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File metadata and controls

185 lines (119 loc) · 6.38 KB


To follow these instructions you need to have Node.js installed on your local machine.

Note: Mudita Center utilizes Node.js and npm versions specified in package.json file. To downgrade your currently installed version of Node.js please use Node Version Manager.

Note: Mudita Center utilizes Lerna for managing packages contained in this repository. Lerna installs the main packages and links internal dependencies. The project has been set up in a way which enables running test and linters for every package separately.

Install packages

After cloning the repository to your local environment please install all packages by typing:

npm run setup

Set up environmental variables

Please run the following command to copy and rename .env.example file

cp .env.example .env

Please keep in mind that we can not give full access to all environments to the Open Source community, so part of the integration may not work, but it should not affect the development process and the work of the application.

If you are Mudita employee please follow these instructions.

Run Mudita Center development environment

Please run the following command to start the Mudita Center dev environment:

npm run develop

This will start the application with hot-reload so you can instantly start developing it. You can also enable logs by executing:

npm run develop -- --stream

This command runs the User Interface and the backend simultaneously, however, if you wish to have logs from both processes in two separate consoles then please run the following commands in parallel in separate console tabs:

lerna run --stream --scope @mudita/mudita-center-app dev:start:renderer
lerna run --stream --scope @mudita/mudita-center-app dev:start:main

Enable Developer mode inside the application

To run additional Developer mode in Mudita Center, tap on the right button of your mouse and select "Enable developer mode". You can also toggle it on/off using Ctrl/Cmd+D keys. When Developer mode is enabled you can:

  • Ctrl/Cmd+P toggle simulating Mudita Pure connection.
  • Ctrl/Cmd+B toggles simulating Mudita Harmony connection.

Using Developer mode you can:

  • simulate a connected Mudita Pure device
  • simulate a connected Mudita Harmony device
  • load/clear default 'placeholder' topics in the "Messages" view
  • load/clear default 'placeholder' contacts in the "Contacts" view
  • load/clear default 'placeholder' events in the "Calendar" view


We use Electron builder to build and package the application. By default, you can run the following to package it for your current platform:

npm run dist:dev


npm run dist:prod

This will create an installer for your platform in the releases folder.

You can also build the app for all platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux) by using the npm run dist:dev:all or npm run dist:prod:all command.

You can also make builds for a specific platform (or multiple platforms) by using the CLI options.

For example, building for Windows and Linux:

npm run dist:dev -- -wl


npm run dist:prod -- -wl

Feature toggle environment separation

Also you are able to distribute an application with in specific predefined environment. The environment is responsible for hendeling the sets of feature toggles predefined for each release/test case.

To run distribution with feature toggle environment use the next formula:

FEATURE_TOGGLE_ENVIRONMENT=__environment__ npm run dist:*

For example:

FEATURE_TOGGLE_ENVIRONMENT=development npm run dist:dev

Will distribute an application with development set of feature toggles

The Mudita Center have the next feature toggle environments:

  • development
  • production
  • test-production
  • alpha-production
  • test-alpha-production

Note: You might not be able to build the app for all platforms one one platform. Read more about it the "Multi Platform Build" article.


Update NPM version in App

Remember to update npm version in package.json and package-lock.json. You can do it by following the commands:

cd packages/app
npm version CURRENT_VERSION + 1

Troubleshooting common errors

Font during development is slightly different from what I see in official app

That's because we're using GT Pressura font that can't be open-sourced, so we can't publish it in our repository. Instead, for development purpose outside the Mudita company, we're using a Roboto Condensed font from Google which is quite similar.

More info about managing fonts can be found here.

The module was compiled against a different Node.js version

Uncaught Error: The module '../node_modules/@serialport/bindings/build/Release/bindings.node'
was compiled against a different Node.js version using
NODE_MODULE_VERSION 72. This version of Node.js requires
NODE_MODULE_VERSION 75. Please try re-compiling or re-installing
the module (for instance, using `npm rebuild` or `npm install`).


npm run app:electron:rebuild-serialport

Config schema violation: language should be a string

Uncaught Exception:
Error: Config schema violation: `language` should be a string


The same error may appear after any change in code that was done to settings without updating settings.json.

To fix that, settings.json file should be updated manually according to changes in code or automatically - by removing the settings.json and running the app again (this will create a new settings file with default values).

settings.json is located in:

  • Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\@mudita\mudita-center-app
  • Linux: ~/.config/@mudita/mudita-center-app
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/@mudita/mudita-center-app

How to get logs from the built application

Logs are saved in file logs folder. The file format is mc-YYYY-MM-DD.

  • Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\@mudita\mudita-center-app\logs
  • Linux: ~/.config/@mudita/mudita-center-app/logs
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/@mudita/mudita-center-app/logs