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Material Design's text sizes and styles were developed to balance content density and reading comfort under typical usage conditions.

MDC Typography is a foundational module that applies these styles to MDC Web components. The typographic styles in this module are derived from thirteen styles:

  • Headline 1
  • Headline 2
  • Headline 3
  • Headline 4
  • Headline 5
  • Headline 6
  • Subtitle 1
  • Subtitle 2
  • Body 1
  • Body 2
  • Caption
  • Button
  • Overline

Design & API Documentation


npm install @material/typography

Basic Usage

HTML Structure

We recommend using Roboto from Google Fonts:

  <link href=",400,500" rel="stylesheet">
<body class="mdc-typography">
  <h1 class="mdc-typography--headline1">Big header</h1>


@use "@material/typography/mdc-typography";

Style Customization

Typography styles

The typography styles (referred to as <STYLE> below) used in the type system:

Scale Description
headline1 The largest text on the screen, reserved for short, important text or numerals
headline2 Headline variant 2
headline3 Headline variant 3
headline4 Headline variant 4
headline5 Headline variant 5
headline6 Headline variant 6
subtitle1 Smaller than headline, reserved for medium-emphasis text that is shorter in length
subtitle2 Subtitle variant 2
body1 Used for long-form writing
body2 Body variant 2
caption Used sparingly to annotate imagery
button A call to action used by different types of buttons
overline Used sparingly to introduce a headline

CSS Classes

Some components have a set typographic style. For example, a raised MDC Card uses Body 1, Body 2, and Headline styles.

If you want to set the typographic style of an element, which is not a Material Design component, you can apply the following CSS classes.

CSS Class Description
mdc-typography Sets the font to Roboto
mdc-typography--<STYLE> Sets font properties as STYLE. Please see Typography styles section

For example, the headline1 style as a CSS class would be mdc-typography--headline1.

CSS Custom Properties

CSS Custom property Description
--mdc-typography-font-family The base font-family
--mdc-typography-<STYLE>-font-family The font-family for STYLE. Please see Typography styles section
--mdc-typography-<STYLE>-font-size The font-size for STYLE. Please see Typography styles section
--mdc-typography-<STYLE>-line-height The line-height for STYLE. Please see Typography styles section
--mdc-typography-<STYLE>-font-weight The font-weight for STYLE. Please see Typography styles section
--mdc-typography-<STYLE>-letter-spacing The letter-spacing for STYLE. Please see Typography styles section
--mdc-typography-<STYLE>-text-decoration The text-decoration for STYLE. Please see Typography styles section
--mdc-typography-<STYLE>-text-transform The text-transform for STYLE. Please see Typography styles section

Sass Variables and Mixins

Mixin Description
base Sets the font to Roboto
typography($style) Applies one of the typography styles, including setting the font to Roboto
smooth-font Adds antialiasing for typography
overflow-ellipsis Truncates overflow text to one line with an ellipsis
baseline($top, $bottom, $display) Sets a container's baseline that text content will align to.
zero-width-prefix Adds an invisible, zero-width prefix to a container's text. This ensures that the baseline is always where the text would be, instead of defaulting to the container bottom when text is empty. Do not use this mixin if the baseline mixin is already applied.
text-baseline($top, $bottom, $display) Sets the baseline of flow text content.

A note about overflow-ellipsis, overflow-ellipsis should only be used if the element is display: block or display: inline-block.

$style Values

These styles can be used as the $style argument for the mdc-typography mixin.

  • headline1
  • headline2
  • headline3
  • headline4
  • headline5
  • headline6
  • subtitle1
  • subtitle2
  • body1
  • body2
  • caption
  • button
  • overline

Overriding Styles

All styles can be overridden using CSS custom properties or Sass module/global variables.

When using Sass module variables, the module must be configured before any other @use statements with a variable named $styles-{style}. The variable should be assigned to a map that contains all the properties you want to override for a particular style.

When using Sass global variables, they must be defined before the component is imported by setting a global variable named $mdc-typography-styles-{style}.

Example: Overriding the button font-size and text-transform properties.

CSS custom properties:

html {
  --mdc-typography-button-font-size: 16px;
  --mdc-typography-button-text-transform: none;

Sass module variables:

@use "@material/typography" with (
  $styles-button: (
    font-size: 16px,
    text-transform: none,

@use "@material/button";
@include button.core-styles;

Sass global variables:

$mdc-typography-styles-button: (
  font-size: 16px,
  text-transform: none,

@import "@material/button/mdc-button";

Example: Overriding the global font-family property.

CSS custom properties:

html {
  --mdc-typography-font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

Sass module variables:

@use "@material/typography" with (
  $font-family: unquote("Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif")

@use "@material/button";
@include button.core-styles;

Sass global variables:

$mdc-typography-font-family: unquote("Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif");

@import "@material/button/mdc-button";

Example: Overriding the font-family property for headline1 and font-family and font-size for headline2.

CSS custom properties:

html {
  --mdc-typography-headline1-font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  --mdc-typography-headline2-font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  --mdc-typography-headline2-font-size: 3.25rem;

Sass module variables:

@use "@material/typography" with (
  $styles-headline1: (
    font-family: unquote("Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif")
  $styles-headline2: (
    font-family: unquote("Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"),
    font-size: 3.25rem

@use ...

Sass global variables:

$mdc-typography-styles-headline1: (
  font-family: unquote("Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif")
$mdc-typography-styles-headline2: (
  font-family: unquote("Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"),
  font-size: 3.25rem

@import ...