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MSM - Multi Source Monitor


The contents of the module are the following:

+ pom.xml                 maven pom file which deals with everything related to compilation and execution of the module
+ src/                    java source code of the module
+ Furthermore, the installation process, as described in the, will generate another directory:
target/                 it contains binary executable and other directories


Installing the elh-absa requires the following steps:

If you already have installed in your machine JDK7 and MAVEN 3, please go to step 3 directly. Otherwise, follow these steps:

  1. Install JDK 1.7

If you do not install JDK 1.7 in a default location, you will probably need to configure the PATH in .bashrc or .bash_profile:

export JAVA_HOME=/yourpath/local/java17
export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

If you use tcsh you will need to specify it in your .login as follows:

setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/java/java17
setenv PATH ${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

If you re-login into your shell and run the command

java -version

You should now see that your jdk is 1.7

  1. Install MAVEN 3

Download MAVEN 3 from


Now you need to configure the PATH. For Bash Shell:

export MAVEN_HOME=/home/myuser/local/apache-maven-3.0.5
export PATH=${MAVEN_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

For tcsh shell:

setenv MAVEN3_HOME ~/local/apache-maven-3.0.5
setenv PATH ${MAVEN3}/bin:{PATH}

If you re-login into your shell and run the command

mvn -version

You should see reference to the MAVEN version you have just installed plus the JDK 7 that is using.

  1. Get module source code

hg clone
  1. Installing using maven

cd MSM
mvn clean package

This step will create a directory called target/ which contains various directories and files. Most importantly, there you will find the module executable:


This executable contains every dependency the module needs, so it is completely portable as long as you have a JVM 1.7 installed.

To install the module in the local maven repository, usually located in ~/.m2/, execute:

mvn clean install
  1. USING MSM =========================

MSM Funcionalities

MSM provides 3 main funcionalities:

  • twitter: Twitter Public stream crawling.
  • feed: Syndication feed crawling (RSS, Atom, ...). Feed types supported by ROME tools (
  • influence: looks for the influence of a given list of sources. Klout index for twitter users and PageRank for websites.
  • twtUser: asks Twitter for the user profiles of a given list of Twitter users and return their follower and friend information.

Command line examples

  • You can get general help by calling:
java -jar MSM-1.0.jar -help
  • twitter: Twitter Public stream crawling. Call Example:
java -jar MSM-1.0.jar twitter -c config.cfg -s stout 2>> MSM-twitter.log
java -jar MSM-1.0.jar feed -c config.cfg -u
  • influence: looks for the influence of a given list of sources. Klout index for twitter users and PageRank for websites.
java -jar MSM-1.0.jar influence -c config.cfg -db 2>> MSM-Influence.log


You can also generate the javadoc of the module by executing:

mvn javadoc:jar

Which will create a jar file core/target/elh-MSM-1.0-javadoc.jar

Contact information

Iñaki San Vicente and Xabier Saralegi
Elhuyar Foundation