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node.js REST framework specifically meant for web service APIs


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node-restify is meant to do one thing: make it easy to build an API webservice in node.js that is correct as per the HTTP RFC. That's it. It's not MVC, it doesn't bring in a lot of baggage, it's just a small framework to let you build a web service API.

Why does this exist?

After starting with express it because obvious I only needed about 10% of what Connect gives you, and the parts they gave me I still had to write a lot of extension code over the top to do what I needed (mainly properly parse request parameters and respond with JS objects).

I wanted something smaller and more purposed to this use case. If this isn't you, move along, nothing to see here.


var restify = require('restify');

var server = restify.createServer();

server.get('/my/:name', function(req, res) {
  res.send(200, {
});'/my', function(req, res) {
  // name could be in the query string, in a form-urlencoded body, or a
  // JSON body
  res.send(201, {

server.del('/my/:name', function(req, res) {



npm install restify


Request Formats

Currently both application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json are supported where API calls take parameters. For exmaple, all of the following are valid calls:

Query String (on the uri):

POST /my?first_name=mark&last_name=c HTTP/1.1
Authorization: ...
Content-Lenght: 0

Form encoded in the body:

POST /my HTTP/1.1
Authorization: ...
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 123


JSON in the body:

POST /my HTTP/1.1
Authorization: ...
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 123

  "first_name": "mark",
  "last_name": "c"

These formats all get merged into request.params.

Response Headers

RESTify sends the following headers in all API calls:

  • Date // RFC1123 format (in UTC)
  • X-Api-Version // The version of the server api
  • X-RequestId // a unique id for this request (uuid)
  • X-Response-Time // Time taken (server side) in milliseconds
  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
  • Access-Control-Allow-Methods: HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

If there is content, you can expect:

  • Content-Length
  • Content-Type
  • Content-MD5

Response Content

Response formats are goverened by the 'Accept' header. Currently, the following are supported:

  • application/json

JSON responses are the default (so passing nothing, /, or application/* into for Accept gets you back application/json). You simply call the response.send API with your JS object, and it gets marshalled. On my TODO list are supporting XML and whatever else people ask for (msgpack/protobuf/etc).

Error Responses

If you get back any error code in the 4xx range, you will receive a formatted error message of the scheme:

  "code": "CODE",
  "message": "human readable string"

Where the code element is one of:

  • InvalidArgument
  • InvalidCredentials
  • InvalidHeader
  • MissingParameter
  • NotAuthorized
  • RequestTooLarge
  • ResourceNotFound
  • UnknownError

Clients are expected to check HTTP status code first, and if in the 4xx range, they can leverage the codes above. To send your own error, leverage the error API. Basically do this:

 var newError = require('restify').newError;

 return response.sendError(newError({
    httpCode: 409,
    restCode: 'YourErrorCode',
    message: 'Some human parsable error string'

Would produce a full response to the client like:

 HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
 Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
 Access-Control-Allow-Methods: HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
 Server: node.js
 Connection: close
 Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 21:52:45 GMT
 X-API-Version: 2011-004-25
 X-RequestId: C94A6FD8-9C37-405D-B66A-47E7B7D0F800
 X-Response-Time: 13
 Content-Type: application/json
 Content-Length: 123
 Content-MD5: VOLosaU+eL4laO6gP5KiTw==

    "code": "YourErrorCode"
    "message": "Some human parsable error string"


Like every other framework on the planet, I liberally made this look like Sinatra. You don't get full on regex's, but I've never had a reason, when trying to write a simple REST api to need them. Want them? Go use something else. Basically you can define routes like:

  server.get('/:foo/:bar', pre, handler, post);

Where pre is an array of functions, handler is a function, and post is another array of functions. Note you can pass in one function, one array, whatever. I am simply saying this is following the Interceptor pattern that exists in something like Java servers (e.g. Jetty). The :foo and :bar become parameters of the name foo, bar, respectively on req.params. As described above, any query params or body content get tacked in there too. If you have conflicting params, we throw. So don't do that.

As to route methods, no silly webdav or anything, just:

  • get
  • post
  • put
  • del
  • head



You create a server with the createServer(options) call:

var server = restify.createServer({
  apiVersion: '2011-04-25', // Kicked back in X-Api-Version response header
  serverName: 'RESTify', // Kicked back in Server response header
  requireApiVersion: true // Enforce clients sending you a version header

Supported parameters in options are listed above. apiVersion is enforced if sent in the x-api-version HTTP header. Setting requireApiVersion requires a client to send it (typically you want this with a web service API so you're not supporting some weird version 0 for all of time). Note that if you don't set apiVersion the default set in lib/constants.js is sent back (which is a YYYY-MM-DD string), so that's probably not what you want. Set it ;-). Lastly, setting serverName lets you set the server header on all responses.


As described above, tack get/post/put/del/head onto the server object.


Basically there's only a few new things tacked onto your familiar node request object:

  • contentType(): returns the content-type sent, or RFC-defined default.
  • requestId: a uuid generated at request acceptance time. Send this to your downstreams for tracking.
  • params: an object containing a merge of querystring, uri and body parameters.


I tacked quite a bit onto the response object:

  • send(code, body, headers): serializes body into whatever was sent for Accept.
  • sendError(error): use restify.newError() (see below)
  • startTime: what it sounds like (ms since epoch)


As described above, grab the error creation function with:

var newError = require('restify').newError;

  httpCode: 404,
  restCode: 'ClientParsableString',
  message: 'Some string meant for a human'

Why does this exist? Because clients typically need more than just an HTTP status code to make an intelligent decision (400/409 means a lot of things...). And it gives you a natural place to start thinking about where to put translated strings.


Oh yeah, I wrote a simple logger for this (simple log4j-like thing). You get the following levels:

  • Trace
  • Debug
  • Info
  • Warn
  • Error
  • Fatal

These all write to stderr, and you'll get formats like:

2011-03-25 20:28:21Z TRACE: Some message string here

Basically, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSZ LEVEL: Your string here. You get sprintf-like functionality in the name of %s, %d, and %o for strings, numbers and objects, respectively. You can set the log level on the server with:


Default level is Info. Setting it to Trace gets you debug output from the restify framework. Debug is meant for you. Isn't that sweet? You can grab the logger with:

var log = require('restify').log;

Also, as in log4j, to avoid a crapload of stack-based string building when you're not even in that level, you can wrap all log calls with:

if (log.debug()) {
  log.debug('Some message I %s: %o', 'made up', {foo: 'bar'});

That works on all the levels.






node.js REST framework specifically meant for web service APIs







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