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Make sure actual video files are stored in video_server/video[1-6], then run

python get_video_sizes

Put training data in sim/cooked_traces and testing data in sim/cooked_test_traces (need to create folders). The trace format for simulation is [time_stamp (sec), throughput (Mbit/sec)]. Sample training/testing data we used can be downloaded separately from train_sim_traces and test_sim_traces in More details of data preparation can be found in traces/.

To train a model, run


As reported by the A3C paper ( and a faithful implementation (, we also found the exploration factor in the actor network quite crucial for achieving good performance. A general strategy to train our system is to first set ENTROPY_WEIGHT in to be a large value (in the scale of 1 to 5) in the beginning, then gradually reduce the value to 0.1 (after at least 100,000 iterations).

The training process can be monitored in sim/results/log_test (validation) and sim/results/log_central (training). Tensorboard ( is also used to visualize the training process, which can be invoked by running

python -m tensorflow.tensorboard --logdir=./results/

where the plot can be viewed at localhost:6006 from a browser.

Trained model will be saved in sim/results/. We provided a sample pretrained model with linear QoE as the reward signal. It can be loaded by setting NN_MODEL = './results/pretrain_linear_reward.ckpt' in