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Tools to paint spatial data grid cells and imagery pixels for training segmentation algorithms using UMAP dimension reduction within R Shiny.


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paint2train package


The purpose of paint2train package is to rapidly label imagery and spatial data at the pixel level. These labels may in turn be used to train machine learning algorithms for tasks such as image segmentation.

There are currently four primary functions:

  • Generate tiles from larger contiguous sources of multi-spectral imagery or other spatial data
  • Pre-process tiles, generating normalized difference, edge detection, and neighborhood summary stats layers
  • Reduce n layers from pre-processing steps into 3 layers, using UMAP dimension reduction methods
  • Run a local Shiny app to rapidly label pixels based on dissimilarity thresholds (in UMAP space) to clicked points (labels are saved as .tifs as you work)


The package may be installed via github.


Preparatory Steps

Begin by downloading a sample 4-band image.


image_dir <- tempfile()
URL <- ''
download.file(url = URL, destfile = image_dir)

par(mfrow = c(2,1))  
plotRGB(stack(image_dir)[[1:3]], main = 'True color')
plotRGB(stack(image_dir)[[c(4,2,3)]], main = 'NIR false color')
mtext("15cm true and NIR false color imagery", side = 3, line = -1, outer = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1,1))  

Next build the directories necessary to house tiles, pre-processed intermediaries, and labeled data.

tdir <- tempdir()
setwd(tdir) #where output directories will go
preproc_dir <- 'preproc_tiles' #dir for preprocessed tiles
umap_dir <- 'umap_tiles' #dir for UMAP output
lab_dir <- 'label_tiles' #dir for labeled .tif
pred_dir <- 'pred_dir' #a place to predict to new data 

lapply(FUN = function(x){dir.create(x)}, 
       X = c(preproc_dir, umap_dir, lab_dir, pred_dir))

Tiling and Pre-processing

Define a 2-column matrix with coordinates corresponding to centroids at which to generate tiles. Specify tile size and a buffer to avoid edge effects during pre-processing neighborhood calculations. Specify the number of cores used during preprocessing. Note that parallel processing will only work on Unix systems for the native functions in paint2train at this time. Parallel processing in external functions, such as umap, will likely work on Windows systems and greatly speed up the dimension reduction step.

#some test coordinates
xcoords <- c(727495,

ycoords <- c(5175339,

#bind into matrix
coord_mat <- cbind(xcoords, ycoords)

ls <- 30 #how big should the tiles be, this is the side length (in units of data, meters here)
buff <- 5  #buffer in units of data
pre_cores <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == 'unix', #how many cores to use for pre-processing
                detectCores() - 1,
umap_cores <- detectCores() - 1 #how many cores to use for UMAP dimension reduction

#make 30m tiles with 5m buffer (to avoid edge effects during pre-processing)
tile_at_coords(coords = coord_mat, 
               len_side = ls, 
               buffer = buff,
               out_dir = preproc_dir,
               img = image_dir, 
               ncores = pre_cores)

Generate NDVI…
  FUN = ndvi_msavi,
  X = list.files(preproc_dir, full.names = T),
  mc.cores = pre_cores

… and MSAVI values at tiles.

Create edge detection layers by applying a Sobel filter across the first three PCA axes of data generated thus far.
  FUN = sobel,
  X = list.files(preproc_dir, full.names = T),
  mc.cores = pre_cores

Calculate mean and variance in 0.25, 0.5, and 1 meter neighborhoods for first three PCA axes of data generated up to this point. The extents of these neighborhoods are a critical tuning parameter that will need to be paired with a particular dataset and modeling objective.
neighborhoods <- c(0.25, 0.5, 1) #neighborhood radii in units of imagery
  FUN = mean_var,
  X = list.files(preproc_dir, full.names = T),
  f_width = neighborhoods, 
  mc.cores = pre_cores

As a final pre-processing step, remove the buffers from around each tile.

mclapply(FUN = remove_buffer,
                   X = list.files(preproc_dir, full.names = T),
                   b = buff,
                   mc.cores = pre_cores)

Here is a sample of the outputs of the focal calculations described above for the first tile.

Dimension Reduction

Next reduce the pre-processed layers into three dimension with the UMAP algorithm. This will facilitate identification of similar pixels in the painting app by conducting non-linear transformations of the data and mitigate the curse of dimensionality. For details on this method, please refer to the UWOT documentation.

lapply(FUN = umap_tile,
                   X = list.files(preproc_dir, full.names = TRUE),
                   out_dir = umap_dir,
                   n_threads = umap_cores,
                   n_sgd_threads = umap_cores)

Compare the original RGB tiles with outcomes from pre-processing and dimension reduction. UMAP space is represented in similarity colors.

Running App Locally

Now we may label our data using the paint2train app. We first define the classes to label, assigning them an integer value, as well as a corresponding color palette to visualize labeled areas.

label_key <- list(Unknown = 0,
           `Not woody` = 1,
           `Woody` = 2)

pal <- c('royalblue', 

Provide these lists, location of the UMAP output, and label directory to the p2t function.

p2t(umap_dir = umap_dir, 
    label_dir = lab_dir, 
    label_key = label_key, 
    label_col = pal)

Data Labeling Process

Select imagery tiles from the dropdown menu found in the upper left.

Click on a region you wish to classify and adjust the Dissimilarity Threshold to match the extent of the class to label.

Select which class to label from the Labeling Tools menu, then click the Label painted areas button to save the painted pixels to that class. After painting and labeling focal areas, fill the remaining unlabeled points by click the FIll unlabeled as class button.

Adjust the color of painted areas from the Aesthetics Controls drop down menu.

Manually edit pixels by using the draw tools (lower right). Draw a box or polygon around the region you wish to edit, select the appropriate class from the Select class to label menu, then click Label drawn areas

Change the base imagery with the controls in the upper right.

Filter high and low value outlier pixels to brighten or darken base imagery layers by adjusting the Baselayer quantiles in the Aesthetics controls drop down menu.

Click and drag to move the controls as needed.

Model Training

Now generate a simple random forest model using the data labeled with p2t.

train_dat <- load_tdat(preproc_dir = preproc_dir,
                       label_dir = lab_dir,
                       ncores = pre_cores)

rf_mod <- ranger(label ~ ., 
                 data = train_dat,
                 num.threads = umap_cores,
                 classification = TRUE)

#Predict to some new data
og_ext <- extent(stack(image_dir))
mean_x <- mean(og_ext[1:2])
mean_y <- mean(og_ext[3:4])

tile_at_coords(coords = cbind(mean_x, mean_y - 25), 
               len_side = 25, 
               buffer = buff,
               out_dir = pred_dir,
               img = image_dir, 
               ncores = pre_cores)

pred_files <- list.files(pred_dir, full.names = TRUE)

pre_pipeline <- function(x, fs, b) {
  mean_var(x, f_width = fs)
  remove_buffer(x, b)

mclapply(FUN = pre_pipeline,
         X = pred_files,
         mc.cores = pre_cores,
         fs = neighborhoods,
         b = buff)

pred_names <- colnames(train_dat[2:ncol(train_dat)])

new_dat <-, mclapply(FUN = 
                                   function(x,p){setNames(, p)},
                                 X = pred_files,
                                 p = pred_names,
                                 mc.cores = pre_cores))

preds <- predict(rf_mod, new_dat, num.threads = umap_cores)

pred_ras <- raster(pred_files[1])
values(pred_ras) <- preds$predictions

leaflet() %>%
               r = 1, g = 2, b = 3,
               group = 'RGB') %>%
                 project = FALSE,
                 opacity = 0.6,
                 colors = c('transparent','red'),
                 group = 'Canopy') %>%
  addLayersControl(overlayGroups = c('Canopy'), 
                   options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE))


Tools to paint spatial data grid cells and imagery pixels for training segmentation algorithms using UMAP dimension reduction within R Shiny.







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