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Mayur P Shenoy mayur-shenoy
Coding to kill boredom


Nekoru21 MoonFoxCake
Just a trans bich tryna learn to code ok bye
Jesse Keskelä theisoj
Olen kehittäjä, joka tekee sovelluksia harrastuksena (ja välillä työkseen). @Testausserveri yhdistyksen jäsen

@JesunMaailma @Testausserveri Suomi/Finland

Christopher Simon cjsimon
Aspiring computer scientist who strives to improve the lives of others through technology

Student California

Prepare to get 1000s of issues on your repository!

Italy, Piedmont

G.C. CELESTINO cristiangcel
Full-time psychology student, in my spare time book author and activist: doing my best for a better world.


Meggo ItsMeggo
I'm pretty new to all this, but I'm gonna try my best!


Riad Zoabi riadzoabi
2nd Year B.Sc. Information Systems Engineering Student | Proficient in Python, Java,C, SQL, UI Design | Passionate about Transformative Tech Solutions


Ollie obfuscatedgenerated

United Kingdom

OfficialGamer Official3Gamer
I'm just a little YouTuber im a depressed mfer
Hunter104 Hunter104
This space was intentionally left blank
Brendon Reyell breyell
I make websites.

SimpsonScarborough Torrance, CA

Henrique cotamilhas
I'm a terrible programmer


Benjamin Funke BJNFNE
I love Reverse Engineering and reimplementing. Also port old Software to newer standards, EVIL!


Just your local nightcawler!

Reno, NV, USA

nami1 nami1yt
I Contribute to Wii-Homebrew related websites for fun.
LunaProductions Luca06Luwa
"An idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity." - Terry A Davis

LunaProductions Currently finding my way through life...

Maintainer of the Venith Network, RiiShop dev, and former web-stack dev for the Suyu emulator.


James Quinley JamesQuinley
Hobbyist Developer. Java & JavaScript (They're very different).

@CodenameObsidian Visalia California