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Nest Logo Postgresql elephant


Nucleus boilerplate project.

Project include:

  • DB Setup using Typeorm (You can easy change to other DB)
  • Docker setup with Postgres
  • Custom logger module with Morgan and Winston
  • Swagger
  • Class mapper
  • Exception/Error handler
  • Request middleware for tracking request id
  • Ready enterprise file structure
  • Tests for service layer using jest

App Structure and guidelines

1. Api Dir

This dir holds app modules that include controller and services. Each service has own interface. Only serices are covered with unit tests.

2. Config Dir

This dir includes all configuration modules for easier adding/removing configuration.

Application.config.ts reads .env file, and you can use those values to modify them before passing to other files.

3. Dto Dir

This dir holds 3 type of class

  • Request - Request objects for API layer
  • Response - Response objects for API layer
  • Internal - Object used for communication between services and modules

4. Entities Dir

This dir includes DB entities

5. Exceptions Dir

This dir includes exception handlers, global exceptions and logic-entity exceptions.

Error has own structure including ErrorCode

6. Interceptors

This dir includes interceptors (They are executed before returning response to client).

Default interceptor is returning to client requestId for easier tracking client action

7. Middlewares

This dir includes middlewares (They are executed before entering controller).

For now, we are using moran as middleware and one request filter where:

  • If its request path '/auth/*' generating SESSION_ID
  • If itsn't request path '/auth/*' if there is no SESSION_ID client will get 401

IMPORTANT: SessionID is generated inside interceptor after login endpoint!

IMPORTANT: Each request need SessionId as header with UUID value!

8. Repositories

This project is using Repository Pattern.

9. Resources

This dir will hold migrations/seeds/emails...

10. Utils

This dir includes constants, enums, logger, mapper...All shared utilitis

11. Functions

Currently, we have sign up/in endpoints (including geenrated JWT), and two user endpoints (getAll/getById)

Code style

  • Each external module import statement is separated with empty line with local modules
  • Code format - Prettier


$ npm install


# Run migrations
$ npm run typeorm:migrate

# Create new migration
$ npm run typeorm:create NewMigration


Coverage will include only service files

# unit tests
$ npm run test

# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov


Docker only include setup for Postgres, in next iteration I will add app also inside.

How to start postgres via docker?

$ cd envivironment && docker-compose up

How to run app

Setup env

$ cp .env.example .env
# Add your env values

$ cd environment && cp .env.docker.example .env.docker
# Add your env values

Install packages

$ npm install
# if you don't have postgres
$ cd envivironment && docker-compose up
$ npm run typeorm:migrate

Start app

npm run start:dev

If you want to change to mysql

Go to src/config/database/typeorm.config.ts and change postgresl to mysql


IMPORTANT: SessionID is generated inside interceptor after login endpoint!

IMPORTANT: Each request need SessionId as header with UUID value!

Plans for future:

  • Add security (ACL)
  • Add app inside docker
  • Add seeds

Stay in touch


MIT licensed.


NestJS boilerplate






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