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Pipeline for filtering and cleaning of multiple sequence alignments to identify ideal consensus regions from homologue sequences for primer design.


System Requirements

The pipeline is developed and testet for:

Software Version
Linux 20.04
Mafft 7.453
Primer3 2.5.0

On the hardware side, the alignments with mafft are the bottleneck. The length and number of sequences play a decisive role. Alignments with a few hundred sequences of moderate length can be calculated in a few seconds to minutes even on simple laptops. Larger alignments require a system with more RAM.

The duration of the installation is a few minutes and depends among other things on whether various requirements are already installed, such as conda.

The processing time of the sample dataset is about 15 sec on a laptop with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz and 16 GB RAM.

Installation & Dependencies

Install Python3.8 in miniconda.

Download and uncompress all files from the GitHub repository.


Adept the primer3_parameters.txt to your needs. For details see

Install MAFFT, Primer3 and ClustalX (optional for alignment visualzation)

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y mafft
sudo apt-get install -y primer3
sudo apt-get install -y clustalx

Create and activate new Python environment for ConsensusPrime

conda create -n consensus_prime
conda activate consensus_prime

Install pandas

conda install pandas


Download the example_data.fna and primer3_parameters.txt then run the following command (remember to adjust the file paths accordingly).

python3.8 /path_to/ --infile /path_to/example_data.fna --primer3 /path_to/primer3_parameters.txt


command what it does
-i, --infile Multi-Fasta file with gene sequences. [required]
-x, --primer3 Primer3 parameter file. [required]
-o, --outdir Specifies output directory. Default = .
-t, --threads Number of threads used by MAFFT. Default = -1 (all)
-k, --keepduplicates Keep duplicate sequences. Default = False
-c, --consensusthreshold Consensus threshold bitween 0 and 1 with 1 beeing a perfect consensus. Default = 0.95
-s, --consensussimilarity Minimum similarity threshold for sequences in the input alignment when comparing each sequence to the consensus sequence. Default = 0.8
--primers Known primers for visualisation in the final alignment in multifasta format.
--negativesequences File with sequences that get their consensus sequence added to the final alignment in multifasta format.
-h, --help show this message and exit

Exit the conda environment when you are done

conda deactivate

We also provide a Docker image for ConsensusPrime

Simply pull and run a ready-to-use image from Dockerhub:

Show --help

docker run mcollatz/consensusprime:1.0


Download the example_data.fna and primer3_parameters.txt then run the following command (remember to adjust the file paths accordingly).

docker run -t --rm -v /path/to/dir/with/your/input/files/:/in \
-v /path/to/dir/for/results/:/out \
-u `id -u $USER`:`id -g $USER` \
mcollatz/consensusprime:1.0 \
/ --infile /in/example_data.fna --primer3 /in/primer3_parameters.txt --outdir /out


The results are stored in the specified /out directory or in the current directory under "/results". The intermediate results of the individual filter steps are also located in this directory. The predicted primers are listed in the "consensus_prime_summary.html" with all related details. The predicted primers can be viewed in "final_alignment.fna" using an alignment visualization program such as ClustalX.

For an example output check the