropped to img_size x img_size images (default: 160).
  • [--max_holes]: The max number of holes to be randomly generated (default: 5).
  • [--hole_min_w]: The minimum width of a hole (default: 24).
  • [--hole_max_w]: The max width of a hole (default: 48).
  • [--hole_min_h]: The minimum height of a hole (default: 24).
  • [--hole_max_h]: The max height of a hole (default: 48).

Example: If you'd like to make a inference with an input image {path_to_this_repo}/GLCIC-PyTorch/input.jpg and create an output image {path_to_this_repo}/GLCIC-PyTorch/output.jpg, run the following command.

# in {path_to_this_repo}/GLCIC-PyTorch/,
$ python results/result/phase_3/model_cn_step{step_number} results/result/config.json input.jpg output.jpg


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