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DALLE2 Training Configurations

For more complex configuration, we provide the option of using a configuration file instead of command line arguments.

Decoder Trainer

The decoder trainer has 7 main configuration options. A full example of their use can be found in the example decoder configuration.


This is a single unet config, which belongs as an array nested under the decoder config as a list of unets

Option Required Default Description
dim Yes N/A The starting channels of the unet.
image_embed_dim Yes N/A The dimension of the image embeddings.
dim_mults No (1, 2, 4, 8) The growth factors of the channels.

Any parameter from the Unet constructor can also be given here.


Defines the configuration options for the decoder model. The unets defined above will automatically be inserted.

Option Required Default Description
unets Yes N/A A list of unets, using the configuration above
image_sizes Yes N/A The resolution of the image after each upsampling step. The length of this array should be the number of unets defined.
image_size Yes N/A Not used. Can be any number.
timesteps No 1000 The number of diffusion timesteps used for generation.
loss_type No l2 The loss function. Options are l1, huber, or l2.
beta_schedule No cosine The noising schedule. Options are cosine, linear, quadratic, jsd, or sigmoid.
learned_variance No True Whether to learn the variance.
clip No None The clip model to use if embeddings are being generated on the fly. Takes keys make and model with defaults openai and ViT-L/14.

Any parameter from the Decoder constructor can also be given here.


Settings for creation of the dataloaders.

Option Required Default Description
webdataset_base_url Yes N/A The url of a shard in the webdataset with the shard replaced with {}1.
img_embeddings_url No None The url of the folder containing image embeddings shards. Not required if embeddings are in webdataset or clip is being used.
text_embeddings_url No None The url of the folder containing text embeddings shards. Not required if embeddings are in webdataset or clip is being used.
num_workers No 4 The number of workers used in the dataloader.
batch_size No 64 The batch size.
start_shard No 0 Defines the start of the shard range the dataset will recall.
end_shard No 9999999 Defines the end of the shard range the dataset will recall.
shard_width No 6 Defines the width of one webdataset shard number2.
index_width No 4 Defines the width of the index of a file inside a shard3.
splits No { "train": 0.75, "val": 0.15, "test": 0.1 } Defines the proportion of shards that will be allocated to the training, validation, and testing datasets.
shuffle_train No True Whether to shuffle the shards of the training dataset.
resample_train No False If true, shards will be randomly sampled with replacement from the datasets making the epoch length infinite if a limit is not set. Cannot be enabled if shuffle_train is enabled.
preprocessing No { "ToTensor": True } Defines preprocessing applied to images from the datasets.


Settings for controlling the training hyperparameters.

Option Required Default Description
epochs No 20 The number of epochs in the training run.
lr No 1e-4 The learning rate.
wd No 0.01 The weight decay.
max_grad_norm No 0.5 The grad norm clipping.
save_every_n_samples No 100000 Samples will be generated and a checkpoint will be saved every save_every_n_samples samples.
cond_scale No 1.0 Conditioning scale to use for sampling. Can also be an array of values, one for each unet.
device No cuda:0 The device to train on.
epoch_samples No None Limits the number of samples iterated through in each epoch. This must be set if resampling. None means no limit.
validation_samples No None The number of samples to use for validation. None mean the entire validation set.
use_ema No True Whether to use exponential moving average models for sampling.
ema_beta No 0.99 The ema coefficient.
unet_training_mask No None A boolean array of the same length as the number of unets. If false, the unet is frozen. A value of None trains all unets.


Defines which evaluation metrics will be used to test the model. Each metric can be enabled by setting its configuration. The configuration keys for each metric are defined by the torchmetrics constructors which will be linked.

Option Required Default Description
n_evaluation_samples No 1000 The number of samples to generate to test the model.
FID No None Setting to an object enables the Frechet Inception Distance metric.
IS No None Setting to an object enables the Inception Score metric.
KID No None Setting to an object enables the Kernel Inception Distance metric.
LPIPS No None Setting to an object enables the Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity metric.


Selects how the experiment will be tracked.

Option Required Default Description
data_path No ./.tracker-data The path to the folder where temporary tracker data will be saved.
overwrite_data_path No False If true, the data path will be overwritten. Otherwise, you need to delete it yourself.
log Yes N/A Logging configuration.
load No None Checkpoint loading configuration.
save Yes N/A Checkpoint/Model saving configuration.
Tracking is split up into three sections:
  • Log: Where to save run metadata and image output. Options are console or wandb.
  • Load: Where to load a checkpoint from. Options are local, url, or wandb.
  • Save: Where to save a checkpoint to. Options are local, huggingface, or wandb.


All loggers have the following keys:

Option Required Default Description
log_type Yes N/A The type of logger class to use.
resume No False For loggers that have the option to resume an old run, resume it using maually input parameters.
auto_resume No False If true, the logger will attempt to resume an old run using parameters from that previous run.

If using console there is no further configuration than setting log_type to console.

Option Required Default Description
log_type Yes N/A Must be console.

If using wandb

Option Required Default Description
log_type Yes N/A Must be wandb.
wandb_entity Yes N/A The wandb entity to log to.
wandb_project Yes N/A The wandb project save the run to.
wandb_run_name No None The wandb run name.
wandb_run_id No None The wandb run id. Used if resuming an old run.


All loaders have the following keys:

Option Required Default Description
load_from Yes N/A The type of loader class to use.
only_auto_resume No False If true, the loader will only load the model if the run is being auto resumed.

If using local

Option Required Default Description
load_from Yes N/A Must be local.
file_path Yes N/A The path to the checkpoint file.

If using url

Option Required Default Description
load_from Yes N/A Must be url.
url Yes N/A The url of the checkpoint file.

If using wandb

Option Required Default Description
load_from Yes N/A Must be wandb.
wandb_run_path No None The wandb run path. If None, uses the run that is being resumed.
wandb_file_path Yes N/A The path to the checkpoint file in the W&B file system.

Saving: Unlike log and load, save may be an array of options so that you can save to different locations in a run.

All save locations have these configuration options

Option Required Default Description
save_to Yes N/A Must be local, huggingface, or wandb.
save_latest_to No None Sets the relative path to save the latest model to.
save_best_to No None Sets the relative path to save the best model to every time the model has a lower validation loss than all previous models.
save_meta_to No None The path to save metadata files in. This includes the config files used to start the training.
save_type No checkpoint The type of save. checkpoint saves a checkpoint, model saves a model without any fluff (Saves with ema if ema is enabled).

If using local

Option Required Default Description
save_to Yes N/A Must be local.

If using huggingface

Option Required Default Description
save_to Yes N/A Must be huggingface.
huggingface_repo Yes N/A The huggingface repository to save to.
token_path No None If logging in with the huggingface cli is not possible, point to a token file instead.

If using wandb

Option Required Default Description
save_to Yes N/A Must be wandb.
wandb_run_path No None The wandb run path. If None, uses the current run. You will almost always want this to be None.


  1. If your shard files have the paths protocol://path/to/shard/00104.tar, then the base url would be protocol://path/to/shard/{}.tar. If you are using a protocol like s3, you need to pipe the tars. For example pipe:s3cmd get s3://bucket/path/{}.tar -.

  2. This refers to the string length of the shard number for your webdataset shards. For instance, if your webdataset shard has the filename 00104.tar, your shard length is 5.

  3. Inside the webdataset tar, you have files named something like 001045945.jpg. 5 of these characters refer to the shard, and 4 refer to the index of the file in the webdataset (shard is 001041 and index is 5945). The index_width in this case is 4.